Usage scenarios
EntityListeners are used in jpa. If you are mybatis, you cannot use them
Its significance
Tracking the changes of entity attributes provides the status of before saving, after saving, before updating, after updating, before deleting and after deleting. Just like an interceptor, you can rewrite your personalized logic in the intercepting method.
Its use
Define interfaces, such as entity tracking
/** * Data creation and update */ public interface DataEntity { Timestamp getDateCreated(); void setDateCreated(Timestamp dateCreated); Timestamp getLastUpdated(); void setLastUpdated(Timestamp lastUpdated); Long getDateCreatedOn(); void setDateCreatedOn(Long dateCreatedOn); Long getLastUpdatedOn(); void setLastUpdatedOn(Long lastUpdatedOn); }
Define tracker
@Slf4j @Component @Transactional public class DataEntityListener { @PrePersist public void prePersist(DataEntity object) throws IllegalArgumentException, IllegalAccessException { Timestamp now = Timestamp.from(; object.setDateCreated(now); object.setLastUpdated(now); logger.debug("save Previous operations"); } @PostPersist public void postpersist(DataEntity object) throws IllegalArgumentException, IllegalAccessException { logger.debug("save Subsequent operations"); } @PreUpdate public void preUpdate(DataEntity object) throws IllegalArgumentException, IllegalAccessException { Timestamp now = Timestamp.from(; object.setLastUpdated(now); logger.debug("update Previous operations"); } @PostUpdate public void postUpdate(DataEntity object) throws IllegalArgumentException, IllegalAccessException { logger.debug("update Subsequent operations"); } @PreRemove public void preRemove(DataEntity object) { logger.debug("del Previous operations"); } @PostRemove public void postRemove(DataEntity object) { logger.debug("del Subsequent operations"); } }
Entity to implement the corresponding trace interface
@EntityListeners(DataEntityListener.class) public class Product implements DataEntity { @Override public Timestamp getDateCreated() { return createTime; } @Override public void setDateCreated(Timestamp dateCreated) { createTime = dateCreated; } @Override public Timestamp getLastUpdated() { return lastUpdateTime; } @Override public void setLastUpdated(Timestamp lastUpdated) { this.lastUpdateTime = lastUpdated; } @Override public Long getDateCreatedOn() { return createOn; } @Override public void setDateCreatedOn(Long dateCreatedOn) { createOn = dateCreatedOn; } @Override public Long getLastUpdatedOn() { return lastUpdateOn; } @Override public void setLastUpdatedOn(Long lastUpdatedOn) { this.lastUpdateOn = lastUpdatedOn; } }
The above code will realize the assignment of createTime and lastUpdateTime when the entity is saved, and the reassignment of lastUpdateTime when the entity is updated.