Summary on the use of datagrid in easyui

Recently, I took over a project with a relatively long implementation cycle. The foreground technology is easyUI. Now I need to modify a component, which is simply a selector.

Due to the problem of code confidentiality, the figure of this page is not shown.

The page selector is a text followed by a query icon, which is originally a radio filter. Only one can be selected.

According to the customer's requirements, it is modified to multi-choice magnifier. When you open the delete selector, you need to display the last query record and check the previous one. For example, if I select five items for the first time and then open the filter, these five items should be selected by default.

First, identify the selected data through sql. If 1 is selected, it will not be null.

Then identify by the identification field. Other codes are as follows.

	    nowrap: true,
		formid: 'form1',
		striped: true,
		url: '${systemctx}/publicMagnifier/publicMagnifier.json',
		linkName: 'accountNo',
		callSqlKey: 'magnify.accountmanager.currentaccquery',
		sortName: 'checkType',
		sortOrder: 'asc',
		remoteSort: false,
		singleSelect: false,
		columns: [[
				{field:'ck', checkbox:true},
				{title:'Bank account', field:'accountNo', width:160, sortable:true, align: 'left',formel: 'accountNo'},
				{title:'Opening bank', field:'bankName', width:250, sortable:true, align: 'left'},
				{title:'Account usage', field:'accountPurpose', width:70, sortable:true, align: 'left'},
				{field:'ID', hidden:true,formel:'accountId'},
				{field:'checkType', hidden:true}
		onLoadSuccess : function(data){
			//Get rows in table
			var rows=$('#accountNo_datagrid').datagrid("getRows");
			var rowlength = rows.length;
			for(var i=0;i< rowlength;i++){
			   //If the checkType of the current line is equal to 1, it means it is selected
			       	$('#accountNo_datagrid').datagrid('checkRow', i);
			if('' == $("#agencyId").val()) {
				$.messager.alert('Message hint', "Please select unit magnifier first!");
				return false;
			var exportStartDate = $("#exportStartDate").datebox("getValue");
			if('' == exportStartDate) {
				$.messager.alert('Message hint', "Please select query time first!");
				return false;
			var exportStartDate = $("#exportStartDate").datebox("getValue");
			var accountIdArr = 4444444444;//Fake account, avoid null
				accountIdArr = $("#accountId").val();
		    var queryParams = {
		  		accountIdArr:  accountIdArr,
		  		agencyID:  $("#agencyId").val(),
				accountNO: '%' + $("#accountNo").val() + '%',
				exportStartDate: exportStartDate,
				statusId: '<%=RecordStatus.VALID %>'
		    return queryParams;
	        var accountNos = $("#accountNo").val();
	        var accountIds = $("#accountId").val();


Keywords: SQL JSON

Added by feddie1984 on Fri, 08 Nov 2019 23:27:28 +0200