Migration practice: the story behind Discourse from PostgreSQL to MySQL to TiDB AskTUG Forum

AskTUG.com # technology Q & a website is believed to be familiar to everyone, but in addition to the familiar front-end pages, there is an unknown story behind the database supporting its operation. This paper is written by asktug Wang Xingzong, one of the authors of www.Discourse.com, shared the secret with asktug, which was born in Discourse COM, the wonderful story of migrating from PostgreSQL to MySQL and finally running stably in TiDB.

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AskTUG.com is the gathering place of TiDB users, contributors and partners, where you can find the answers to all TiDB related questions. Welcome to register and experience ~

Link: https://asktug.com/


"Through one platform, we will be able to find satisfactory answers to all the questions of TiDB."

Because of this desire, users, contributors and partners in TiDB ecology have established asktug Com technical Q & a website, which was officially launched in August 2019. As a "gathering place" for TUG members to learn and share, TiDB users can ask and answer questions, exchange and discuss with each other here, and gather the collective wisdom of TiDB users. Since its launch, asktug Com has gradually attracted the attention of more and more users. By the end of June 2021, asktug Com has 7000 + registered users and precipitated 1.6w + problems and 300 + technical articles.

Many friends have found that asktug The back-end program of COM is a discover program. About discover is a new open source forum project launched by Jeff Atwood, co-founder of Stack Overflow. Its purpose is to change the forum software that has not changed for ten years. At asktug At the beginning of the establishment of COM, discover was determined to be used from the following perspectives:

  • Powerful: Discover has rich features and strong customizability. It is the WordPress in the forum industry. Compared with other traditional forums, discover simplifies the classification of traditional forums and replaces them with hot posts, which is a bit like Q & A. It can avoid the confusion that users can't find directions after entering the traditional forum. This feature starts from asktug Com page:

  • Audience breadth: most popular open source projects choose to use discover to build their own communities, including:

    • Docker:https://forums.docker.com/

    • Github Atom:https://discuss.atom.io/

    • Mozilla:https://discourse.mozilla.org/

    • TiDB:https://asktug.com/

    • Discourse:https://meta.discourse.org/

    • Rust:https://users.rust-lang.org/

    • more: https://discourse.org/customers
  • Easy to use: Discover posts are displayed in the form of bubbles. All Ajax loads are available in computer and mobile versions. The forum adopts the design of waterfall flow to automatically load the next page without turning the page manually. In short, this is a great system.

Why migrate

So far, Everything is Good, except for one thing: discovery officially only supports PostgreSQL.

As an open source database manufacturer, we have great enthusiasm and good reasons for asktug Com runs on its own database TiDB. When it first came to this idea, of course, it was to find out whether there was a scheme to port discovery to MySQL. As a result, many people asked, but no action.

So we decided to do the transformation of discover database by ourselves. There are two reasons:

  • Eat your own dog food to verify the compatibility of TiDB.

  • **Discover is a typical HTAP application. Its management background has very complex report queries. With the increase of forum data, stand-alone PostgreSQL and MySQL are prone to performance bottlenecks** The TiFlash MPP computing model introduced by TiDB 5.0 just meets the needs of this application scenario. By introducing TiFlash node, some complex statistical analysis queries are processed in parallel to achieve the effect of acceleration. And there is no need to change SQL and complex ETL processes.

Migration practice

Earlier, we talked about the reasons for the asktug & discover database transformation project. Next, we will talk in detail about the "pit" of migrating from PostgreSQL to MySQL / TiDB. If you have friends migrating from PG to MySQL, you can refer to it.

TiDB is compatible with MySQL protocol and ecology, with convenient migration and extremely low operation and maintenance cost. Therefore, the migration of discover from PG to TiDB is roughly divided into two steps:

Step 1: migrate discover to MySQL;

Step 2: adapt TiDB.

Migrate to MySQL 5.7


minisql is a lightweight SQL wrapper, which is convenient for making queries that ORM is not good at, and can prevent SQL injection. Previously, only PG and sqlite were supported. The code of discover relies on minisql in many places, and the workload of rewriting is huge, such as patch mini_sql to support MySQL is an important step to complete migration: https://github.com/discourse/mini_sql/pull/5

🌟 schema migration

The schema migration of Rails is used to maintain DDL and reflects the change process of database schema. In fact, it increases the workload for migration. The solution is to create a final schema RB file, modify the final result and generate a new migration file. Delete the migration file generated in the intermediate process.

🌟 character set utf8mb4


  prepared_statements: false
   encoding: utf8mb4
   socket: /tmp/mysql.sock
   adapter: mysql2


default-character-set = utf8mb4
default-character-set = utf8mb4
character-set-client-handshake = FALSE
character-set-server = utf8mb4
collation-server = utf8mb4_unicode_ci

🌟 MySQL can index only the first N chars of a BLOB or TEXT column

All types of PG can be indexed. MySQL cannot index text. The solution is to specify the length when indexing:

t.index ["error"], name: "index_incoming_emails_on_error", length: 100

However, the case of combined index is more complex. You can only ignore the text type. Fortunately, the index does not affect the function.

🌟 data migration

Pg2mysql can convert the insert statement from pgdump into a form compatible with MySQL syntax, but it is only limited to simple forms. Some formats with array and json will be messy, but this part is handled correctly in Ruby and is divided into two parts. First, pg2mysql handles and eliminates some tables with conversion errors, such as user_options,site_settings, etc.:

PGPASSWORD=yourpass pg_dump discourse_development -h localhost 
  --exclude-table-data user_options 
  --exclude-table-data user_api_keys 
  --exclude-table-data  reviewable_histories 
  --exclude-table-data  reviewables 
  --exclude-table-data  notifications 
  --exclude-table-data site_settings 
  --exclude-table-data  reviewables  
  --format p 
  --data-only -f pgfile.sql

The rest of the data uses seed_dump to migrate:

bundle exec rake db:seed:dump 

🌟 distinct on

PG has a distinct on usage, which is equivalent to mysqlonly_ FULL_ GROUP_ The effect when the by parameter is turned off, but since MySQL 5.7, this parameter has been turned on by default. So one solution is to turn off ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY parameter, the other is simulated by group and aggregate function:

# postgresql
SELECT DISTINCT ON (pr.user_id) pr.user_id, pr.post_id, pr.created_at granted_at
  FROM post_revisions pr
  JOIN badge_posts p on p.id = pr.post_id
  WHERE p.wiki
      AND NOT pr.hidden
      AND (:backfill OR p.id IN (:post_ids))
# mysql
SELECT pr.user_id, MIN(pr.post_id) AS post_id, MIN(pr.created_at) AS granted_at
  FROM post_revisions pr
  JOIN badge_posts p on p.id = pr.post_id
  WHERE p.wiki
      AND NOT pr.hidden
      AND (:backfill OR p.id IN (:post_ids))
  GROUP BY pr.user_id

🌟 returning

PG's UPDATE, DELETE and INSERT statements can all carry a returning keyword to return the results after modification / insertion. For UPDATE and DELETE statements, MySQL is easy to change. It only needs to be split into two steps. First find out the primary key, and then UPDATE or DELETE it:

update users set updated_at = now() where id = 801 returning id,updated_at ;
 id  |        updated_at
 801 | 2019-12-30 15:43:35.81969

MySQL version:

update users set updated_at = now() where id = 801;
select id, updated_at from users where id = 801;
| id  | updated_at          |
| 801 | 2019-12-30 15:45:46 |

For a single INSERT, you need to use last_insert_id() function:

PG version:

insert into category_users(user_id, category_id, notification_level) values(100,100,1) returning id, user_id, category_id;
 id | user_id | category_id
 59 |     100 |         100

Change to MySQL version:

insert into category_users(user_id, category_id, notification_level) values(100,100,1);
select id, category_id, user_id from category_users where id = last_insert_id();
| id | category_id | user_id |
| 48 |         100 |     100 |

For batch inserts, you need to change to a single INSERT and then use last_insert_id() function, because MySQL does not provide last_insert_id() function:

ub_ids = records.map do |ub|
    "INSERT IGNORE INTO user_badges(badge_id, user_id, granted_at, granted_by_id, post_id) 
     VALUES (:badge_id, :user_id, :granted_at, :granted_by_id, :post_id)",
     badge_id: badge.id,
     user_id: ub.user_id,
     granted_at: ub.granted_at,
     granted_by_id: -1,
     post_id: ub.post_id

DB.query("SELECT id, user_id, granted_at FROM user_badges WHERE id IN (:ub_ids)", ub_ids: ub_ids)

🌟 insert into on conflict do nothing

PG 9.5 supports upsert, and MySQL has the same function, but the writing method is inconsistent:

# postgresql
DB.exec(<<~SQL, args)
  INSERT INTO post_timings (topic_id, user_id, post_number, msecs)
  SELECT :topic_id, :user_id, :post_number, :msecs
DB.exec(<<~SQL, args)
  INSERT IGNORE INTO post_timings (topic_id, user_id, post_number, msecs)
  SELECT :topic_id, :user_id, :post_number, :msecs

🌟 select without from

PG allows such syntax: select 1 where 1=2;

However, this is illegal in MySQL because there is no FROM clause. The solution is to trick. Manually create a table with only one data to be compatible with this syntax.

execute("create table one_row_table (id int)")
execute("insert into one_row_table values (1)")

MySQL usage:

select 1 from one_row_table where 1=2;

🌟 full outer join

MySQL does not support full outer join. You need to use LEFT JOIN + RIGHT JOIN + UNION to simulate:

LEFT JOIN t2 ON t1.id = t2.id
RIGHT JOIN t2 ON t1.id = t2.id

🌟 recursive cte

Before MySQL 8.0, CTE/Recursive CTE is not supported. CTE with simple structure can be directly changed into sub query, which has no functional impact except poor readability. Recursive CTE can be simulated with user defined variables. There is a query with nested replies in discover:

WITH RECURSIVE breadcrumb(id, level) AS (
    SELECT 8543, 0
    SELECT reply_id, level + 1
    FROM post_replies AS r
      JOIN breadcrumb AS b ON (r.post_id = b.id)
    WHERE r.post_id <> r.reply_id
          AND b.level < 1000
  ), breadcrumb_with_count AS (
        COUNT(*) AS count
      FROM post_replies AS r
        JOIN breadcrumb AS b ON (r.reply_id = b.id)
      WHERE r.reply_id <> r.post_id
      GROUP BY id, level
  SELECT id, level
  FROM breadcrumb_with_count

Use MySQL 5.7 for compatibility:

SELECT id, level FROM (
  SELECT id, level, count(*) as count FROM (
    SELECT reply_id AS id, length(@pv) - length((replace(@pv, ',', '')))  AS level
      FROM (
             SELECT * FROM post_replies ORDER BY post_id, reply_id) pr,
             (SELECT @pv := 8543) init
     WHERE find_in_set(post_id, @pv)
           AND length(@pv := concat(@pv, ',', reply_id))
  ) tmp GROUP BY id, level
) tmp1
WHERE (count = 1)

CTEs of PG can be nested. For example, the query in discover, note WITH period_actions are nested in flag_ In count:

 WITH mods AS (
  id AS user_id,
  username_lower AS username,
  FROM users u
  WHERE u.moderator = 'true'
  AND u.id > 0
  time_read AS (
  SELECT SUM(uv.time_read) AS time_read,
  FROM mods m
  JOIN user_visits uv
  ON m.user_id = uv.user_id
  WHERE uv.visited_at >= '#{report.start_date}'
  AND uv.visited_at <= '#{report.end_date}'
  GROUP BY uv.user_id
  flag_count AS (
      WITH period_actions AS (
      SELECT agreed_by_id,
      FROM post_actions
      WHERE post_action_type_id IN (#{PostActionType.flag_types_without_custom.values.join(',')})
      AND created_at >= '#{report.start_date}'
      AND created_at <= '#{report.end_date}'
      agreed_flags AS (
      SELECT pa.agreed_by_id AS user_id,
      COUNT(*) AS flag_count
      FROM mods m
      JOIN period_actions pa
      ON pa.agreed_by_id = m.user_id
      GROUP BY agreed_by_id
      disagreed_flags AS (
      SELECT pa.disagreed_by_id AS user_id,
      COUNT(*) AS flag_count
      FROM mods m
      JOIN period_actions pa
      ON pa.disagreed_by_id = m.user_id
      GROUP BY disagreed_by_id

This sub query is very complex to simulate and can be compatible WITH temporary tables. The query part does not need any modification, but only needs to replace the WITH part WITH temporary tables according to the dependency order:

      id AS user_id,
      username_lower AS username,
      FROM users u
      WHERE u.moderator = true
      AND u.id > 0

      SELECT SUM(uv.time_read) AS time_read,
      FROM mods m
      JOIN user_visits uv
      ON m.user_id = uv.user_id
      WHERE uv.visited_at >= '#{report.start_date.to_s(:db)}'
      AND uv.visited_at <= '#{report.end_date.to_s(:db)}'
      GROUP BY uv.user_id

🌟 delete & update

The update/delete statements of PG and MySQL are written differently. They will be processed automatically by using ORM, but a large amount of code in discover uses mini_sql handwritten SQL needs to be replaced one by one.

