The use of Go language map

The use of Go language map

1, Basic introduction to map:

map is a key value data structure, also known as a field or associated array. (similar to the dictionary in Python)

Basic syntax:

Var map variable name map[keyType]valueType

  1. Generally, the key types are: int, string, or bool, number, pointer, channel, interface, structure, array;
  2. Generally, the types of value are: number (integer, floating-point), string, map, struct;

Case of map declaration:

var variable name map[string]string / / the key type of variable name is: string value type: String

var variable name map[string]map[string]string / / variable name key type: string value type: Map

  • Note: the declaration will not allocate memory. make is required for initialization and can only be assigned and used after memory allocation.

Here's a chestnut:

package main

import "fmt"

func main() {
	// Declaration and notes of map
	// Note: before using map, you need to make and allocate data space to map
	myMap := make(map[string]string, 10)  // 10 represents the space allocated to the map
	myMap["num1"] = "Asia rope"
	myMap["num2"] = "Ti Mo"
	myMap["num3"] = "Male knife"
	fmt.Println("myMap:", myMap)
// Output results:
myMap: map[num1:Asia rope num2:Ti Mo num3:Male knife]
  1. map must be made before use;
  2. The map key cannot be repeated. If it is repeated, the latter will overwrite the former;
  3. The value of map can be repeated;
  4. The key value of map is unordered;

2, How to use map:

  1. Method 1:

    package main
    import "fmt"
    func main() {
    	// First way of use
    	var myMap map[string]string
    	// Before using map, you need to make it first. The function of make is to allocate data space to map
    	myMap = make(map[string]string)
    	myMap["num1"] = "Asia rope"
    	myMap["num2"] = "Ti Mo"
    	myMap["num3"] = "Male knife"
    	fmt.Println("myMap:", myMap)
    // Output results:
    myMap: map[num1:Asia rope num2:Ti Mo num3:Male knife]
  2. Mode two:

    package main
    import "fmt"
    func main() {
    	// The second way
    	myMap := make(map[string]string)
    	myMap["num1"] = "Asia rope"
    	myMap["num2"] = "Ti Mo"
    	myMap["num3"] = "Male knife"
    	fmt.Println("myMap:", myMap)
    // Output results:
    myMap: map[num1:Asia rope num2:Ti Mo num3:Male knife]
  3. Mode three:

    package main
    import "fmt"
    func main() {
    	// The third way
    	myMap := map[string]string{
    		"num1": "Asia rope",
    		"num2": "Ti Mo",
    		"num3": "Male knife",
    	fmt.Println("myMap:", myMap)
    // Output results:
    myMap: map[num1:Asia rope num2:Ti Mo num3:Male knife]

Here's a chestnut:

package main

import "fmt"

func main() {
	For example, to store three student information, each student has the information of name and sex
	Idea: map[string]map[string]string
    // Pay attention to the use of make
	studentsMap := make(map[string]map[string]string)
	studentsMap["num1"] = make(map[string]string, 3)
	studentsMap["num1"]["name"] = "Asia rope"
	studentsMap["num1"]["sex"] = "male"
	studentsMap["num1"]["address"] = "Canyon top"

	studentsMap["num2"] = make(map[string]string, 3)
	studentsMap["num2"]["name"] = "Ti Mo"
	studentsMap["num2"]["sex"] = "secrecy"
	studentsMap["num2"]["address"] = "Canyon top"

	fmt.Println("studentsMap:", studentsMap)

// Output results:
studentsMap: map[num1:map[address:Canyon top name:Asia rope sex:male] num2:map[address:Canyon top name:Ti Mo sex:secrecy]]

3, Add, delete, modify and check map:

  1. map addition and update:

    package main
    import "fmt"
    func main() {
    	// map increase
    	myMap := make(map[string]string)
    	myMap["name"] = "Asia rope"
    	myMap["sex"] = "male"
    	// map change
    	myMap["name"] = "Asia rope"
    	myMap["sex"] = "secrecy"
    	fmt.Println("myMap:", myMap)
    // Output results:
    myMap: map[name:Asia rope sex:secrecy]

    If the key does not exist, it is increased. If the key already exists, it is modified

  2. map delete:

