Technical art knowledge learning 4200: SSAO algorithm

Learning tutorials from: [technical art hundred talents plan] Figure 4.2 SSAO algorithm screen space ambient light shading


0. Preface

SSAO is generally used in models after IPhone10 and Xiaolong 845

1. SSAO introduction

AO: Ambient Occlusion
SSAO: Screen Space Ambient Occlusion calculates AO through depth buffer and normal buffer

2. SSAO principle

2.1 sample buffer

  1. Depth buffer: the depth value of each pixel from the camera
  2. Normal buffer: normal information in camera space
  3. Position

2.2 normal hemisphere

Where: depth (depth value) + position (vector in camera space) - > vector from camera to pixel in world space
Vector in camera space:

v2f vert_Ao(appdata v){
    v2f o;

    o.vertex = UnityObjectToClipPos(v.vertex);//Vertex positions: converting to crop space
    o.uv = v.uv;

    float4 screenPos = ComputeScreenPos(o.vertex);//Vertex positions: converting to screen space
    float4 ndcPos = (screenPos / screenPos.w) * 2 - 1;//normalization

    float3 clipVec = float3(ndcPos.x, ndcPos.y, 1.0)* _ProjectionParams.z;//Pixel direction: backward clipping space
    o.viewVec = mul(unity_CameraInvProjection, clipVec.xyzz).xyz;//Pixel direction: push back into camera space

    return o;

3. Implementation of SSAO algorithm

3.1 get depth and normal buffer

private void Start()
    cam = this.GetComponent<Camera>();
    cam.depthTextureMode = cam.depthTextureMode | DepthTextureMode.DepthNormals;//With operations, increase the depth and normals of the rendered texture

3.2 reconstruction of camera spatial coordinates

reference resources: Unity reconstructs the world space position from the depth buffer
Where: depth (depth value) + position (vector in camera space) - > vector from camera to pixel in camera space
Vector in camera space:

//Step 1: obtain the pixel direction in camera space
v2f vert_Ao(appdata v){
    v2f o;

    o.vertex = UnityObjectToClipPos(v.vertex);//Vertex positions: converting to crop space
    o.uv = v.uv;

    float4 screenPos = ComputeScreenPos(o.vertex);//Vertex positions: converting to screen space
    float4 ndcPos = (screenPos / screenPos.w) * 2 - 1;//normalization

    float3 clipVec = float3(ndcPos.x, ndcPos.y, 1.0)* _ProjectionParams.z;//Pixel direction: backward clipping space
    o.viewVec = mul(unity_CameraInvProjection, clipVec.xyzz).xyz;//Pixel direction: push back into camera space

    return o;

//Step 2: get the depth information and multiply it to get the vector
fixed4 frag_Ao(v2f i) : SV_Target{
    fixed4 col tex2D(_MainTex, i.uv);//Screen texture

    float3 viewNormal;//Normal direction in camera space
    float linear01Depth;//Depth value 0-1

    float4 depthnormal = tex2D(_CameraDepthNormalsTexture, i.uv);//Get texture information and decode
    DecodeDepthNormal(depthnormal, linear01Depthm viewNormal);

    float3 viewPos = linear01Depth * i.viewVec;//Pixel vector in camera space


3.3 construction of normal vector orthogonal basis (TBN)

tangent bitangent viewNormal

fixed4 frag_Ao(v2f i) : SV_Target{
    //Reconstruction vector orthogonal basis
    viewNormal = normalize(viewNormal) * float3(1, 1, -1);//N
    float2 noiseScale = _ScreenParams.xy / 4.0;//Scaling of noise textures
    float2 noiseUV = i.uv * noiseScale;

    float3 randvec = tex2D(_NoiseTex, noiseUV).xyz;//Random vectors are obtained by sampling

    float3 tangent = normalize(randvec - viewNormal * dot(randvec, viewNormal));//T
    float3 bitangent = cross(viewNormal, tangent);//B

    float3x3 TBN = float3x3(tangent, bitangent, viewNormal);

3.4 AO sampling core

//Step 1: generate sampling core in C# part
private void GenerateAOSampleKernel()
    if(sampleKernelCount == sampleKernelList.Count)
        return;//Return if list is full
    for(int i = 0; i < sampleKernelCount; i++)
        var vec = new Vector4(Random.Range(-1.0f, 1.0f), Random.Range(-1.0f, 1.0f), Random.Range(0, 1.0f), 1.0f);
        vec.Normalize();//Initialize random vector
        var scale = (float)i / sampleKernelCount;
        scale = Mathf.Lerp(0.01f, 1.0f, scale * scale);//i is a quadratic equation curve from 0-63 to 0-1
        vec *= scale;
//Step 2: accumulate ao from the depth change degree of each sampling position
fixed4 frag_Ao(v2f i) : SV_Target{
    //Sample and accumulate
    float ao = 0;//ao value
    int sampleCount = _SampleKernelCount;
    for(int i = 0; i < sampleCount; i++){
        float3 randomVec = mul(_SampleKernelArray[i].xyz, TBN);//Sampling direction
        float weight = smoothstep(0, 0.2, length(randomVec.xy));//Assign weights to different sampling directions

