Experimental content
1. Assuming that the sparse matrix A of n*n is represented by a triple, a program ex6-1.cpp is designed to achieve the following functions:
(1) the triples a and b of the following two sparse matrices are generated.
{ 1 0 3 0 {3 0 0 0
0 1 0 0 0 4 0 0
0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0
0 0 1 1} 0 0 0 2}
(2) triple of output a transpose matrix
(3) triple of output a+b
(4) output triple of axb
2. Design an algorithm to calculate the sum of diagonal elements of a sparse matrix represented by a triple table
3. Design an algorithm, Same (g1,g2), to judge whether two generalized g1 and g2 are the Same
code implementation
#include<stdio.h> #define N 4 typedef int ElemType; #define MaxSize 100 / * maximum number of non-zero elements of matrix*/ typedef struct { int r;/*Line number*/ int c;/*Column number*/ ElemType d;/*Element value*/ }TupNode;/*Triple definition*/ typedef struct { int rows;/*Row value*/ int cols;/*Column value*/ int nums;/*Number of non-zero elements*/ TupNode data[MaxSize]; }TSMatrix;/*Storage structure of triples*/ void CreatMat(TSMatrix &t,ElemType A[N][N])/*Triple representation of non generated sparse matrix A*/ { int i,j; t.rows=N;t.cols=N;t.nums=0; for(i=0;i<N;i++) { for(j=0;j<N;j++) if(A[i][j]!=0) { t.data[t.nums].r=i;t.data[t.nums].c=j; t.data[t.nums].d=A[i][j]; t.nums++; } } } void DispMat(TSMatrix t)/*Output triplet representation*/ { int i; if(t.nums<=0) return; printf("\t%d\t%d\n",t.rows,t.cols,t.nums); printf("\t------------------\n"); for(i=0;i<t.nums;i++) printf("\t%d\t%d\n",t.data[i].r,t.data[i].c,t.data[i].d); } void TranMat(TSMatrix t,TSMatrix &tb)/*Finding the transposition tb of the triple representation t*/ { int p,q=0,v;/*q Is the subscript of tb.data*/ tb.rows=t.cols;tb.cols=t.rows;tb.nums=t.nums; if(t.nums!=0) { for(v=0;v<t.cols;v++)/*tb.data[q]The records in are arranged in the order of field c*/ for(p=0;p<t.nums;p++)/*p Is the subscript of t.data*/ if(t.data[p].c==v) { tb.data[q].r=t.data[p].c; tb.data[q].c=t.data[p].r; tb.data[q].d=t.data[p].d; q++; } } } int MatAdd(TSMatrix a,TSMatrix b,TSMatrix &c) { int i=0,j=0,k=0; ElemType v; if(a.rows!=b.rows ||a.cols!=b.cols) return 0;/*Cannot add when the number of rows or columns is different*/ c.rows=a.rows;c.cols=a.cols; while(i<a.nums && j<b.nums)/*Handle each element in a and b*/ { if(a.data[i].r==b.data[j].r)/*When line numbers are equal*/ { if(a.data[i].c<b.data[j].c)/*a Column number of element is less than that of element b*/ { c.data[k].r=a.data[i].r;/*Add a element to c*/ c.data[k].c=a.data[i].c; c.data[k].d=a.data[i].d; k++;i++; } else if(a.data[i].c>b.data[j].c)/*a Column number of element is greater than that of element b*/ { c.data[k].r=b.data[i].r;/*Add b element to c*/ c.data[k].c=b.data[i].c; c.data[k].d=b.data[i].d; k++;j++; } else /*a The column number of element is equal to the sequence number of element b*/ { v=a.data[i].d+b.data[j].d; if(v!=0)/*Only nodes that are not 0 will be added to c*/ { c.data[k].r=a.data[i].r; c.data[k].c=a.data[i].c; c.data[k].d=v; } i++;j++; } } else if(a.data[i].r<b.data[j].r)/*a Element's line number is less than b element's line number*/ { c.data[k].r=b.data[i].r;/*Add b element to c*/ c.data[k].c=b.data[i].c; c.data[k].d=b.data[i].d; k++;i++; } else { c.data[k].r=b.data[j].r;/*Add b element to c*/ c.data[k].c=b.data[j].c; c.data[k].d=b.data[j].d; k++;j++; } c.nums=k; } return 1; } int value(TSMatrix c,int i,int j) { int k=0; while(k<c.nums && (c.data[k].r!=i || c.data[k].c!=j)) k++; if(k<c.nums) return (c.data[k].d); else return 0; } int MatMul(TSMatrix a,TSMatrix b,TSMatrix &c)/*Seeking c=a*b*/ { int i,j,k,p=0; ElemType s; if(a.cols!=b.rows)/*a Cannot multiply when the number of columns of is not equal to the number of rows of b*/ return 0; for(i=0;i<a.rows;i++) for(j=0;j<b.cols;j++) { s=0; for(k=0;k<a.cols;k++) s=s+value(a,i,k)*value(b,k,j); if(s!=0)/*Generate a triple element*/ { c.data[p].r=i; c.data[p].c=j; c.data[p].d=s; p++; } } c.rows=a.rows; c.cols=b.cols; c.nums=p; return 1; } int main() { ElemType a1[N][N]={{1,0,3,0},{0,1,0,0},{0,0,1,0},{0,0,1,1}}; ElemType b1[N][N]={{3,0,0,0},{0,4,0,0},{0,0,1,0},{0,0,0,2}}; TSMatrix a,b,c; CreatMat(a,a1); CreatMat(b,b1); printf("a Triples of:\n");DispMat(a); printf("b Triples of:\n");DispMat(b); printf("a Transpose to c\n"); TranMat(a,c); printf("c Triples of:\n");DispMat(c); printf("c=a+b\n"); MatAdd(a,b,c); printf("c Triples of:\n");DispMat(c); printf("c=a*b\n"); MatMul(a,b,c); printf("c Triples of:\n");DispMat(c); }