PG update statement:

# postgresql
UPDATE employees
SET department_name = departments.name
FROM departments
WHERE employees.department_id = departments.id

MySQL update statement:

UPDATE employees
LEFT JOIN departments ON employees.department_id = departments.id
SET department_name = departments.name

The delete statement is similar.

🌟 You can't specify target table xx for update in FROM clause

After moving from PG to MySQL, many statements will report such an error: You can't specify target table 'users' for update in from claim.

update users set updated_at = now() where id in (
  select id from users where id < 10
# You can't specify target table 'users' for update in FROM clause

The solution is to use derived table in the sub query:

update users set updated_at = now() where id in (
  select id from (select * from users) u where id < 10

🌟 MySQL doesn't yet support 'LIMIT & IN/ALL/ANY/SOME subquery'

Take the above query as an example. If the sub query has a LIMIT:

update users set updated_at = now() where id in (
  select id from (select * from users) u where id < 10 limit 10
# MySQL doesn't yet support 'LIMIT & IN/ALL/ANY/SOME subquery'

The simplest solution is derived again:

update users set updated_at = now() where id in (
  select id from (
    select id from (select * from users) u where id < 10 limit 10
  ) u1

🌟 window function

There is no window function before MySQL 8.0. You can use user defined variables instead:

# postgresql
WITH ranked_requests AS (
  SELECT row_number() OVER (ORDER BY count DESC) as row_number, id
    FROM web_crawler_requests
   WHERE date = '#{1.day.ago.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")}'
DELETE FROM web_crawler_requests
  SELECT ranked_requests.id
    FROM ranked_requests
   WHERE row_number > 10
DELETE FROM web_crawler_requests
  SELECT ranked_requests.id
    FROM (
          SELECT @r := @r + 1 as row_number, id
            FROM web_crawler_requests, (SELECT @r := 0) t
           WHERE date = '#{1.day.ago.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")}'
        ORDER BY count DESC
    ) ranked_requests
   WHERE row_number > 10

🌟 swap columns

When MySQL and PG process the update statement, the column reference behavior is inconsistent. PG refers to the original value, while MySQL refers to the updated value, for example:

# postgresql
create table tmp (id integer primary key, c1 varchar(10), c2 varchar(10));

insert into tmp values (1,2,3);
insert into tmp values (2,4,5);

select * from tmp;
 id | c1 | c2
  1 | 3  | 2
  2 | 5  | 4

update tmp set c1=c2,c2=c1;

select * from tmp;
 id | c1 | c2
  1 | 3  | 2
  2 | 5  | 4

create table tmp (id integer primary key, c1 varchar(10), c2 varchar(10));

insert into tmp values (1,2,3);
insert into tmp values (2,4,5);

select * from tmp;
| id | c1   | c2   |
|  1 | 2    | 3    |
|  2 | 4    | 5    |

update tmp set c1=c2,c2=c1;

select * from tmp;
| id | c1   | c2   |
|  1 | 3    | 3    |
|  2 | 5    | 5    |

🌟 function

Some built-in function names and behaviors of PG and MySQL are inconsistent:

  • regexp_replace -> replace

  • pg_sleep -> sleep

  • ilike -> lower + like

  • ~* -> regexp

  • || -> concat

  • set local statementtimeout -> set session statementtimeout

  • offset a limit b -> limit a offset b

  • @ -> ABS

  • interval -> date_ Add or datediff

  • extract epoch from -> unix_timestimp

  • unnest -> union all

  • json syntax: json - > > 'username' to json - > > '$ username’

  • position in -> locate

  • generate_series -> union

  • greatest & least -> greatest/least + coalesce

🌟 type & casting

MySQL uses the cast function, and PG also supports the same syntax, but four points are more commonly used::, such as SELECT 1::varchar. The conversion types of MySQL can only be the following five: CHAR[(N)], DATE, DATETIME, DECIMAL, SIGNED and TIME.

select cast('1' as signed);

In Rails, PG is mapped to varchar and MySQL is mapped to varchar(255). In fact, PG's varchar can store more than 255. Some data using string in discover will exceed 255 and will be truncated after being converted to MySQL. The solution is to use text type for these columns.