        //Sampling location
        float3 randomPos = viewPos + randomVec * _SampleKernelRadius;//Sampling position in camera space
        float3 rclipPos = mul((float3x3)unity_CameraProjection, randomPos);//Camera space to crop space (projection space)
        float2 rscreenPos = (rclipPos.xy / rclipPos.z) * 0.5 + 0.5;//Crop space to screen space

        float randomDepth;//Depth of sampling location
        float3 randomNormal;//Normal direction of sampling position
        //Read the above information from the texture
        float4 rcdn = tex2D(_CameraDepthNormalsTexture, rscreenPos);
        DecodeDepthNormal(rcdn, randomDepth, randomNormal);

        //Comparative calculation ao
        float range = abs(randomDepth - linear01Depth) > _RangeStrength ? 0.0 : 1.0;//Depth variation
        float selfCheck = randomDepth + _DepthBiasValue < linear01Depth ? 1.0 : 0.0;//Return to zero with excessive depth change

        ao += range * selfCheck * weight;
    ao = ao / sampleCount;
    ao = max(0.0, 1 - ao * _AOStrength);
    return float4(ao, ao, ao, 1);

4. AO effect improvement

Intercepted from the above code

4.1 sampling Noise to obtain random vector

float2 noiseScale = _ScreenParams.xy / 4.0;//Scaling of noise textures
float2 noiseUV = i.uv * noiseScale;
float3 randvec = tex2D(_NoiseTex, noiseUV).xyz;//Random vectors are obtained by sampling

4.2 cut off outliers

  1. Depth value with large gap
float selfCheck = randomDepth + _DepthBiasValue < linear01Depth ? 1.0 : 0.0;//Return to zero with excessive depth change
  1. The depth change of the same plane depth value due to accuracy problems
float range = abs(randomDepth - linear01Depth) > _RangeStrength ? 0.0 : 1.0;//Depth variation
  1. Smooth weight based on distance
float weight = smoothstep(0, 0.2, length(randomVec.xy));//Assign weights to different sampling directions
  1. Bilateral filter ambiguity (C# part)
RenderTexture blurRT = RenderTexture.GetTemporary(rtW, rtH, 0);//Get fuzzy render texture
ssaoMaterial.SetFloat("_BilaterFilterFactor", 1.0f - bilaterFilterStrength);
ssaoMaterial.SetVector("_BlurRadius", new Vector4(BlurRadius, 0, 0, 0));//x direction
Graphics.Blit(aoRT, blurRT, ssaoMaterial, (int)SSAOPassName.BilateralFilter);
ssaoMaterial.SetVector("_BlurRadius", new Vector4(0, BlurRadius, 0, 0));//y direction
Graphics.Blit(blurRT, aoRT, ssaoMaterial, (int)SSAOPassName.BilateralFilter);

5. Compare the model baking AO

5.1 baking method

  1. Modeling software baking to texture: strong controllability (cumbersome operation, UV required, large resource occupation), strong self detail (lack of scene detail), and not affected by static and dynamic.
  2. Game engine baking, such as Unity3D Lighting, is relatively simple, with good overall details, and dynamic objects cannot be baked
  3. SSAO: the complexity is based on the number of pixels, strong real-time, flexible and controllable; The performance consumption is the largest compared with the first two, and the final effect is worse than 1 (in theory)

6. SSAO performance consumption

Points consumed:

  1. Random sampling: IF FOR loop breaks the parallelism of GPU, and excessive sampling times greatly improve the complexity
  2. Fuzzy processing of bilateral filtering: the number of screen samples is increased


1. Achieve SSAO effect

Then I knocked it again. See the above for the content.


2. Compare with other AO algorithms

For example, HBAO
Refer to: Ambient Occlusion environment mask 1 The following AO algorithms are mentioned
SSAO-Screen space ambient occlusion
SSDO-Screen space directional occlusion
HDAO-High Definition Ambient Occlusion
HBAO±Horizon Based Ambient Occlusion+
AAO-Alchemy Ambient Occlusion
ABAO-Angle Based Ambient Occlusion
PBAOVXAO-Voxel Accelerated Ambient Occlusion

An algorithm for gtao ground truth ambient occlusion was found on git
Principle reference: UE4 Mobile GTAO implementation (HBAO continued)
Code source: Unity3D Ground Truth Ambient Occlusion

The whole is a little dark:


Keywords: Unity Unity3d

Added by cyrixware on Sat, 20 Nov 2021 01:58:40 +0200