Screenshot of results:
#include<iostream> using namespace std; #define N 4 #define MaxSize 100 typedef int ElemType; typedef struct { int r;//Line number int c;//Column number ElemType d;//Element value }TupNode;//Triple definition typedef struct { int rows;//Row number int cols;//Column number int nums;//Number of non-zero elements TupNode data[MaxSize]; }TSMatrix;//Triple order table definition //Triple representation t of sparse matrix A void CreatMat(TSMatrix &t, ElemType A[N][N]) { int i, j; t.rows = N; t.cols = N; t.nums = 0; for (i = 0; i < N; i++) { for (j = 0; j < N; j++) { if (A[i][j] != 0) { t.data[t.nums].r = i; t.data[t.nums].c = j; t.data[t.nums].d = A[i][j]; t.nums++; } } } } //Output triple represents t void DispMat(TSMatrix t) { int i; if (t.nums <= 0) return; else printf("\t%d\t%d\t%d\n", t.rows, t.cols, t.nums); printf("\t---------------------------\n"); for (i = 0; i < t.nums; i++) { printf("\t%d\t%d\t%d\n", t.data[i].r, t.data[i].c, t.data[i].d); } } bool diagonal(TSMatrix a, ElemType &sum) { sum = 0; if (a.rows != a.cols) { printf("Not diagonal matrix\n"); return false; } for (int i = 0; i < a.nums; i++) { if (a.data[i].r == a.data[i].c) sum += a.data[i].d; } return true; } int main() { ElemType sum,A[N][N] = { {1,0,0,0},{0,3,0,5},{0,0,5,0},{0,0,0,7} }; TSMatrix a; CreatMat(a, A); printf("A Three tuple\n"); DispMat(a); diagonal(a, sum); printf("The sum of diagonal elements is%d\n", sum); return 0; }
Screenshot of results:
#include<iostream> using namespace std; typedef struct lnode { int tag;//Node type identification union { char data; struct lnode *sublist; }val; struct lnode *link;//Point to next element }GLNode;//Declaring generalized table node types //Returns the generalized table concatenated storage structure of s represented by bracket notation GLNode *CreateGL(const char * &s) { GLNode *g; char ch = * s++;//Take a character if (ch != '\0')//String not ended judgment { g = (GLNode *)malloc(sizeof(GLNode)); if (ch == '(') { g->tag = 1; g->val.sublist = CreateGL(s); } else if (ch == ')') g = NULL; else if (ch == '#') g->val.sublist = NULL; else { g->tag = 0; g->val.data = ch; } } else g = NULL; ch = * s++; if (g != NULL) { if (ch == ',') g->link = CreateGL(s); else g->link = NULL; } return g; } //Output generalized table g void DispGL(GLNode *g) { if (g != NULL) { if (g->tag == 0) cout << g->val.data; else { cout << "("; if (g->val.sublist == NULL) cout << "#"; else DispGL(g->val.sublist); cout << ")"; } if (g->link != NULL) { cout << ","; DispGL(g->link); } } } //Destroy generalized table g void DestroyGL(GLNode * &g) { GLNode *g1, *g2; g1 = g->val.sublist; while (g1 != NULL) { if (g1->tag == 0) { g2 = g1->link; free(g1); g1 = g2; } else { g2 = g1->link; DestroyGL(g1); g1 = g2; } } free(g); } bool Same(GLNode *g1, GLNode *g2) { if (g1 == NULL && g2 == NULL) return true; else if (g1 == NULL || g2 == NULL) return false; else { if (g1->tag == 0 && g2->tag == 0) { if (g1->val.data != g2->val.data) return false; return(Same(g1->link, g2->link)); } else if (g1->tag == 1 && g2->tag == 1) return(Same(g1->val.sublist, g2->val.sublist)) &Same(g1->link, g2->link); else return false; } } int main() { GLNode *g1, *g2; const char * str1 ="(b,(b,a,(#),d),((a,b),c,((,))))"; const char * str2= "(b,(b,a,(#),d),((a,b),c,((#))))"; g1 = CreateGL(str1); g2 = CreateGL(str2); cout << "Generalized table g1:"; DispGL(g1); cout << endl; cout << "Generalized table g2:"; DispGL(g2); cout << endl; if (Same(g1, g2)) { cout << "Generalized table g1,g2 identical" << endl; } else cout<< "Generalized table g1,g2 Inequality" << endl; DestroyGL(g1); DestroyGL(g2); return 0; }
Screenshot of results: