Project start
# 01 - create project
Objective: to create a Vue 3.0 project using Vue cli.
Step 1: open the command line window.
- Note that the directory will be the directory where you created the project.
Step 2: execute the create project command line
Step 3: select custom creation
Step 4: select the Vue router, vuex and CSS pre processors options
Step 5: select vue3.0 version
Step 6: select the route in hash mode
Step 7: select less as the preprocessor
Step 8: select standard code style
Step 9: save the code, verify the code style, and verify the code style when submitting the code
Step 10: save the configuration files that depend on plug-ins or tools in separate files
Step 11: whether to record the above operations, select No
Step 12: wait for installation
Finally: installation is complete
# 02 - catalog adjustment
Objective: to split the functional modules of the project.
General steps:
- Delete useless code and files
- Improve the infrastructure of the project
- Read the code generated by default
Drop code:
Note: the above structure and catalogue are for reference
Some documents needing attention are:
- router/index.js
import { createRouter, createWebHashHistory } from 'vue-router' const routes = [ ] // Create routing instance const router = createRouter({ // Using hash to realize routing history: createWebHashHistory(), // Configure routing rules in the same way as before routes }) export default router
In vue3.0, createRouter is used to create a routing instance, and createWebHashHistory represents a route using hash mode.
- store/index.js
import { createStore } from 'vuex' // Create vuex warehouse and export export default createStore({ state: { // data }, mutations: { // Change data function }, actions: { // Request data function }, modules: { // Sub module }, getters: { // Calculated properties of vuex } })
Create a vuex instance using createStore in vue3.0.
- main.js
import { createApp } from 'vue' import App from './App.vue' import router from './router' import store from './store' // Create a vue application instance createApp(App).use(store).use(router).mount('#app')
Create app in vue3.0 to create an application app.
Two additional profiles are added:
- jsconfig.json
{ "compilerOptions": { "baseUrl": ".", "paths": { "@/*": ["./src/*"], } }, "exclude": ["node_modules", "dist"] }
When we use the path alias @, we can prompt the path.
- .eslintignore
/dist /src/vender
eslint ignores dist and vender when doing style checking.
- Adjust the directory and interpret the generated code
- Add configuration file, path prompt, ignore style verification.
# 03 vuex Foundation
Purpose: know the function of each configuration, the usage of root module vue3.0, and the usage of module with namespace and then vue3.0
- Usage of root module
vue2.0 Create warehouse new Vuex.Store({}) vue3.0 Create warehouse createStore({}) export default createStore({ state: { username: 'zs' }, getters: { newName (state) { return state.username + '!!!' } }, mutations: { updateName (state) { state.username = 'ls' } }, actions: { updateName (ctx) { // Send request setTimeout(() => { ctx.commit('updateName') }, 1000) } }, modules: { } })
<template> <!-- vue2.0 Root element required, vue3.0 It can be code snippets Fragment --> <div> App <!-- 1. Use root module state Data --> <p>{{$store.state.username}}</p> <!-- 2. Use root module getters Data --> <p>{{$store.getters['newName']}}</p> <button @click="mutationsFn">mutationsFn</button> </div> </template> <script> import { useStore } from 'vuex' export default { name: 'App', setup () { // Using vuex warehouse const store = useStore() // 1. Use the data of the root module state console.log(store.state.username) // 2. Use the data of the root module getters console.log(store.getters.newName) const mutationsFn = () => { // 3. Submit the root module mutations function // store.commit('updateName') // 4. Call the actions function of the root module store.dispatch('updateName') } return { mutationsFn } } } </script>
- modules
- There are two situations
- Default module, state Distinguish modules, others getters mutations actions All in the overall situation.
- With namespace namespaced: true Modules, all functions distinguish modules, higher encapsulation and reuse.
import { createStore } from 'vuex' const moduleA = { // Submodule state is suggested to be written as a function state: () => { return { username: 'modular A' } }, getters: { changeName (state) { return state.username + 'AAAAAA' } } } const moduleB = { // Module with namespace namespaced: true, // Submodule state is suggested to be written as a function state: () => { return { username: 'modular B' } }, getters: { changeName (state) { return state.username + 'BBBBBB' } }, mutations: { // Modify the mutation of the name update (state) { state.username = 'BBBB' + state.username } }, actions: { update ({ commit }) { // Hypothetical request setTimeout(() => { commit('update') }, 2000) } } } // Create vuex warehouse and export export default createStore({ state: { // data person: [ { id: 1, name: 'tom', gender: 'male' }, { id: 2, name: 'lucy', gender: 'female' }, { id: 3, name: 'jack', gender: 'male' } ] }, mutations: { // Change data function }, actions: { // Request data function }, modules: { // Sub module a: moduleA, b: moduleB }, getters: { // Calculated properties of vuex boys: (state) => { return state.person.filter(p => p.gender === 'male') } } })
<template> <div>APP assembly</div> <ul> <li v-for="item in $store.getters.boys" :key="">{{}}</li> </ul> <!-- Use module A of username --> <p>A of username --- {{$store.state.a.username}}</p> <p>A of changeName --- {{$store.getters.changeName}}</p> <hr> <p>B of username --- {{$store.state.b.username}}</p> <p>B of changeName --- {{$store.getters['b/changeName']}}</p> <button @click="$store.commit('b/update')">modify username</button> <button @click="$store.dispatch('b/update')">Asynchronous modification username</button> </template>
# 04 vuex persistence
Purpose: let the status data managed in vuex be stored locally at the same time. You can avoid the link of your own storage.
