Ten new features of HTML 5

Ten new features of HTML 5

(1) Semantic tags (Semantic tags provide better page structure for pages).

Semantic tags for HTML5 include:

  • <section> - Represents a paragraph or section in a document;
  • Nav > - Used to build navigation;
  • <article> - Represents integrated content in documents, pages, applications or websites;
  • <aside> - Represents parts that are related to and different from the main content of the page.
  • <hgroup> - The title of a paragraph or section;
  • Header > - Header of the page;
  • Footer > - Footer of the page;
  • < time > - denotes date and time;
  • <mark> - Text that needs to be highlighted in the document.


(2) Enhanced forms

New form attributes in HTML5

  • The placehoder attribute, a short prompt, is displayed on the input field before the user enters the value. That is, our common input box default prompt disappears after user input.
  • Required is a boolean attribute. Input fields required to be filled in cannot be empty
  • The pattern attribute describes a regular expression used to validate the value of the < input > element.
  • The min and max attributes set the minimum and maximum values of the elements.
  • The step attribute specifies a legal number interval for the input field.
  • The height and width attributes are used for the image height and width of the < input > tag of the image type.
  • The autofocus attribute is a boolean attribute. Provides that when a page is loaded, the domain automatically gets the focus.
  • The multiple attribute is a boolean attribute. Provides that multiple values can be selected in the < input > element.


(3) Video and audio

Video playback: <video src="><video>

Audio playback: <audio src="></audio>


(4) Canvas Drawing

<canvas width="1000" height="1000"></canvas>
js content
var canvas = document.getElementsByTagName("canvas")[0];
var context = canvas.getContext("2d");

Path writing is a common way of writing
// 1. Start a path
// 2. What is the specific path?
// 3. End paths (optional, add them to form a closed, no add means end at any time) are commonly used in point rendering.
// 4. Setting attributes (colors) is OK as long as they are set before drawing, whatever step you take, but before redrawing.
// 5. Drawing (fill () stroke ())

context.beginPath();    //Start a path
context.fillStyle = "#f00";


// context.closePath();
context.strokeStyle = "#0f0";
context.lineWidth = "10"


// context.lineTo(450,110);
context.fillStyle = "#00f";
context.fill()   //Solid drawing closes automatically


// Circle drawing
// 1. Start a path
// 2. Route method of drawing circle
// 3. Ending a Path
// 4. Setting the properties of a circle
// 5. Start drawing
// context.arc(x,y,r, start angle, end angle [, drawing direction). boolean defaults to false, true to counterclockwise, false to clockwise])
// One original two radians, one radian is a PI (Math.PI)  
// The starting angle is in the direction of three o'clock, which indicates that when the radian is zero, it is calculated clockwise.


(5) SVG Drawing

What is SVG?

  • SVG refers to Scalable Vector Graphics.
  • SVG is used to define vector-based graphics for networks
  • SVG defines graphics in XML format
  • The quality of SVG image will not be lost when it is enlarged or changed in size.
  • SVG is the standard of World Wide Web Alliance
<svg idth="1000" height="1000">
  //To create a circle, you need to add one<circle>Label
<circle cx="300" cy="150" r="140" fill="red"/>
//The cx and cy attributes define the coordinates of x and y of the dots. If cx and cy are omitted, the center of the circle is set to (0, 0), and the r attribute is defined as the radius of the circle.

<rect>Tags are used to create rectangles
<svg width="1000" height="1000">
<rect width="400" height="200" x="20" y="20" fill="red"/>
Frequently-used SVG Graphical:

<rect width="100" height="50" x="400" y="350" fill="#f0f" fill-opacity="0.3" stroke="#00f" stroke-width="6" stroke-opacity=".3"></rect>

<circle r="100" cx="400" cy="300" fill="#f0f" fill-opacity="0.4" stroke="#00f" stroke-width="6" stroke-opacity=".4"></circle>

<ellipse rx="100" ry="50" cx="400" cy="350" fill="#f0f" fill-opacity=".4" stroke="#00f" stroke-width="6" stroke-opacity=".4"></ellipse>        

(4)Straight line (no) fill only stroke)
<line x1="45" y1="350" x2="450" y2="350" stroke="#f00" stroke-width="4px" stroke-opacity=".4"></line>

(5)Broken line( fill Transparency must be set/stroke Must be specified manually)
<polyline points="150,200  250,100  350,300  450,50" stroke="#00f" stroke-width="6" stroke-opacity=".4" fill="transparent"></polyline>

<polygon points="100,150 100,300  400,300  400,150  250,220" fill="#f0f" fill-opacity=".4" stroke="#00f" stroke-width="6" stroke-opacity=".4"></polygon>

<text alignment-baseline="before-edge" font-size="40" fill="#f0f" stroke="#00f">Danet Technology 2018 ajgy</text> (8)image <image xlink:href="img/p3.png" x="400" y="200" width="100" height="200"></image>

(6) Geographical positioning

(7) Drag and Drop API

Events that may be triggered by a dragged source object:

Dragstart: dragstart

Drag: in drag

Dragend: dragend

Events that may be triggered by the dragged target:

Dragenter: dragenter

dragover: drag hover

drop: release

dragleave: drag to leave

(8) Web Worker

(9) Web Storage

(10) WebSocket

Keywords: PHP Attribute html5 xml

Added by aliahmad on Wed, 24 Jul 2019 06:40:21 +0300