The first bullet of JavaScript advanced application

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Author: Gorit

Date: December 5, 2021

Blog post published in 2021: 26 / 30

Gorit takes you to learn the whole stack - Advanced JavaScript application (the first play)

1, Array article

Objective: to explain the API s that are not common in development but are easy to use

1.1 expansion expression

Expand each item of the array and return a new array

let arr = [1,2,3];

console.log(...arr); // [1, 2 ,3]

// Used to copy arrays
let res = [...arr];

res	//	[1,2,3,4]
arr	//	[1,2,3]

MDN expansion syntax

1.2 return a new array

In addition to the numeric for loop and forEach loop, what other useful loop processing schemes are available

1.2.1 map

Use map to perform a specific operation on each element, and then return the new array after the operation


let arr = [1, 2, 3];

let res = => item + 1);
res		// [2,3,4]

1.2.2 filter

Filter out the qualified elements according to the conditions and return a new array


let arr [1,2,3,4,5,6];

// Gets the even number in the array
let res = arr.filter(item => item % 2 === 0);
res 	// [2,4,6]		

1.2.3 concat

Merge two or more arrays without changing the original array

concat(value0, value1)
concat(value0, value1, ... , valueN)
const array1 = ['a', 'b', 'c'];
const array2 = ['d', 'e', 'f'];
const array3 = array1.concat(array2);

// expected output: Array ["a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f"]

practical application

Define a number locally, then load a data from other places, and merge the two data after processing

1.3 index related issues

1.4 return boolean value

1.5 return a final result


This built-in function is special. It processes each value through a callback. Each processing will save the results of the last processing and continue processing with the next element

Realize the continuous operation of a number

Implement an accumulator

let res = 0;
for (const item of [1,2,3,4,5]) {

Use reduce to achieve the same function

let arr = [1,2,3,4,5];

// Implement an accumulator
const reducer = (preVal, curVal) => preVal + curVal;

 * preVal + curVal (curVal) It starts from the array subscript (preVal) and starts from the result of the last processing
  For the first execution, since there is no initial value assigned, preVal starts from 0
  0 + 1 => 1
  The second time, continue to use the results of the first time
  1 + 2 = 3
  3 + 3 = 6;
  6 + 4 = 10;
  10 + 5 = 15;

console.log(arr.reduce(reducer, 6));
 * There is an initial value
 * 6 + 1 = 7
 * 7 + 2 = 9
 * 9 + 3 = 12
 * 12 + 4 = 16
 * 16 + 5 = 21

1.6 references

MDN Array

2, JS regular expression

Regular expressions are often used to deal with "String Problems", and many programming languages basically support regular expressions.

In order to ensure the learning difficulty and improve it in turn, I reorganized the content of MDN and explained it with clear examples

2.1 introduction to regular expressions

Official documents

2.2 two ways to create regular expressions

// Create a regular expression
let re = /ab + c/;      // Mode 1: this mode has better performance

let reg = new RegExp("ab + c");     // Method 2: xxx
let res = reg.test("ab + c");

console.log(res);	// true

PS: use spaces carefully in regular expressions. Spaces also represent a match

Where else do you use regular expressions?

A: regular expressions are patterns used to match character combinations in strings. In JavaScript, regular expressions are also objects. These patterns are used for RegExp's exec and test methods, and String's match, matchAll, replace, search, and split methods.

2.3 simple pattern matching

We will match whatever character we specify

let word = /abc/;

// The string contains' abc '. Yes,' abc ', No

2.4 special character matching

2.4. 1 '\' matches escape character

Function: the backslash before a special character indicates that the next character is not a special character

Escape character





Match any number between 0 and 9


/\d/.test("a12 ") => 1


Match a non numeric character



Match a page feed (U+000C)


Match a newline character (U+000A)


Match a carriage return (U+000D)


Matches a blank character, including spaces, tabs, page breaks, and line breaks \s does not match "\ u180e"



Match a non white space character

/S\w*/.test("foo bar") => foor


Match a horizontal tab (U+0009)


Match a vertical tab (U+000B)


With a single word character (letter, number or underscore). Equivalent to [A-Za-z0-9_]

/\w/.test("banana") => 'b' /\w/.test("$3.28") => 3


Matches a non single word character. Equivalent to [^ A-Za-z0-9_]

/\W/.test("50%") => %

\n (less)

In a regular expression, it returns the matching substring of the last nth substring (the number of captures is counted in left parentheses).


Match the NULL (U+0000) character, do not follow it with other decimals, because \ 0 is an octal escape sequence.

