The fourth linear table of C/C + + -- four monkeys choose King

<span style="font-family:KaiTi_GB2312;font-size:14px;">/*   
*Copyright(c)2017,School of computer science, Yantai University   
*All right reserved.   
*File name: main.cpp list.h list.cpp   
*Author: Huang Shisheng   
*Completion date: September 27, 2017   
*Version number: v1.0   
*Problem Description: as follows   
*Enter Description: enter M and N
*Program output: what is the monkey number of the king  

Problem Description:

A group of monkeys, numbered 1,2,3...M, sit in a circle in the order of 1-M. Count from the first one. Every time you count to the nth one, the monkey will leave the circle. In this way, it will come down in turn until there is only the last monkey left in the circle. Then the monkey is the king.

The code is as follows:

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
struct Monkey
    int num;  //Monkey number
    struct Monkey *next; //Next monkey

int main()
    int m,n,i,j,king;
    Monkey *head, *p1,*p2;
    cout<<"Input the number of monkeys and the number of monkeys N:";
        //Create a circle of monkeys
        p1=p2=new Monkey;
        head = p1;
        for(i=1; i<m; i++)  //Other m-1 monkeys
            p1=new Monkey;  //p1 is new
            p2=p1;          //p2 always last
        p2->next=head;      //The last one points to the first one again and becomes a circle

        //Now it's time to count
        for(i=1; i<m; i++)  //Cycle m-1 times, eliminate m-1 monkeys
            //Starting from p1, count n-1 to find the nth one
            for(j=1; j<n-1; j++)  //Actually find the n-1 first, and the next one will be eliminated
                p1=p1->next;    //In a circle, you may start counting from the first one again, if it has not been eliminated

            p2=p1->next;  //p2 will be deleted
            //Cout < < No. < I < < round elimination < < P2 - > num < < endl; / / the intermediate results can be observed in this way
            p1->next=p2->next;  //p2 is thus "elevated"
            p1=p2->next;  //A new starting point for the next round of counting
            delete p2;  //Discard nodes not in the linked list
        delete p1;
    cout<<"The monkey king's number is:"<<king<<endl;
    return 0;

Operation result:

Learning experience:

The difficulty of this project is very high. It uses the Joseph problem that I learned in my freshman semester. Your code can't be written correctly, but most of your code awareness should be understood.

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Added by RosieisSweet on Wed, 01 Apr 2020 23:36:11 +0300