The tar command itself has no compression function. It just packages multiple files or directories into one file, and the size of the packaged files is larger than the sum of the original file sizes. This will waste our disk space, which is not what we want in the working environment. If you want to pack multiple files or directories into one file and compress them, you can use the tar command in combination with the compression command. In practice, tar commands are usually used in combination with gzip and bzip2 compression formats.
1. Common parameters of tar command
parameter | Meaning |
j | bzip2 compression format |
z | gzip compression format |
c | Create a new archive |
x | Unarchiving documents |
v | Detailed output |
f | file |
t | List the contents of the archive |
C | Specify a decompressed directory |
X or -- exclude | Exclusive Packaging |
2. bzip2 compression format
Command format:
Compression command: tar jcvf xxx.tar.bz2 [file or directory]
2. Decompression command: tar jxvf xxxx. tar. bz2 - C. directory to store the decompressed files
Practical cases:
########compress######## [root@vms001 tar]# ls 001.txt 003.txt 005.txt oldboy-02 oldboy.tar.bzip2 wahaha-0002 002.txt 004.txt oldboy-01 oldboy-03 wahaha-0001 wahaha-0003 [root@vms001 tar]# rm -f oldboy.tar.bzip2 [root@vms001 tar]# [root@vms001 tar]# tar jcvf oldboy.tar.bz2 * 001.txt 002.txt 003.txt 004.txt 005.txt oldboy-01 oldboy-02 oldboy-03 wahaha-0001/ wahaha-0001/passwd wahaha-0002/ wahaha-0002/group wahaha-0003/ wahaha-0003/services [root@vms001 tar]# ls 001.txt 003.txt 005.txt oldboy-02 oldboy.tar.bz2 wahaha-0002 002.txt 004.txt oldboy-01 oldboy-03 wahaha-0001 wahaha-0003 ########decompression######## [root@vms001 tar]# ls 001.txt 003.txt 005.txt oldboy-02 oldboy.tar.bz2 wahaha-0002 002.txt 004.txt oldboy-01 oldboy-03 wahaha-0001 wahaha-0003 [root@vms001 tar]# ls /mnt/ [root@vms001 tar]# tar jxvf oldboy.tar.bz2 -C /mnt/ #- C. Specify a decompression storage directory 001.txt 002.txt 003.txt 004.txt 005.txt oldboy-01 oldboy-02 oldboy-03 wahaha-0001/ wahaha-0001/passwd wahaha-0002/ wahaha-0002/group wahaha-0003/ wahaha-0003/services [root@vms001 tar]# ls /mnt/ 001.txt 003.txt 005.txt oldboy-02 wahaha-0001 wahaha-0003 002.txt 004.txt oldboy-01 oldboy-03 wahaha-0002
3. gzip compression format
Command format:
Compression command: tar zcvf xxx.tar.gz [file or directory]
2. Decompression command: tar zxvf x xxx.tar.gz-C decompression directory path
Practical cases:
###########compress########### [root@vms001 tar]# ls 001.txt 003.txt 005.txt oldboy-02 oldboy.tar.bz2 wahaha-0002 002.txt 004.txt oldboy-01 oldboy-03 wahaha-0001 wahaha-0003 [root@vms001 tar]# tar zcvf oldboy_gzip.tar.gz * 001.txt 002.txt 003.txt 004.txt 005.txt oldboy-01 oldboy-02 oldboy-03 oldboy.tar.bz2 wahaha-0001/ wahaha-0001/passwd wahaha-0002/ wahaha-0002/group wahaha-0003/ wahaha-0003/services [root@vms001 tar]# ls 001.txt 004.txt oldboy-02 oldboy.tar.bz2 wahaha-0003 002.txt 005.txt oldboy-03 wahaha-0001 003.txt oldboy-01 oldboy_gzip.tar.gz wahaha-0002 ###########decompression########### [root@vms001 tar]# ls 001.txt 004.txt oldboy-02 oldboy.tar.bz2 wahaha-0003 002.txt 005.txt oldboy-03 wahaha-0001 003.txt oldboy-01 oldboy_gzip.tar.gz wahaha-0002 [root@vms001 tar]# ls /mnt/ [root@vms001 tar]# tar zxvf oldboy_gzip.tar.gz -C /mnt/ 001.txt 002.txt 003.txt 004.txt 005.txt oldboy-01 oldboy-02 oldboy-03 oldboy.tar.bz2 wahaha-0001/ wahaha-0001/passwd wahaha-0002/ wahaha-0002/group wahaha-0003/ wahaha-0003/services [root@vms001 tar]# ls /mnt/ 001.txt 003.txt 005.txt oldboy-02 oldboy.tar.bz2 wahaha-0002 002.txt 004.txt oldboy-01 oldboy-03 wahaha-0001 wahaha-0003
3. Excluding Compression Packaging
Exclude packing parameters:
Practical cases:
###########Exclude a file package########## [root@vms001 tar]# ll //Total dosage 0 -rw-r--r--. 1 root root 0 7 month 9 16:19 001.txt -rw-r--r--. 1 root root 0 7 month 9 16:19 002.txt -rw-r--r--. 1 root root 0 7 month 9 16:19 003.txt -rw-r--r--. 1 root root 0 7 month 9 16:19 004.txt -rw-r--r--. 1 root root 0 7 month 9 16:19 005.txt [root@vms001 tar]# tar jcvf txt.tar.bz2 ./* --exclude=./003.txt ./001.txt ./002.txt ./004.txt ./005.txt ###########Exclude multiple file packages########## [root@vms001 tar]# ll //Total dosage 4 -rw-r--r--. 1 root root 0 7 month 9 16:19 001.txt -rw-r--r--. 1 root root 0 7 month 9 16:19 002.txt -rw-r--r--. 1 root root 0 7 month 9 16:19 003.txt -rw-r--r--. 1 root root 0 7 month 9 16:19 004.txt -rw-r--r--. 1 root root 0 7 month 9 16:19 005.txt -rw-r--r--. 1 root root 23 7 month 9 16:26 aa.txt [root@vms001 tar]# tar jcvfX txt.tar.bz2 aa.txt ./* ./001.txt ./004.txt ./005.txt [root@vms001 tar]# cat aa.txt aa.txt 002.txt 003.txt
Tip: When you need to exclude only one file package, you can use the -- exclude parameter to exclude the package. If you need to exclude multiple file packages, you can use the capitalized X parameter to package, put the name of the file to be excluded in a file, and then specify the file to exclude the package. For example, in the above case, the name of the file to be excluded is placed in the aa.txt file, which is designated as excluding package.
4. View the contents of the compressed file
Command format:
Tar tf xxx.tar.bz2 or xxx.tar.gz
Practical cases:
[root@vms001 tar]# ls 001.txt 002.txt 003.txt 004.txt 005.txt aa.txt txt.tar.bz2 [root@vms001 tar]# tar tf txt.tar.bz2 ./001.txt ./004.txt ./005.txt
5. Summary
Parameter combination:
1. bzip2 compression format:
Compression: jcvf
Decompression: jxvf
2. gzip compression format:
Compression: zcvf
Decompression: zxvf
3. View the contents of compressed files:
Exclude packing parameters: