Study notes
1. Interface request status value
100: Temporary response 200: success 300: redirect 400: Access error 500: Server error; 502 no response
2.css Style
Hide slider:ul::-webkit-scrollbar { display: none;}
Control placeholder:
Invalid tr label set for table:
border-collapse: collapse;
Hide the small eyes of the input password box:
::-ms-reveal { display: none;}
input cursor color:
Print this page:<el-button type="success" class @click="$print">
Determine whether it is an element node:
node.nodeType==1;(1: Element node, 2: attribute node; 3: Text node)
Judgment type:
Get custom properties:
element.dataset / element.getAttribute
Single line text out of hiding:
width: 500px; overflow: hidden; white-space: nowrap; text-overflow: ellipsis;
Multiline text out of hiding:
overflow: hidden; display: -webkit-box; -webkit-box-orient: vertical; -webkit-line-clamp: 4;
Judgment undefined:
typeof(exp) == 'undefined'
src dynamic splicing in img:
String to JSON object / JSON object to string:
JSON.parse() / JSON.stringify()
label invalid:
for corresponding id Not unique
Check whether there is a specified attribute in its own attribute:
Keep n decimal places
apply gets the maximum and minimum values of the array:
const arr = [15, 6, 12, 13, 16]; const max = Math.max.apply(Math, arr); // 16 const min = Math.min.apply(Math, arr); // 6
Array summation, maximum, minimum
//Sum array.reduce((a,b) => a+b); //Maximum array.reduce((a,b) => a>b?a:b); //minimum value array.reduce((a,b) => a<b?a:b);
Remove duplicate values
const array = [5,4,7,8,9,2,7,5]; array.filter((item,idx,arr) => arr.indexOf(item) === idx); // or const nonUnique = [ Set(array)]; // Output: [5, 4, 7, 8, 9, 2]
Determines whether an object has a specified object
Object.hasOwn(sert,'aaa') //Used instead of object prototype. hasOwnProperty
Gets an array of key value pairs in an object
const obj = {name:"123",age:12}; console.log(Object.entries(obj)) // [["name","123"],["age","12"]]
Fill some strings before and after to achieve some formatting effect padStart padEnd
//The maximum length to be filled in parameter 1 and the characters to be filled in parameter 2. The default is space filling. const message = "Hello World" const newMessage = message.padStart(15, "*").padEnd(20, "-") console.log(newMessage) // ****Hello World----- //If the maximum length of the padding is less than the length of the original string, the original string will be output. const message = "Hello World" console.log(message.padStart(1, 0)) //Hello World //If the sum of the length of the complement string and the original string exceeds the maximum length, the complement string exceeding the number of digits will be truncated. '12'.padStart(10, 'YYYY-MM-DD') // "YYYY-MM-12" '09-12'.padStart(10, 'YYYY-MM-DD') // "YYYY-09-12"
Flatten the nested array into a one-dimensional array. This method returns a new array
//Parameter indicating how many layers of the array need to be expanded. The default value is 1. [1, 2, [3, [4, 5]]].flat() // [1, 2, 3, [4, 5]] [1, 2, [3, [4, 5]]].flat(2) // [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] //If you want to convert to a one-dimensional array no matter how many layers of nesting, you can use the Infinity keyword as a parameter. [1, [2, [3]]].flat(Infinity) // [1, 2, 3] //If the original array has empty bits, the flat() method skips the empty bits. [1, 2, , 4, 5].flat() // [1, 2, 4, 5]
Through object Entries converts an object into entries
const obj = { name: "zh", age: 22 } const entries = Object.entries(obj) const newObj = Object.fromEntries(entries) console.log(newObj) //{ name: 'zh', age: 22 }
Before es11, we calculated by 𞓜. But it will have some problems. When the previous operand is 0, "" etc., the second operand will still be assigned.
