SQL Server table structure (with constraints) replicates stored procedures

Various constraints in SQL Server and methods of querying various constraints using sql are introduced in the paper. Based on the above, table structure is implemented in this paper.

(Contains constraints) The storage process of replication. The stored procedure is tested on SQL Server 2008 and SQL Server 2014. sql is as follows

 * Table structure replication (with constraints) stored procedures
 * Time: 2017/7/23 19:54:38
if object_id(N'sp_copy_table' ,N'P') is not null
    drop procedure sp_copy_table;

create procedure sp_copy_table
	@srcTableName varchar(200),
	@dstTableName varchar(220)
	set nocount on
	begin try
		-- If the source table does not exist, an exception is thrown
		declare @tabID varchar(30) = object_id(@srcTableName ,N'U'); 
		if @tabID is null
		    raiserror('src table not exists' ,16 ,1); 
		-- If the target table already exists, an exception is thrown
		if object_id(@dstTableName ,N'U') is not null
		    raiserror('destination table already exists' ,16 ,1);
		-- Create tables (do not copy data)
		declare @createSql varchar(max) = '';
		set @createSql = 'SELECT * INTO ' + @dstTableName + ' FROM ' + @srcTableName 
		    + ' WHERE 1 > 1';
		exec (@createSql); 
		-- ============== Adding constraints ================
		-- ============= 1. unique constraint / primary constraint =============
		declare @tb1 table
		        (IdxName varchar(255) ,colName varchar(255) ,consType tinyint)
		declare @tb2 table
		        (IdxName varchar(255) ,colName varchar(255) ,consType tinyint)
		-- Primary key constraints and unique constraints for querying the original table(Unified constraints may work on multiple columns, with the result set as multiple columns)
		insert into @tb1
		select idx.name as idxName
		      ,col.name as colName
		      ,(case when idx.is_primary_key = 1 then 1 
                             when idx.is_unique_constraint = 1 then 2 else 0 end) consType
		from   sys.indexes idx
		       join sys.index_columns idxCol
		       on (
		           idx.object_id = idxCol.object_id
		           and idx.index_id = idxCol.index_id
		           and (idx.is_unique_constraint = 1 or idx.is_primary_key = 1)
		       join sys.columns col
		       on (idx.object_id = col.object_id and idxCol.column_id = col.column_id)
		       where idx.[object_id] = @tabID
		-- According to the constraint name, a set of multi-row results of the same constraint is combined into one row and written to the temporary table.
		insert into @tb2
		select idxName
		      ,colsName = stuff(
		               select ',' + colName
		               from   @tb1
		                      where IdxName = a.idxName
		               and consType = a.consType for xml path('')
		from   @tb1 a;
		-- @tb1 Temporary table data is useless, delete
		from   @tb1; 
		-- Loop traversal constraints to write to the target table
		declare @checkName     varchar(255)
		       ,@colName       varchar(255)
		       ,@consType      varchar(255)
		       ,@tmp           varchar(max);
		while exists(
		          select 1
		          from   @tb2
		    select @checkName = IdxName
		          ,@colName = colName
		          ,@consType = consType
		    from   @tb2;
		    -- Primary key constraint		
		    if @consType = 1
		        set @tmp = 'ALTER TABLE ' + @dstTableName + ' ADD CONSTRAINT ' 
                            + @checkName + '_01' 
		            + ' PRIMARY KEY (' + @colName + ')';
		        exec (@tmp);
		    end-- 	Unique constraint
		    if @consType = 2
		        set @tmp = 'ALTER TABLE ' + @dstTableName + ' ADD CONSTRAINT ' 
                            + @checkName + '_01' 
		            + ' UNIQUE (' + @colName + ')'; 
		        exec (@tmp);
		    -- After use, delete
		    from   @tb2
		    where  IdxName = @checkName
		           and colName = @colName;
		-- ================= 2. Foreign key constraints ===================
		declare @tb3 table (fkName varchar(255) ,colName varchar(255) ,referTabName varchar(255),
                      referColName varchar(255))
		-- Query source table foreign key constraints and write to temporary table
		insert into @tb3
		select fk.name as fkName
		      ,SubCol.name as colName
		      ,oMain.name as referTabName
		      ,MainCol.name as referColName
		from   sys.foreign_keys fk
		       join sys.all_objects oSub
		       on (fk.parent_object_id = oSub.object_id)
		       join sys.all_objects oMain
		       on (fk.referenced_object_id = oMain.object_id)
		       join sys.foreign_key_columns fkCols
		       on (fk.object_id = fkCols.constraint_object_id)