    Basic syntax: delete(map, "key"); delete is a built-in function

    • If the key exists, delete the key value;
    • If the key does not exist, no operation and no error will be reported;
    package main
    import "fmt"
    func main() {
    	// Increase of map
    	myMap := make(map[string]string)
    	myMap["name"] = "Asia rope"
    	myMap["sex"] = "male"
    	// Delete existing key
    	delete(myMap, "sex")
    	// Delete the key that does not exist. No error or error will be reported when deleting
    	delete(myMap, "address")
    	fmt.Println("myMap:", myMap)
    // Output results:
    myMap: map[name:Asia rope]
  3. map lookup:

    package main
    import "fmt"
    func main() {
    	// map search
    	myMap := make(map[string]string)
    	myMap["name"] = "Asia rope"
    	myMap["sex"] = "male"
    	val, got := myMap["name"]
    	if got {
    		fmt.Println("The value is:", val)
    	}else {
    		fmt.Println("No value!")
    // Output results:
    //The value is: Asia rope

    If the key in my map is "name", then get will return true, otherwise false

4, map traversal:

map traversal can only use for range

package main

import (

func main() {
	// Use of map for range
	myMap := make(map[string]map[string]string)
	myMap["num1"] = make(map[string]string)
	myMap["num1"]["name"] = "Asia rope"
	myMap["num1"]["sex"] = "male"

	myMap["num2"] = make(map[string]string)
	myMap["num2"]["name"] = "Male knife"
	myMap["num2"]["sex"] = "male"

	for k, v := range myMap{
		fmt.Println("k=", k)
		for k1, v1 := range v{
			fmt.Printf("\t k1=%v v1=%v", k1, v1)

// Output results:
k= num2
	 k1=name v1=Male knife	 k1=sex v1=male
k= num1
	 k1=name v1=Asia rope	 k1=sex v1=male

5, map sort:

  1. There is no special method to sort map in go;
  2. map in go is unordered by default;
  3. map sorting in go is to sort the key first, and then traverse the output according to the key value;

Here's a chestnut:

package main

import (

func main() {
	// Sort the output according to the key sequence of the map
	// 1. First put the map key into the slice
	// 2. Slice operation
	// 3. Traverse the slice and output the map value according to the key
	mySort := make(map[int]int)
	mySort[1] = 100
	mySort[3] = 66
	mySort[2] = 88
	mySort[5] = 16

	fmt.Println("mySort=", mySort)
	var keys []int
	for k, _ := range mySort {
		keys = append(keys, k)
	fmt.Println("keys", keys)
	// Sort slices
	fmt.Println("keys", keys)
	for _, v :=  range keys{
		fmt.Printf("mySort[%v]=%v\n", v, mySort[v])
// Output results:
mySort= map[1:100 2:88 3:66 5:16]
keys [3 2 5 1]
//After sorting=keys [1 2 3 5]

6, map usage details:

  1. map is a reference type, which follows the reference type passing mechanism:

    package main
    import "fmt"
    func test (map1 map[int]int) {
    	map1[10] = 600
    func main() {
    	// map is a reference type
    	myMap :=  make(map[int]int)
    	myMap[10] = 1000
    	myMap[1] = 1000
    	fmt.Println("myMap value:", myMap)
    // Output results:
    myMap value: map[1:1000 10:600]
  2. value in map. The data structure is usually of struct type:

    package main
    import "fmt"
    //Defining a student's structure
    type Stu struct {
    	Name string
    	Age int
    	Address string
    func main() {
    	//map value, often using struct type
    	students := make(map[string]Stu)
    	//Create 2 students
    	Stu1: = stu {"Tom", 18, "Beijing"}
    	Stu2: = stu {"Mary", 20, "Shanghai"}
    	students["num1"] = stu1
    	students["num2"] = stu2
    	//Traverse to get each student's information
    	for k, v := range students {
    		fmt.Println("student number is:", k)
    		fmt.Println("student's name is:", v.Name)
    		fmt.Println("student's age is:", v.Age)
    		fmt.Println("student's address is:", v.Address)
    //Output results:
    map[num1:{Tom 18 Beijing} num2:{mary 20 Shanghai}]
    Student number: num1
     The student's name is Tom
     The age of the student is: 18
     The student's address is: Beijing
     Student number: num2
     The student's name is mary
     The age of the student is: 20
     The student's address is: Shanghai
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Keywords: Python Go

Added by digibrain on Fri, 07 Feb 2020 13:59:24 +0200