Learning tutorials from: [technical art hundred talents plan] Figure 4.2 SSAO algorithm screen space ambient light shading
0. Preface
SSAO is generally used in models after IPhone10 and Xiaolong 845
1. SSAO introduction
AO: Ambient Occlusion
SSAO: Screen Space Ambient Occlusion calculates AO through depth buffer and normal buffer
2. SSAO principle
2.1 sample buffer
- Depth buffer: the depth value of each pixel from the camera
- Normal buffer: normal information in camera space
- Position
2.2 normal hemisphere
Where: depth (depth value) + position (vector in camera space) - > vector from camera to pixel in world space
Vector in camera space:
v2f vert_Ao(appdata v){ v2f o; UNITY_INITIALIZE_OUTPUT(v2f,o); o.vertex = UnityObjectToClipPos(v.vertex);//Vertex positions: converting to crop space o.uv = v.uv; float4 screenPos = ComputeScreenPos(o.vertex);//Vertex positions: converting to screen space float4 ndcPos = (screenPos / screenPos.w) * 2 - 1;//normalization float3 clipVec = float3(ndcPos.x, ndcPos.y, 1.0)* _ProjectionParams.z;//Pixel direction: backward clipping space o.viewVec = mul(unity_CameraInvProjection, clipVec.xyzz).xyz;//Pixel direction: push back into camera space return o; }
3. Implementation of SSAO algorithm
3.1 get depth and normal buffer
private void Start() { cam = this.GetComponent<Camera>(); cam.depthTextureMode = cam.depthTextureMode | DepthTextureMode.DepthNormals;//With operations, increase the depth and normals of the rendered texture }
3.2 reconstruction of camera spatial coordinates
reference resources: Unity reconstructs the world space position from the depth buffer
Where: depth (depth value) + position (vector in camera space) - > vector from camera to pixel in camera space
Vector in camera space:
//Step 1: obtain the pixel direction in camera space v2f vert_Ao(appdata v){ v2f o; UNITY_INITIALIZE_OUTPUT(v2f,o); o.vertex = UnityObjectToClipPos(v.vertex);//Vertex positions: converting to crop space o.uv = v.uv; float4 screenPos = ComputeScreenPos(o.vertex);//Vertex positions: converting to screen space float4 ndcPos = (screenPos / screenPos.w) * 2 - 1;//normalization float3 clipVec = float3(ndcPos.x, ndcPos.y, 1.0)* _ProjectionParams.z;//Pixel direction: backward clipping space o.viewVec = mul(unity_CameraInvProjection, clipVec.xyzz).xyz;//Pixel direction: push back into camera space return o; } //Step 2: get the depth information and multiply it to get the vector fixed4 frag_Ao(v2f i) : SV_Target{ fixed4 col tex2D(_MainTex, i.uv);//Screen texture float3 viewNormal;//Normal direction in camera space float linear01Depth;//Depth value 0-1 float4 depthnormal = tex2D(_CameraDepthNormalsTexture, i.uv);//Get texture information and decode DecodeDepthNormal(depthnormal, linear01Depthm viewNormal); float3 viewPos = linear01Depth * i.viewVec;//Pixel vector in camera space }
3.3 construction of normal vector orthogonal basis (TBN)
tangent bitangent viewNormal
fixed4 frag_Ao(v2f i) : SV_Target{ //Reconstruction vector orthogonal basis viewNormal = normalize(viewNormal) * float3(1, 1, -1);//N float2 noiseScale = _ScreenParams.xy / 4.0;//Scaling of noise textures float2 noiseUV = i.uv * noiseScale; float3 randvec = tex2D(_NoiseTex, noiseUV).xyz;//Random vectors are obtained by sampling float3 tangent = normalize(randvec - viewNormal * dot(randvec, viewNormal));//T float3 bitangent = cross(viewNormal, tangent);//B float3x3 TBN = float3x3(tangent, bitangent, viewNormal); }
3.4 AO sampling core
//Step 1: generate sampling core in C# part private void GenerateAOSampleKernel() { if(sampleKernelCount == sampleKernelList.Count) { return;//Return if list is full } sampleKernelList.Clear(); for(int i = 0; i < sampleKernelCount; i++) { var vec = new Vector4(Random.Range(-1.0f, 1.0f), Random.Range(-1.0f, 1.0f), Random.Range(0, 1.0f), 1.0f); vec.Normalize();//Initialize random vector var scale = (float)i / sampleKernelCount; scale = Mathf.Lerp(0.01f, 1.0f, scale * scale);//i is a quadratic equation curve from 0-63 to 0-1 vec *= scale; sampleKernelList.Add(vec); } }