		       join sys.columns SubCol
		       on (oSub.object_id = SubCol.object_id and fkCols.parent_column_id = SubCol.column_id)
		       join sys.columns MainCol
		       on (oMain.object_id = MainCol.object_id
                           and fkCols.referenced_column_id = MainCol.column_id)
		       where oSub.[object_id] = @tabID;
		-- Traverse through each foreign key constraint and write to the target table
		declare @referTabName     varchar(255)
		       ,@referColName     varchar(255);
		while exists(
		          select 1
		          from   @tb3
		    select @checkName = fkName
		          ,@colName = colName
		          ,@referTabName = referTabName
		          ,@referColName = referColName
		    from   @tb3;
		    set @tmp = 'ALTER TABLE ' + @dstTableName + ' ADD CONSTRAINT ' 
                        + @checkName + '_01' 
		        + ' FOREIGN KEY (' + @colName + ') REFERENCES ' 
                        + @referTabName + '(' + @referColName + ')';
		    exec (@tmp);
		    from   @tb3
		    where  fkName = @checkName;
		-- =============== 3.CHECK constraint ===================
		declare @tb4 table (checkName varchar(255) ,colName varchar(255) ,
                    definition varchar(max));
		insert into @tb4
		select chk.name as checkName
		      ,col.name as colName
		from   sys.check_constraints chk
		       join sys.columns col
		       on (chk.parent_object_id = col.object_id and chk.parent_column_id = col.column_id)
		       where chk.parent_object_id = @tabID
		-- Travel through each CHECK Constraints, adding constraints to the target table
		declare @definition varchar(max);
		while exists(
		          select 1
		          from   @tb4
		    select @checkName = checkName
		          ,@colName = colName
		          ,@definition = [definition]
		    from   @tb4;
		    set @tmp = 'ALTER TABLE ' + @dstTableName + ' ADD CONSTRAINT ' 
                        + @checkName + '_01' 
		        + ' CHECK ' + @definition;
		    exec (@tmp);
		    from   @tb4
		    where  checkName = @checkName;
		--  ================ 4. default constraint =====================
		insert into @tb4
		select df.name as checkName
		      ,c.name as colName
		from   sys.default_constraints df
		       join sys.[columns] as c
		       on df.parent_column_id = c.column_id
		       and df.parent_object_id = c.[object_id]
		       where df.parent_object_id = @tabID;
		-- Travel through each default constraint
		while exists(
		          select 1
		          from   @tb4
		    select @checkName = checkName
		          ,@colName = colName
		          ,@definition = [definition]
		    from   @tb4;
		    set @tmp = 'ALTER TABLE ' + @dstTableName + ' ADD CONSTRAINT ' 
                        + @checkName + '_01' 
		        + ' DEFAULT ' + @definition + ' FOR ' + @colName;
		    print 'default: ' + @tmp;
		    exec (@tmp);
		    from   @tb4
		    where  checkName = @checkName;
	end try
	begin catch
		-- Output error message
		select error_number() as ErrorNumber
		      ,error_severity() as ErrorSeverity
		      ,error_state() as ErrorState
		      ,error_procedure() as ErrorProcedure
		      ,error_line() as ErrorLine
		      ,error_message() as ErrorMessage
	end catch

Once the stored procedure is defined, it can be called to replicate the table structure. Here we use the Schedule table of ReportServer database for testing.

use ReportServer
exec dbo.sp_copy_table
     @srcTableName = '[dbo].Schedule'
    ,@dstTableName = '[dbo].Schedule_bak'

exec sp_help 'dbo.Schedule_bak'
You can see that the Schedule table of the ReportServer database has been successfully copied


1. Because some system tables of the database are used in the storage process, the data of the system tables in different databases are inconsistent.

The stored procedure does not support replicating table structures across databases. Make sure that the stored procedure is newly created in the database where table replication is required.

Re-invoking stored procedures for table structure replication

2. When the Schedule table of the ReportServer database is replicated with table structure, the following warnings will be given:

Warning! Maximum key length is 900 bytes. The maximum length of index'IX_Schedule_01'is 1040 bytes.
 For some large value combinations, the insert/update operation will fail.

This is due to the fact that the unique constraint of the Schedule table contains two varchar columns of 520 length, resulting in the maximum length exceeding the maximum length of the key 900.

Keywords: SQL Database Stored Procedure xml

Added by ag3nt42 on Mon, 10 Jun 2019 22:47:39 +0300