🌟 keywords

The keywords lists of MySQL and PG are not exactly the same. For example, read is a keyword in MySQL but not in PG. The SQL produced by ORM has been handled. Some handwritten SQL needs to be quote d by themselves. PG uses "" and MySQL uses `.

🌟 expression index

PG supports expression index:

CREATE INDEX test1_lower_col1_idx ON test1 (lower(col1));

Some functions in discover will add unique constraints to the expression index. MySQL has no direct correspondence, but you can use Stored Generated Column to simulate. First, redundant a Stored Generated Column, and then add unique constraints to achieve the same effect.

Rails also supports:

t.virtual "virtual_parent_category_id", type: :string, as: "COALESCE(parent_category_id, '-1')", stored: true 
t.index "virtual_parent_category_id, name", name: "unique_index_categories_on_name", unique: true

🌟 array && json

PG supports ARRAY and JSON types. MySQL 5.7 already has JSON. In discover, the usage scenarios of ARRAY and JSON are relatively single, and they are used for storage. There is no advanced retrieval requirement. Using JSON directly can replace PG's ARRAY and JSON. However, neither JSON nor text in MySQL supports default value, which can only be set in the application layer. You can use: https://github.com/FooBarWidget/default_value_for

Adaptive TiDB

TiDB supports MySQL transport protocol and most of its syntax, but some features cannot be well implemented in a distributed environment, so the performance of some features is still different from that of MySQL. See the document for details https://pingcap.com/docs-cn/stable/reference/mysql-compatibility/ Next, let's mainly look at some small problems involved in this migration.

🌟 TiDB reserved keyword

TiDB supports Window Function in the new version (v3.0.7 is used in this migration) and introduces {group, rank and row_number and other functions, but the special thing is that the above function names will be treated as keywords by TiDB. Therefore, when opening the Window Function, we need to modify the SQL named similar to the Window Function name and wrap the relevant keywords in backquotes.

TiDB reserved keywords: https://pingcap.com/docs-cn/stable/reference/sql/language-structure/keywords-and-reserved-words/

TiDB window function: https://pingcap.com/docs-cn/stable/reference/sql/functions-and-operators/window-functions/

🌟 Incompatible Insert into select syntax

TiDB does not support this syntax temporarily. You can use insert into select from dual to bypass:

invalid: insert into t1 (i) select 1;
valid: insert into t1 (i) select 1 from dual;

🌟 Nested transaction & savepoint

TiDB does not support nested transactions, nor does it support savepoints. However, when the database is MySQL or PostgreSQL, Rails ActiveRecord uses savepoint to simulate nested transactions and uses {requirements_ New option to control the document: https://api.rubyonrails.org/classes/ActiveRecord/Transactions/ClassMethods.html .

Therefore, after the database is migrated to TiDB, we need to adjust the business code, adjust the original logic involving "nested transactions" to single-layer transactions, roll back uniformly in case of exceptions, and cancel the use of "requirements" in discover_ New option.

TiDB's powerful compatibility

TiDB is 100% compatible with MySQL 5.7 protocol. In addition, it also supports the common functions and syntax of MySQL 5.7. The system tools (PHPMyAdmin, Navicat, MySQL Workbench, mysqldump, Mydumper/Myloader) and clients in MySQL 5.7 ecosystem are applicable to TiDB. At the same time, after TiDB 5.0, many new features will be released successively, such as expression index, CTE, temporary table, etc. the compatibility of the new version of TiDB is getting better and better, and it will become easier and easier to migrate from MySQL or PostgreSQL to TiDB.


The project has been 100% completed and is currently on the AskTUG website( https://asktug.com )It has been running smoothly on TiDB (current version: tidb-v5.0.x) for more than a year. Yes, without changing the experience, no one found that the database had quietly changed ~ it proved the feasibility of migrating the business running on PG to TiDB.

The address of the project is: https://github.com/tidb-incubator/discourse/tree/my-2.3.3 , you can participate in the improvement and pay attention to the progress of the project through fork & PR. you are also very welcome to feel the goodwill of TiDB community from the partners of ruby community, Ruby On Rails community and discover community.

Keywords: Database

Added by busybee on Tue, 25 Jan 2022 02:20:00 +0200