- In the process of development, user information (name, avatar, token) needs to be stored in vuex and stored locally.
- For another example, shopping carts are also supported when they are not logged in. If they are managed in vuex, pages need to be stored locally.
- We need the category module to store the classification information, but the classification information does not need to be persistent.
1) First of all, we need to install a vuex plug-in vuex persistent state to support the state persistence of vuex.
npm i vuex-persistedstate
2) Then: in src/store New under folder modules File, in modules New under user.js and cart.js
// User module export default { namespaced: true, state () { return { // User information profile: { id: '', avatar: '', nickname: '', account: '', mobile: '', token: '' } } }, mutations: { // Modify user information. payload is the user information object setUser (state, payload) { state.profile = payload } } }
// Shopping cart status export default { namespaced: true, state: () => { return { list: [] } } }
// Classification module export default { namespaced: true, state () { return { // Classification information set list: [] } } }
3) Continue: in src/store/index.js Import the user cart module from.
import { createStore } from 'vuex' import user from './modules/user' import cart from './modules/cart' import cart from './modules/category' export default createStore({ modules: { user, cart, category } })
4) Finally: use the vuex persistent state plug-in for persistence
import { createStore } from 'vuex' +import createPersistedstate from 'vuex-persistedstate' import user from './modules/user' import cart from './modules/cart' import cart from './modules/category' export default createStore({ modules: { user, cart, category }, + plugins: [ + createPersistedstate({ + key: 'erabbit-client-pc-store', + paths: ['user', 'cart'] + }) + ] })
be careful:
===>The default is stored in localStorage
===>Key is the name of the key where the data is stored
===>Paths is the data stored in the state. If it is the specific data under the module, you need to add the module name, such as user.token
===>After the state is modified and triggered, you can see the changes of locally stored data.
Test: The user module defines a mutation, which is called in main.js to observe the data under the localStorage of the browser application.
<template> <div class="container"> <!-- Modify the data and test whether it is persistent --> App {{$store.state.user.profile.account}} <button @click="$store.commit('user/setUser',{account:'zhousg'})">Set user information</button> </div> </template> <script> export default { name: 'App' } </script>
# 05 - Request tool
Purpose: encapsulate a request tool based on axios and use it when calling the interface.
- Installing axios
npm i axios
- newly build src/utils/request.js Module, code as follows
// 1. Create a new axios instance // 2. Request the interceptor to carry the header if there is a token // 3. Response Interceptor: 1. Stripping invalid data 2. Processing token failure // 4. Export a function, call the current axsio instance to send a request, and return the value promise import axios from 'axios' import store from '@/store' import router from '@/router' // Reason for exporting the reference address: the reference address is used in other places where the request is not sent through axios export const baseURL = '' const instance = axios.create({ // Some configurations of axios, baseurl timeout baseURL, timeout: 5000 }) instance.interceptors.request.use(config => { // Intercept business logic // Make changes to the requested configuration // If there is a local token, it will be carried in the head // 1. Get user information object const { profile } = store.state.user // 2. Judge whether there is a token if (profile.token) { // 3. Set token config.headers.Authorization = `Bearer ${profile.token}` } return config }, err => { return Promise.reject(err) }) // Res = > takes out the data. When calling the interface in the future, the data directly obtained is the background data instance.interceptors.response.use(res =>, err => { // 401 status code, enter the function if (err.response && err.response.status === 401) { // 1. Clear invalid user information // 2. Jump to login page // 3. The jump needs to pass the parameter (current routing address) to the login page number store.commit('user/setUser', {}) // Current routing address // Inside the component: ` / user? A = 10 ` $route. Path = = / user $route. Fullpath = = = / user? A = 10 // js module: route.currentroute.value.fullpath is the current route address, and route.currentroute is ref responsive data const fullPath = encodeURIComponent(router.currentRoute.value.fullPath) // encodeURIComponent converts uri codes to prevent problems in resolving addresses router.push('/login?redirectUrl=' + fullPath) } return Promise.reject(err) }) // Request tool function export default (url, method, submitData) => { // Responsible for sending requests: request address, request method and submitted data return instance({ url, method, // 1. If it is a get request, you need to use params to pass SubmitData? a=10&c=10 // 2. If it is not a get request, you need to use data to pass the parameters of the submitData request body // [] set a dynamic KEY and write a js expression. The execution result of the js expression is regarded as a KEY // method parameters: get, get, convert to lowercase and then judge // In the object, ['params']:submitData ===== params:submitData [method.toLowerCase() === 'get' ? 'params' : 'data']: submitData }) }
# 06 - Routing Design
Objective: to know the design of project routing level
route | Components (functions) | Nesting level |
/ | Home page layout container | Level 1 |
/ | home page | Level 2 |
/category/:id | Primary classification | Level 2 |
/category/sub/:id | Secondary classification | Level 2 |
/product/:id | Product details | Level 2 |
/login | Sign in | Level 1 |
/login/callback | Third party login callback | Level 1 |
/cart | Shopping Cart | Level 2 |
/member/checkout | Fill in the order | Level 2 |
/member/pay | Make payment | Level 2 |
/member/pay/result | Payment results | Level 2 |
/member | Personal center layout container | Level 2 |
/member | Personal Center | Level 3 |
/member/order | Order management | Level 3 |
/member/order/:id | Order details | Level 3 |