Game effects:
Create XML Document -- Create the required XML document
Note the path:
My XML document "Dialog.xml" is in a Data directory created under the Assets directory
If the name is different, it needs to be renamed.
Or directly modify the read path in the parsing XML code for your own path
Document. Load (Application. dataPath +"/ Data / Dialog. xml); // Load XML content
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <!-- Dialog System ; Background ; Image ; Music --> <root> <bg>Background 1</bg> <bgm>Sound of rain</bgm> <say> <name>captain</name> <image>Captain Qujing1</image> <sound>1 poems on flowers</sound> <content>My little fish, you wake up,Do you remember knowing the morning?</content> </say> <say> <name>Xiu Xiu</name> <image>Xiu Xiu 1</image> <sound>2 poems on flowers</sound> <content>Last night you said, may the night never open.</content> </say> <say> <name>captain</name> <image>Captain Qujing1 2</image> <sound>3 poems on flowers</sound> <content>Your fragrant cheek slips gently</content> </say> <say> <name>Xiu Xiu</name> <image>Xiu Xiu 2</image> <sound>4 poems on flowers</sound> <content>Is it your tears or mine?</content> </say> <bg>Background 2</bg> <say> <name>Xiu Xiu</name> <image>Xiu Xiu 3</image> <sound>5 poems on flowers</sound> <content>The season of kissing goodbye for the first time</content> </say> <say> <name>captain</name> <image>Captain Qujing1 3</image> <sound>6 poems on flowers</sound> <content>Haven't you already cried?</content> </say> <bg>Background 3</bg> <say> <name>captain</name> <image>Captain Qujing1 4</image> <sound>7 poems on flowers</sound> <content>My fingertips still remember</content> </say> <say> <name>Xiu Xiu</name> <image>Xiu Xiu 4</image> <sound>8 poems on flowers</sound> <content>Your flurried heartbeat</content> </say> <say> <name>captain</name> <image>Captain Qujing1</image> <sound>9 poems on flowers</sound> <content>In the warm body fragrance</content> </say> <bg>Background 4</bg> <say> <name>Xiu Xiu</name> <image>Xiu Xiu 1</image> <sound>10 poems on flowers</sound> <content>That long hair is floating.</content> </say> </root>
Audio Manager - Audio Manager script
Hang this script on GameObject that guarantees activation and add two AudioSource components
By dragging
Drag 2 AudioSource components to_in the Inspecter panel
Background sound: BgmAudioSource and sound effects: in the SeAudioSource box
using UnityEngine; /// <summary> /// Sound Management Class /// </summary> public class AudioManager : MonoBehaviour { public static AudioManager Instance; //Single case public AudioSource BgmAudioSource; //Background sound public AudioSource SeAudioSource; //Sound effects private AudioClip _clip; //Music document /// <summary> /// Initialization function /// </summary> void Start() { Instance = this; } /// <summary> /// Play Background Sound /// </summary> public void PlayBgm(string inName) { _clip = Resources.Load<AudioClip>(inName); //Loading music files BgmAudioSource.clip = _clip; //Change Music File to Clip Default File BgmAudioSource.Play(); //Play music } /// <summary> /// Playing sound effects /// </summary> public void PlaySe(string inName) { _clip = Resources.Load<AudioClip>(inName); //Loading music files SeAudioSource.PlayOneShot(_clip); //Play the sound and it's over. } /// <summary> /// Stop background sound /// </summary> public void StopBgm() { BgmAudioSource.Stop(); //Stop Player } }
UI Manager-Interface Interactive Control
Hang this script on GameObject that guarantees activation
By dragging
Inspecter - Panel: Add 6 declared objects separately
using UnityEngine; using System.Xml; //Quote XML using UnityEngine.UI; //Quote UI using System.Collections.Generic; //Reference set using UnityEngine.SceneManagement; //Reference namespaces /// <summary> /// Enumeration instruction type /// </summary> public enum CommandType { Say, //speak Bgm, //Background sound Bg //background } /// <summary> /// Base Class: Instruction Class /// </summary> public class Command { public CommandType AllType; //Define member variable type objects } /// <summary> /// Speech Instruction Class: Inheritance Instruction Base Class /// </summary> public class Say : Command { public string Name; //Name public string Image; //picture public string Sound; //Music public string Content; //content } /// <summary> /// Background Voice Instruction Class: Inheritance Instruction Base Class /// </summary> public class Bgm : Command { public string Name; //Name } /// <summary> /// Background Instruction Class: Inheritance Instruction Base Class /// </summary> public class Bg : Command { public string Name; //Name } /// <summary> /// Dialogue system /// </summary> public class DialogUI : MonoBehaviour { public List<Command> Commands = new List<Command>(); //Declare a List array type as: Command private int _index = 0; //The default index is 0 public GameObject GameImage; //Game interface public GameObject ReloadBut; //Reopen button public Image BgImage; //Background map public Image HeadPortrait; //Head portrait public Text NameText; //Name text public Text ConttentText; //Content text private bool _isExecute = false; //Whether to Execute Commands: Default Not to Execute /// <summary> /// Initialization method /// </summary> void Start() { AnalysisXml(); //Call parsing XML methods GameObject.Find("StartGameButton").GetComponent<Button>().onClick.AddListener(StartGame); //Add listening events to the Start Game button } /// <summary> /// Update function /// </summary> void Update() { if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0) && _isExecute == true || Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.KeypadEnter) && _isExecute == true) //If you press the left mouse button or Enter { OneByOneExecuteCommand(); //Execute dialog command functions } } /// <summary> /// Start the game /// </summary> public void StartGame() { GameImage.SetActive(true); //Activate the Game Interface _isExecute = true; //Game Start: You can start executing code OneByOneExecuteCommand(); //When the game page is activated, it is executed once. } /// <summary> /// Execute dialog command functions /// </summary> public void OneByOneExecuteCommand() { if (_index >= Commands.Count) //Subscript crossing: Read through { ReloadBut.SetActive(true); //Activate overload button ReloadBut.GetComponent<Button>().onClick.AddListener(ReloadScene); //Add overload scenario listening events to buttons _isExecute = false; //Close Execution Command return; } Command command = Commands[_index++]; //Self-Increasing: Take out a command switch (command.AllType) { //If the type is: Say speaks case CommandType.Say: Say say = (Say) command; //Instantiate Say object say HeadPortrait.sprite = Resources.Load<Sprite>(say.Image); //Change the Avatar NameText.text = say.Name; //character ConttentText.text = say.Content; //Speech content if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(say.Sound)) //If the sound effect name is not empty { AudioManager.Instance.PlaySe(say.Sound); //Play sound effects } break; //If the type is: Bgm background music case CommandType.Bgm: Bgm bgm = (Bgm) command; //Instantiate bgm object bgm AudioManager.Instance.PlayBgm(bgm.Name); //Play background music OneByOneExecuteCommand(); //Direct implementation of the next article break; //If the type is: Bg background case CommandType.Bg: Bg bg = (Bg) command; //Instantiate bg object bg BgImage.sprite = Resources.Load<Sprite>(bg.Name); //Change Background Pictures OneByOneExecuteCommand(); //Direct implementation of the next article break; } } /// <summary> /// overload scenario /// </summary> public void ReloadScene() { SceneManager.LoadScene(SceneManager.GetActiveScene().buildIndex); //Overload the current scenario } /// <summary> /// resolution XML /// </summary> private void AnalysisXml() { XmlDocument document = new XmlDocument(); //Instantiate an xml document document.Load(Application.dataPath + "/Data/Dialog.xml"); //Loading XML content XmlElement rootEle = document.LastChild as XmlElement; //Root node foreach (XmlElement ele in rootEle.ChildNodes) //Traversing all the child nodes of the root node { if (ele.Name == "bgm") //If the name of the element is the node "bgm" in the XML document { Bgm bgm = new Bgm(); bgm.AllType = CommandType.Bgm; bgm.Name = ele.InnerText; Commands.Add(bgm); //Add to Commands } else if (ele.Name == "bg") { Bg bg = new Bg(); bg.AllType = CommandType.Bg; bg.Name = ele.InnerText; Commands.Add(bg); } else if (ele.Name == "say") { Say say = new Say(); say.AllType = CommandType.Say; say.Name = ele.ChildNodes[0].InnerText; say.Image = ele.ChildNodes[1].InnerText; say.Sound = ele.ChildNodes[2].InnerText; say.Content = ele.ChildNodes[3].InnerText; Commands.Add(say); } } } }
Finish - Test Running
Direct Click to run Or Alt+P
Attachment: GitHub Project Case of Chinar