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2.4. 2 '^' ab initio matching

Function: match the beginning of input. If the multiline flag is set to true, the position immediately following the newline character is also matched. (it doesn't make much sense to speak alone)

 * Match from A
let eg = /^A/;

console.log(`an A is not match`.search(eg));       // -1
console.log(`An apple is matched`.search(eg));      // 0

2.4. End of 3 '$' matching input

Function: match the end of input. If the multiline flag is set to true, the position before the newline character is also matched. (ibid.)

  * Match from t to end
 let eg1 = /t$/;

 console.log("eat is not matched".search(eg1));     // -1
 console.log("matched is eat".search((eg1)));       // 13 last string subscript

2.4. 4 '*' matches zero or more

Action: matches the previous expression 0 or more times. Equivalent to {0,}.

let eg1 = /ab*c/;
console.log(eg1.test("ac", eg1.test("abbc")));  // true true

2.4. 5 '+' matches one or more times

Function: match the previous expression 1 or more times. Equivalent to {1,}.

 let eg2 = /ab+c/;

console.log("/ab+c/:" ,eg2.test("ac"), eg2.test("abc"), eg2.test("abbc"));    // false true true

2.4. 6 ‘?’ Match 0 or 1 times

Function: matches the previous expression 0 or 1 times. Equivalent to {0,1}

let eg3 = /a?bc?/
console.log("/a?bc?: ", eg3.test("abc"), eg3.test("abb"), eg3.test("bcc"));     // true true true

2.4. 7 ‘.’ Matches any character except line feed

Function: (decimal point) matches any single character except line feed by default.

let eg4 = /.n/;
console.log(eg4.test('na , an apple on the tree')); // true (na will not be matched, an, on will be matched

2.4. 8 '|' either of the two options can be matched

Function: x | y, match 'x' or 'y'.

  * One of them can hit
 let eg2 = /green|yellow/;
 console.log(eg2.exec("green apple is matched"));       // ['green',index: 0,input: 'green apple is matched',groups: undefined]
 console.log(eg2.exec("red apple is not matched"));     // null

2.4.9 '{x}' specifies the number of occurrences

Function: {n}, n is a positive integer that matches the previous character exactly n times.

  * Specify the number of occurrences (2)
 let eg3 = /a{2}/;
 console.log("candy is not matched".search(eg3));     // -1, less than 2 times, unable to match
 console.log("caaandy".search(eg3));        // Output subscript 1 (matches the first occurrence)

2.5 how to use regular expressions

How to use regular expressions

Regular expressions can be used for RegExp exec and test (en-US) Methods and String of match (en-US),replace,search (en-US) and split (en-US) method. These methods are JavaScript manual It is explained in detail in.

2.5. 1. Methods used in regular expression matching

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2.5. 2 Advanced Search

Regular expressions have six optional parameters (flags) that allow global and case insensitive searches, etc. These parameters can be used alone or together in any order, and are included in regular expression instances.

// grammar
let re = /pattern/flags;

let re = new RegExp("pattern", "flags");

Think of a topic and use regular expressions to match each word item

let reg = /\w+/g;

let word = "an apple a day, keep the doctor away";
// Use regular expressions to match each word
// Matching will also have day, [disadvantages]
console.log(word.split(" "));

2.6 cases

PS: it may be difficult to write by yourself, but the impression is enough to review it in time

2.6. 1 check 11 digit mobile phone number

Without considering special situations, it can meet most scenarios

let reg = /\d{11}/;		// This is not the easiest to think of, but the real mobile phone number is much more complex than this

let reg1 = /^(13[0-9]|14[5|7]|15[0|1|2|3|5|6|7|8|9]|18[0|1|2|3|5|6|7|8|9])\d{8}$/;

2.6. 2 check email address

let reg = /^\w+([-+.]\w+)*@\w+([-.]\w+)*\.\w+([-.]\w+)*$/;

2.6. 3 verify domain name

What's up? Take my personal website as an example

  1. https / http is the domain name protocol of a website. SSL is enabled for those with's'. It is understood that the website is secure
  2. Cn is our domain name, spirit Cn is the root domain name, but generally speaking, www.spirit Cn and spirit Cn can visit my personal website. Like blog, prefixed domain names belong to secondary domain names, and so on
let reg = /http|https:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9][-a-zA-Z0-9]{0,62}(/.[a-zA-Z0-9][-a-zA-Z0-9]{0,62})+/.?/;

3, Original link

The first bullet of JavaScript advanced application

Added by atitthaker on Wed, 15 Dec 2021 04:37:14 +0200