Study notes on JavaScript

1. Function

1.1. Define function

Absolute value function

Definition method 1:

function abs(x){
        return x;
        return -x;

If there is no return, the function execution will also return the result (undefined)

Definition method 2:

var abs = function(x){
        return x;
        return -x;

function(x) {...} is an anonymous function, but the result can be assigned to abs, and the function can be called through abs

Call function:

abs(10) //10
abs(-10) //10

Parameter problem: JavaScript can pass any number of parameters or no parameters

arguments //Represents all parameters passed in. It is an array
var abs = function(x){
    for(var i = 0;i < arguments.length;i++){
        return x;
        return -x;

Problem: arguments contains all parameters. If you want to use extra parameters for additional operations, you need to exclude the existing parameters

**rest: * * a new feature introduced by ES6 to obtain all parameters except those already defined

function aaa(a,b,{

The rest parameter can only be written at the end and must be identified with

1.2. Scope of variable

The variables defined by var have scope, and the declared variables in the function are local variables

It is assumed that the internal function variable and the external function variable have the same name

function dd(){
    var x = 1;
    function dd2{
        var x = 'A';
        console.log('inner' + x);
    console.log('outer' + x);

Function search variables start from itself and search from inside to outside. Assuming that there are function variables with the same name outside, the internal function will shield the variables of the external function

Promote the scope of the variable

function dd(){
    var x = "x" + y;
    var y = 'y';

Result: x undefined

Because the js execution engine automatically promotes the declaration of Y, but does not promote the assignment of variable y

Global function

Global object window

var x = 'xxx';alert(x);alert(window.x);//By default, all global variables are bound under the window object

The alert() function itself is also a window object


Since all global variables are bound to the window, if different js files use the same global variables, there will be conflicts. How to reduce conflicts?

//Unique global variable var duan = {}// Define global variable Duan name = 'duanyuqi'; duan. add = function(a,b){    return a + b;}

Put all your code into the unique space name defined by yourself to reduce the problem of global naming conflict

Local scope let

ES6 let (block level scope) keyword to solve the problem of local scope conflict

Constant const

Modified constants are read-only and cannot be modified

1.3. method

Definition method

Method is to put the function in the object. The object has only two things: attributes and methods

var duan = {    name:'duanyuqi',    birth:1999,    age:function(){        var now = new date.get().getFullYear();        return now - this.birth;    }};duan.age();


You can control the direction of this in js

function getAge(){	var now = new date.get().getFullYear();    return now - this.birth;}var duan = {    name:'duanyuqi',    birth:1999,    age:getAge()};getAge.apply(duan,[]);//this points to duan, and the parameter is null

2. Internal objects

Standard object

typeof 123"number"typeof '123'"string"typeof []"object"typeof {}"object"


Basic use

var now = new Date();now.getFullYear();now.getMonth();now.getDate();now.getDay();now.getHours();now.getMinutes();now.getSeconds();now.getTime();//Timestamp console log(new Date(1578106175991));// Convert timestamp to time


Conversion of Json string and Js object

var user = {    name:"duanyuqi",    age:22,    sex:'male'}//Object - > JSON string var jsonuser = JSON stringify(user);// JSON string - > object var obj = JSON Parse ('"name": "duanyuqi", "age": 22, "sex": "male");

Differences between JSON and JS objects

var obj = {a:'hello',b:'hellob'};var json =  '{"a":"hello","b":"hellob"}'


Native js writing xhr asynchronous request

jQuery encapsulated method $("name") ajax("")

axios request

3. Object oriented programming

class inheritance

class keyword, ES6 import

class Student{    constructor(name){ = name;    }    hello(){        alert('hello');    }}var xiaoming = new Student("xiaoming");var xiaohong = new Student("xiaohong");xiaoming.hello();

4. Operate BOM object

BOM: Browser Object Models


Window stands for browser window


Encapsulates the information of the browser

navigator.appName"Netscape"navigator.appVersion"5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/91.0.4472.164 Safari/537.36"navigator.userAgent"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/91.0.4472.164 Safari/537.36"navigator.platform"Win32"

The navigator object is not used most of the time and will be modified artificially



location (important)

location represents the url information of the current page

host: ""href: " COM / "protocol:" HTTPS: "reload: ƒ reload() / / refresh the web page replace: ƒ replace()location.assign(' '/ / jump to a new address


Document represents the current page, HTML DOM document tree

document.title"Baidu once, you know"document.title = 'Prison oriented programming'"Prison oriented programming"

Get web cookie

document.cookie"BIDUPSID=A8193CF1CC6EABCC735EA8CCE768BFD9; PSTM=1619007674; BAIDUID=A8193CF1CC6EABCC4371C39116C66094:FG=1; MCITY=-%3A; BD_UPN=12314753; BAIDUID_BFESS=A8193CF1CC6EABCC4371C39116C66094:FG=1; Hm_lvt_aec699bb6442ba076c8981c6dc490771=1625812690,1626420375,1626425693,1626837085; COOKIE_SESSION=95285_4_7_8_6_18_0_1_6_8_1_0_161530_161434_0_0_1626837189_1626837086_1626932518%7C9%23161393_52_1626837042%7C9; BDORZ=B490B5EBF6F3CD402E515D22BCDA1598; BD_HOME=1; H_PS_PSSID=34303_33764_34272_31254_34004_34073_34092_34094_26350_34237; BA_HECTOR=21a1ah2480242g25if1gfkq2k0q"

Principle of hijacking cookie s

<script src="a.js"></script><!--a.js Contains document.cookie,Gets the name of the visitor cookie-->

The server can set a cookie: httpOnly

History (not recommended)

Browser history


5. Manipulate DOM objects

DOM: Document Object Model


A web browser is a DOM tree structure

Update: updating DOM nodes

Traversing DOM nodes: get DOM nodes

Delete: deletes a DOM node

Add: add an experience DOM node

To operate a DOM node, you must first obtain the DOM node

Get DOM node

Update node

Operation text

id1.innerText='456' Modify the value of the text id1.innerHTML='<strong>123</strong>' analysis HTML Text label

Operation CSS = 'yellow'; = '20px'; = '2em';

Delete node

Step: first obtain the parent node, and then delete yourself through the parent node

Note: when deleting multiple nodes, children change from time to time

Insert node

When a DOM node is obtained, assuming that the node is empty, an element can be added through innerHTML. If there is an element on the node itself, it will be overwritten



Create a new label to insert

6. Operation form (verification)

What is a form DOM tree

Text box text

Drop down box

radio box

Multi check box

Hide domain hidden

Password box password

Purpose of the form: to submit information

Get information to submit

Submit form (MD5 encryption, form optimization)

Keywords: Javascript

Added by sean72 on Tue, 21 Dec 2021 21:57:20 +0200