Teach you to build Vuepress beautiful theme blog in minutes


If you want to build your blog in minutes, you can skip to the end and teach you how to build your blog in minutes.


Theme use

Install theme

Create a new project my blog:

mkdir my-blog
cd my-blog

Initialize yarn or npm:

yarn init  or npm init -y

To install vuepress and vuepress theme melody DL:

yarn add vuepress vuepress-theme-melodydl
npm install vuepress vuepress-theme-melodydl

Create src/_posts folder and Vuepress configuration file, the project structure is roughly as follows:

├── src # Blog source file directory
│   ├── .vuepress # Vuepress directory
│   │   └── public # Vuepress static resource file
│   │   └── config.js # Vuepress profile
│   └── about # About page folder
│   │   ├── index.md  # about page content file
│   └── _posts # Blog folder
│       ├── xxx.md
│       ...
└── package.json

In package JSON add script field:

  "scripts": {
    "dev": "vuepress dev src",
    "build": "vuepress build src"

Configure theme

In Src / Vuepress/config. JS to configure Vuepress and themes:

< summary > Click to show the configuration example < / summary >

module.exports = {
    // Website Title
      title: 'Top Blog | Top Blog',
      // Website description
      description: 'Personal blog',
      // Website favicon icon settings, etc
      head: [
        ['link', { rel: 'icon', href: '/favicon.ico' }],
        ['meta', { name: 'viewport', content: 'width=device-width,initial-scale=1,user-scalable=no' }]
      // Topics used
      theme: 'melodydl',
      // Theme configuration
      themeConfig: {
        title: 'Top Blog',

    // Personal information (if you do not have or do not want to set it, delete the corresponding field)
    personalInfo: {
    // name
      name: 'melodydl',
      // Under the avatar public folder
      avatar: '/avatar-top.jpeg',
      // Head background
      headerBackgroundImg: '/avatar-bg.jpeg',
      // Profile (HTML supported)
      description: 'In me the tiger sniffs the rose<br/>In me the tiger sniffs the rose.',
       // E-mail
      email: 'facecode@foxmail.com',
      // Location
      location: 'Shanghai, China'
    // Top navigation bar content
    nav: [ 
      {text: 'HOME', link: '/' },
      {text: 'ABOUT', link: '/about/'},
      {text: 'TAGS', link: '/tags/'}      
    // The title background image of the home page header is set, and the image is directly placed in the public folder
    header: {
      home: {
        title: 'Top Blog', 
        subtitle: 'Live well and meet slowly', 
        headerImage: '/home-bg.jpeg'
      // tag page header title background image setting, and the image is directly placed in the public folder
      tags: {
        title: 'Tags', 
        subtitle: 'Meeting you cost me all my luck', 
        headerImage: '/tags-bg.jpg'
      // Article details head background
      postHeaderImg: '/post-bg.jpeg',
    // Social platform account information 
    sns: {
      csdn: { 
        account: 'csdn', 
        link: 'https://blog.csdn.net/weixin_44002432', 
      weibo: { 
        account: 'weibo', 
        link: 'https://weibo.com/u/5656925978', 
      juejin: { 
        account: 'juejin',
        link: 'https://juejin.im/user/3843548382238791'
      zhihu: { 
        account: 'zhihu',
        link: 'https://www.zhihu.com/people/sheng-tang-de-xing-kong'
      github: { 
        account: 'github',
        link: 'https://github.com/youdeliang'
    // Related settings of footer at the bottom 
    footer: {
      // gitbutton configuration
      gitbtn: {
        // Warehouse address
        repository: "https://ghbtns.com/github-btn.html?user=youdeliang&repo=vuepress-theme-top&type=star&count=true",
        frameborder: 0,
        scrolling: 0,
        width: "80px",
        height: "20px"
      // Add custom footer
      custom: `Copyright &copy; Top Blog 2020 <br /> 
        Theme By <a href="https://www.vuepress.cn/" target="_blank">VuePress</a>
        | <a href="https://www.github.com/youdeliang/" target="_blank">youdeliang</a>`
    // Paging configuration
    pagination: {
      // Number of articles per page
      perPage: 5,
    // vssue comment configuration. If you don't need it, you can set comments: false
    comments: {    
      owner: 'youdeliang',
      repo: 'vuepress-theme-melodydl',
      clientId: 'dfba8ecad544784fec1f',
      clientSecret: '1358ac11bc8face24f598601991083e27372988d',
      autoCreateIssue: false,


Vssue comment plugin

If you know Gitment and Gitalk, Vssue is no different from the functions they implement - store comments in Github's Issue system, post and display comments on your page, edit and delete comments, and provide Vuepress plug-ins (the initial motivation is to open comments for your Vuepress blog).

The Vssue comment plug-in allows you to view the documentation manual. Portal.

about page configuration

layout: about 
title: About
subtitle: You can be good, but you don't need to be perfect
headerImage: /about-bg.jpg # Pictures in public folder

Below are personal information and other contents...

Create blog posts

In SRC/_ Create md file under posts

<!-- _posts/2019-04-01-JS Asynchronous programming scheme summary.md -->
title: JS Asynchronous programming scheme summary
date: 2019-04-01
  - Promise
  - JavaScript

This blog is mainly about Javcscript Asynchronous programming scheme summary

more The above content is a summary and will be displayed in the directory.

<!-- more -->

more The following content will only be fully displayed when browsing this article and will not be displayed in the directory.

Run the appropriate script to generate your blog site

# development
npm run dev
# structure
npm run build

Github free deployment blog

Add deploy SH file

# Auto deploy script  
set -e
# structure
npm run build
# Navigate to the build output directory
cd src/.vuepress/dist

git init
git add -A
git commit -m 'deploy'

# Push to the master branch of your warehouse
git push -f git@github.com:fantastic-cq/blog.git master

packages.json add run command

"scripts": {
    "dev": "vuepress dev src",
    "build": "vuepress build src",
    "deploy": "bash deploy.sh"

Run the yarn deploy command to publish the packaged files to the new branch of the github master. The warehouse here must be connected to the remote github library.

Modify github configuration

First, you must change the warehouse name to youdeliang github.io, user name plus github.io format, click item setting.

Then, find GitHub Pages and click Check it out here!
Find source, select the branch and folder directory of package upload, and click save.

Finally, the generated link is the link of your blog.

ps: before Xiaobian, travis was used for automatic deployment. However, it was too serious. People have changed it to charge. Therefore, although this method is cumbersome, it is simple and easy to operate. Other automatic deployment methods will also be explored later.

For other deployment steps, please refer to the official Vuepress documentation. Portal

Build a blog every minute

Deploy blog demonstration project
Top Blog , you can copy the project directly. You need to find config. In the project JS and package JSON changes the git address or important information into its own. If you don't know how to modify it, you can check the detailed tutorial above (the git address should be changed into your own, and others can be modified later). Run yarn install and yarn dev for quick access. The deployment method refers to the above free deployment process and builds a beautiful blog every minute.


If you think the theme is easy to use or needs improvement, you are welcome to like it Star Your encouragement is a great support to me, thank you 🙏.

Keywords: Front-end vuepress

Added by southeastweb on Thu, 09 Dec 2021 08:27:54 +0200