const foo = 0 const bar1 = foo || "default value" const bar2 = foo ?? "defualt value" console.log(bar1, bar2) // default value 0
Converts a query string into an object
const queryString = 'name=zh&age=2' const queryParams = new URLSearchParams(queryString) console.log(queryParams) // {'name'=>'zh','age'=>'22'} const paramObj = Object.fromEntries(queryParams) console.log(paramObj);
Event delegation:$("ul").on("click","",function () {})
Get whether the checkbox radio box is selected:
$("input name='reply']:checked").val()
Force re rendering of data:this.$forceUpdate()
Invalid set height:
html,body,#app {height: 100%;}
Write click event in sub component:
vue parent component invokes rule validation of child component's form:
this.$refs["SelectTime"].$refs.ruleForm.validate(async (valid) => { })
props parent to child:
props:{ title:{ type:Object,default:()=>{ return '123' } } }
watch depth monitoring:
Get element height:
Throttling through custom attributes:
<button v-debounce>determine</button> import Vue from "vue"; Vue.directive("debounce", { //Throttling implementation inserted: function(el, binding) { el.addEventListener("click", () => { if (!el.disabled) { el.disabled = true; setTimeout(() => { el.disabled = false; }, binding.value || 3000); } }); } });
Get ref:const MyHome = ref<HTMLElement|null>(null)
Reference to third-party component libraries:
declare global { interface Window { vrv: any; }} perhaps declare var vrv: any;=>(shims-vue.d.ts) [.eslintrc.js]in globals:{vrv:true};
To add a global variable to an ESLint rule:
.eslintrc.js in globals
Error in getting value from parent to child / props:
list: {type: Array,default:null,},
Pass values from child components to parent components:
context.emit("children",'123'); You also need to define emits: emits: ["children"],
Invalid dynamic rendering url picture:
url: require("../../assets/img/exam/img-1.png"),
Using vuex
import { useStore } from "vuex"; let store = useStore(); store.state.annualCheck.otherData use mutations Method of store.commit("annualCheck/examTimeChange", number); use actions Method of store.dispatch("user/setuser", userObj);
Event get parameter objectfunction text(item: { objType: string; id: string; }){ }
8. Regular expression
Get the picture address in rich text and replace it/str = str.replace(/src="(\.\.\/)*(\w+\/)+\w+\.(bmp|jpg|png|tif|gif|pcx|tga|exif|fpx|svg|psd|cdr|pcd|dxf|ufo|eps|ai|raw|WMF|webp|jpeg)/gi,v=>{ v = v.replace(/\.\.\//,'') return v; })
9.Vs code
Format on saveformat automatically after saving -
Case recognition of open file: setting – editing configuration file: ignorecase = true [false: open case] -
//verification this.$refs.examine.validateField("barCode"); this.rules.barCode= [{ required: true, message: 'Please upload pictures' }] //Cancel validation this.$refs.examine.clearValidate('barCode'); //input only numbers are allowed @change="value=value.replace(/[^\d]/g,'')"
Return to the previous page and refreshlet pages = getCurrentPages(); // Current page let beforePage = pages[pages.length - 2]; // previous page uni.navigateBack({ success: function() { beforePage.onLoad(); // Execute the onLoad method on the previous page, which does not take effect. Find the operation by outputting beforePage } });
Get status bar height
Configuration information of mobile phone uni.getSystemInfoSync() Navigation bar height uni.getSystemInfoSync().statusBarHeight
13. English
handle //operation self //own secretary //secretary check //assessment increased //newly added decrease //reduce edit //edit push //Push Apush //Pushed issue //release Aissue //Published totalPoints //Total score decide //judge
xAxis: name //Axis name boundaryGap //Left blank strategy on both sides of coordinate axis axisTick:{ show:false, //Whether to display axis scale (small tip) } axisLable:{ align:"center", //Text alignment under axis fontSize:10, //Text size interval:0, //Number of intervals when displaying data } yAxis: splitNumber:5, //Number of segments for the axis offset:-20, //Offset of the y-axis from the default position min:0, //Axis scale min max:100, //Axis scale Max [axisLable] //Same as xAxis grid: left:0, //Absolute value of distance from canvas component to the left top:10%, //Percentage of canvas component from top right:10, bottom:60, series: avoidLabelOverlap:false, //Enable prevent label overlap label:{ show:true, posittion:"center", fontSize:18, fontWeight:"bold", padding:[-100,0,0,0], /* {a}: Series name {b}: Data name {c}: Data value {d}: percentage {@xxx}: The value of the dimension named 'xxx' in the data, for example, {@ product} represents the value of the dimension named 'product' {@[n]}: The value of dimension n in the data, such as {@[3]}, represents the value of dimension 3, counting from 0 */ formatter: '{b}: {d}', //Two forms of string template and callback function are supported: formatter: () = > {return '123'} color:"#ff3241", }, itemStyle:{ borderRadius:[15,15,0,0],//(clockwise, upper left, upper right, lower right, lower left) //Gradient effect. If the color fades when the mouse is placed in the first method, you can use the second method to change it to the same color //The first way, a color color:"#ff3241", //The second way, gradient color: new echarts.graphic.LinearGradient(0, 0, 0, 1, [ {offset: 0,color: "#fe9516"},{offset: 1, color: "#ffcb8c"}, ]), }, symbol:"base64", //Tagged graphics symbolSize: 18, //Size of tag symbolRotate: 6, //Rotation angle of the marker barWidth: 57, //Histogram column width
15. Interview questions
i18n: Vue I18n is Vue JS internationalization plug-in. Switch between Chinese and EnglishThe difference between call, apply and bind
effect: call,apply,bind The function is to change the context of function execution this point difference: apply: Two parameters are accepted. The first parameter is this The second parameter is the parameter accepted by the function, which is passed in the form of array change this After pointing, the original function will execute immediately, and this method is only temporarily changed this Point once When the first parameter is null,undefined The default point is window(In browser) call: accept n The first parameter is this The second and the second are parameters change this After pointing, the original function will execute immediately, and this method is only temporarily changed this Point once When the first parameter is null,undefined The default point is window(In browser) bind: bind Methods and call Very similar, so is the first parameter this The following is also a parameter list(However, this parameter list can be passed in multiple times) change this After pointing, it does not execute immediately, but returns a permanent change this Function pointing to
Implement bind
Function.prototype.myBind = function (context) { // Judge whether the calling object is a function if (typeof this !== "function") { throw new TypeError("Error"); } // Get parameters const args = [...arguments].slice(1), fn = this; return function Fn() { // Different binding values are passed in according to the calling method return fn.apply(this instanceof Fn ? new fn(...arguments) : context, args.concat(...arguments)); } }
Install yarnnpm install -g yarn ##Check whether the installation is successful yarn --version ##Install Taobao image for yarn source change yarn config set registry ##yarn global install vite yarn create vite@2.7.2
Introduce normalize css//Installation dependency npm install normalize.css --save //main.ts introduction import 'normalize.css'
Introducing eslint configuration
npm install --save-dev eslint eslint-plugin-vue or yarn add -D eslint eslint-plugin-vue Root directory creation.eslintrc.js
- .eslintrc.js
module.exports = { root: true, env: { node: true, }, plugins: ["simple-import-sort"], extends: [ "plugin:vue/vue3-recommended", "eslint:recommended", "@vue/typescript/recommended", "@vue/prettier", "@vue/prettier/@typescript-eslint", ], globals: { JSPlugin: true, vrv: true, }, parserOptions: { ecmaVersion: 2020, }, rules: { "no-console": "off", "no-debugger": "off", "no-unused-vars": "off", "@typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars": ["error"], "@typescript-eslint/no-var-requires": 0, // "@typescript-eslint/explicit-module-boundary-types": "off", }, };
- .eslintrc.js