//Step 2: accumulate ao from the depth change degree of each sampling position fixed4 frag_Ao(v2f i) : SV_Target{ //Sample and accumulate float ao = 0;//ao value int sampleCount = _SampleKernelCount; for(int i = 0; i < sampleCount; i++){ float3 randomVec = mul(_SampleKernelArray[i].xyz, TBN);//Sampling direction float weight = smoothstep(0, 0.2, length(randomVec.xy));//Assign weights to different sampling directions //Sampling location float3 randomPos = viewPos + randomVec * _SampleKernelRadius;//Sampling position in camera space float3 rclipPos = mul((float3x3)unity_CameraProjection, randomPos);//Camera space to crop space (projection space) float2 rscreenPos = (rclipPos.xy / rclipPos.z) * 0.5 + 0.5;//Crop space to screen space float randomDepth;//Depth of sampling location float3 randomNormal;//Normal direction of sampling position //Read the above information from the texture float4 rcdn = tex2D(_CameraDepthNormalsTexture, rscreenPos); DecodeDepthNormal(rcdn, randomDepth, randomNormal); //Comparative calculation ao float range = abs(randomDepth - linear01Depth) > _RangeStrength ? 0.0 : 1.0;//Depth variation float selfCheck = randomDepth + _DepthBiasValue < linear01Depth ? 1.0 : 0.0;//Return to zero with excessive depth change ao += range * selfCheck * weight; } ao = ao / sampleCount; ao = max(0.0, 1 - ao * _AOStrength); return float4(ao, ao, ao, 1); }
4. AO effect improvement
Intercepted from the above code
4.1 sampling Noise to obtain random vector
float2 noiseScale = _ScreenParams.xy / 4.0;//Scaling of noise textures float2 noiseUV = i.uv * noiseScale; float3 randvec = tex2D(_NoiseTex, noiseUV).xyz;//Random vectors are obtained by sampling
4.2 cut off outliers
- Depth value with large gap
float selfCheck = randomDepth + _DepthBiasValue < linear01Depth ? 1.0 : 0.0;//Return to zero with excessive depth change
- The depth change of the same plane depth value due to accuracy problems
float range = abs(randomDepth - linear01Depth) > _RangeStrength ? 0.0 : 1.0;//Depth variation
- Smooth weight based on distance
float weight = smoothstep(0, 0.2, length(randomVec.xy));//Assign weights to different sampling directions
- Bilateral filter ambiguity (C# part)
RenderTexture blurRT = RenderTexture.GetTemporary(rtW, rtH, 0);//Get fuzzy render texture ssaoMaterial.SetFloat("_BilaterFilterFactor", 1.0f - bilaterFilterStrength); ssaoMaterial.SetVector("_BlurRadius", new Vector4(BlurRadius, 0, 0, 0));//x direction Graphics.Blit(aoRT, blurRT, ssaoMaterial, (int)SSAOPassName.BilateralFilter); ssaoMaterial.SetVector("_BlurRadius", new Vector4(0, BlurRadius, 0, 0));//y direction Graphics.Blit(blurRT, aoRT, ssaoMaterial, (int)SSAOPassName.BilateralFilter);
5. Compare the model baking AO
5.1 baking method
- Modeling software baking to texture: strong controllability (cumbersome operation, UV required, large resource occupation), strong self detail (lack of scene detail), and not affected by static and dynamic.
- Game engine baking, such as Unity3D Lighting, is relatively simple, with good overall details, and dynamic objects cannot be baked
- SSAO: the complexity is based on the number of pixels, strong real-time, flexible and controllable; The performance consumption is the largest compared with the first two, and the final effect is worse than 1 (in theory)
6. SSAO performance consumption
Points consumed:
- Random sampling: IF FOR loop breaks the parallelism of GPU, and excessive sampling times greatly improve the complexity
- Fuzzy processing of bilateral filtering: the number of screen samples is increased
1. Achieve SSAO effect
Then I knocked it again. See the above for the content.

2. Compare with other AO algorithms
For example, HBAO
Refer to: Ambient Occlusion environment mask 1 The following AO algorithms are mentioned
SSAO-Screen space ambient occlusion
SSDO-Screen space directional occlusion
HDAO-High Definition Ambient Occlusion
HBAO±Horizon Based Ambient Occlusion+
AAO-Alchemy Ambient Occlusion
ABAO-Angle Based Ambient Occlusion
PBAOVXAO-Voxel Accelerated Ambient Occlusion
An algorithm for gtao ground truth ambient occlusion was found on git
Principle reference: UE4 Mobile GTAO implementation (HBAO continued)
Code source: Unity3D Ground Truth Ambient Occlusion
The whole is a little dark:
