21. Print rectangle clockwise
class Solution { public: vector<int> printMatrix(vector<vector<int> > matrix) { vector<int>out; out.clear(); int row = matrix.size(); int col = matrix[0].size(); int circle = ((row < col ? row : col) - 1) / 2 + 1; for (int i = 0; i < circle; i++) { for (int j = i; j < col - i; j++) out.push_back(matrix[i][j]); for (int k = i + 1; k < row - i; k++) out.push_back(matrix[k][col - 1-i]); for (int m = col - 2 - i; (m >= i) && (row - 1 - i != i); m--) out.push_back(matrix[row -1- i][m]); for (int n = row - 2 - i; (n > i) && (col - 1 - i != i); n--) out.push_back(matrix[n][i]); } return out; } };
22. Stack containing min function
class Solution { public: stack<int>datastack, minstack; void push(int value) { datastack.push(value); int min = minstack.top(); if (minstack.empty()) minstack.push(value); else if(value>=min) minstack.push(min); else minstack.push(value); } void pop() { datastack.pop(); minstack.pop(); } int top() { return datastack.top(); } int min() { return minstack.top(); } };
23. Print binary tree from top to bottom
#include<iostream> #include<vector> #include<stack> #include<queue> using namespace std; class TreeNode { public: int val; TreeNode* left; TreeNode* right; TreeNode(int x):val(x),left(nullptr),right(nullptr) {} }; class Solution { public: vector<int> PrintFromTopToBottom(TreeNode* root) { vector<int>vec; if (root == nullptr) return vec; queue<TreeNode*>tree; tree.push(root); while (!tree.empty()) { TreeNode* temp = tree.front(); vec.push_back(temp->val); tree.pop(); if (temp->left) tree.push(temp->left); if (temp->right) tree.push(temp->right); } return vec; } };
24. Post order traversal sequence of binary search tree
(the author's example should be wrong)
class Solution { public: bool VerifySquenceOfBST(vector<int> sequence) { if (sequence.size() == 0)return false; return judge(sequence, 0, sequence.size() - 1); } private: bool judge(vector<int>& array,int left,int right) { if (left >= right) return true; int mid = right; while (mid > left && array[mid-1] > array[right]) mid--; for (int j = mid - 1; j >= left; j--) if (array[j] > array[right]) return false; return judge(array, left, mid) && judge(array, mid+1, right-1);//import } };
25. Path with a certain value in binary tree
class Solution { public: vector<vector<int> > FindPath(TreeNode* root, int expectNumber) { vector<vector<int>> ret; vector<int>trace; if(root) DFS(root, expectNumber, ret, trace); return ret; } private: void DFS(TreeNode* root, int num, vector<vector<int>> &ret, vector<int> &trace) { trace.push_back(root->val); if (!root->left && !root->right) if (root->val == num) ret.push_back(trace); if (root->left) DFS(root->left, num - root->val, ret, trace); if (root->right) DFS(root->right, num - root->val, ret, trace); trace.pop_back();//The road didn't go through, so I had to go back } };
26. Copy of complex linked list
class Solution { public: RandomListNode* Clone(RandomListNode* pHead) { CloneNodes(pHead); ConnectRandomNodes(pHead); return ReConnectNodes(pHead); } private: void CloneNodes(RandomListNode *pHead) { RandomListNode* node = pHead; while (node!=nullptr) { RandomListNode* clone = new RandomListNode(0); clone->label = node->label; clone->next = node->next; clone->random = NULL; node->next = clone; node = clone->next; } } void ConnectRandomNodes(RandomListNode* pHead) { while (!pHead) { RandomListNode* pNode = pHead; while (pNode != NULL) { RandomListNode* pCloned = pNode->next; if (pNode->random != NULL) pCloned->random = pNode->random->next; pNode = pCloned->next; } } } RandomListNode* ReConnectNodes(RandomListNode* pHead) { RandomListNode* node = pHead; RandomListNode* head = nullptr; RandomListNode* clone = nullptr; if (pHead != NULL) { head = clone = node->next; node->next = clone->next; node = clone->next; } while (node != nullptr) { clone->next = node->next; clone = clone->next; node->next = clone->next; node = node->next; } return head; } };
27. Binary search tree and double linked list
class Solution { public: TreeNode* Convert(TreeNode* pRootOfTree) { if (pRootOfTree == nullptr) return nullptr; TreeNode* res = pRootOfTree; TreeNode* pre = nullptr; change(res, pre); while (res->left) res = res->left; return res; } private: void change(TreeNode* res, TreeNode*& pre)//Pay attention to the introduction format of function parameters { if (res == nullptr) return; change(res->left, pre); res->left = pre; if (pre) pre->right = res; pre = res; change(res->right, pre); } };
28. String arrangement
#include<queue> #include<vector> #include<string> using namespace std; class Solution { public: vector<string> Permutation(string str) { vector<string> a; if (str.empty()) return a; per(a, str, 0); return a; } private: void per(vector<string>& array, string str, int begin) { if (begin == str.size() - 1) array.push_back(str); for (int i = begin; i < str.size(); i++) { if (i != begin && str[i] == str[begin]) continue; swap(str[i], str[begin]); per(array, str, begin + 1); } } };
29. Numbers in the array that appear more than half of the times
What is the explanation of the optimal solution? It seems to be abrupt without demonstration.
30. Minimum number of K
https://blog.csdn.net/malele4th/article/details/79325899 Quick row
https://blog.csdn.net/weixin_38111819/article/details/79935060 Build maximum heap