Thymeleaf's Initial Knowledge and Use

##Template Engine

  1. In addition to JSP, SpringBoot also provides many other template engines, such as freemarker, thymeleaf, and so on.
  2. JSP is officially not recommended for SpringBoot, and Thymeleaf is the view layer technology recommended for SpringBoot.
  3. Thymeleaf files default to the src/main/resources/templates path.This directory is a protected directory and cannot be accessed directly through the HTTP protocol. After all, thymeleaf is a view template. If accessed directly from outside, it will lack the process of data rendering and will not display view logic properly.

Introduction to ##thymeleaf

  1. Thymeleaf is a modern server-side Java template engine for the Web and stand-alone environments.
  2. thymeleaf's template is HTML, so it can be displayed directly and correctly in a browser. thymeleaf can handle HTML, XML, JavaScript, CSS and even plain text.

Use of ##thymeleaf.

Add thymeleaf starter

Note: In low versions of Thymeleaf technology, the requirements for HTML tags are consistent with xml.However, it does not conform to the common definition of HTML.This can be avoided by providing a higher version of the Thymeleaf-related jar package.After Thymeleaf-dialect2.x and Thymeleaf 3.x, there are no more strict restrictions on HTML good structure.



thymeleaf configuration (application.yml)

  port: 80
    mode: HTML5
    encoding: UTF-8
    cache: false #Hot deploy file, page does not generate cache, update in time
      max-file-size: 100MB #Maximum volume of a single file
      max-request-size: 100MB #Maximum volume of all files in a single request

To use Thymeleaf's API, you need to add attributes in the html tag

<html lang="en" xmlns:th="">

Introduction to Common API s for ##Thymeleaf

  1. th:text - Text display properties
  2. th:utext - Text output as is
  3. th:value - Data entry property, equivalent to the value property in HTML Tags
  4. th:action - Used to define the submission path for form forms
  5. th:href - The thymeleaf syntax used to define the URL path
  6. th:src - The thymeleaf syntax used to define the resource path.Usually used to locate pictures, JS imports, etc.

##Thymeleaf Logical Control

if judgment

<span th:if="${attr} == 'value'">
    show text

Branch Judgment

<div th:switch="${attr}">
    <span th:case="value1">show text 1</span>
    <span th:case="value2">show text 2</span>
    <span th:case="value3">show text 3</span>

Circular List

<!-- Syntax: variable name : ${Collection to cycle attr}     Similar java In foreach -->
<tr th:each="u : ${list}">
    <td th:text="${u.userid}"></td>
    <td th:text="${u.username}"></td>
    <td th:text="${u.userage}"></td>

Loop Map
Iterate over a Map set. When iterating over a Map, each loop variable type is Map.Entry if the map is iterated over using an iterated linear set.If you want to manipulate the key or value in Map.Entry, you can do a second iteration.In Thymeleaf, think of Map.Entry as a collection

<div th:each="m : ${map}">
    <span th:text="${m.key}"></span>
    <span th:each="u : ${m.value}" th:text="${}"></span>

State variables in loops
The state variable is to provide the state basis for the cycle process.For example: circular index, number, count, odd and even number, etc.State variables are common in loop syntax

<!-- Syntax: Loop variable, state variable : ${attr} -->
<tr th:each="u, var : ${list}">
    <td th:text="${var.index}"></td><!-- Index, starting at 0 -->
    <td th:text="${var.count}"></td><!-- Count, starting from 1 -->
    <td th:text="${var.size}"></td><!-- Collection capacity -->
    <td th:text="${var.even}"></td><!-- is even -->
    <td th:text="${var.odd}"></td><!-- is odd -->
    <td th:text="${var.first}"></td><!-- Is it the first element -->
    <td th:text="${var.last}"></td><!-- Is it the last element -->

Access Scope

<!-- Request -->
<div th:text="${#httpServletRequest.getAttribute('name')}"></div>
<!-- Session -->
<div th:text="${session.userName}"></div>

URL expression
Thymeleaf encode s the request header.Springmvc decode s when processing request header parameters

<a th:href="@{}" th:text="absolute path"></a>
<img th:src="@{/1.jpg}" style="height: 50px"/>
<a th:href="@{/index}">Relative Path-Relative to Root of Application</a>
<a th:href="@{~/index}">Relative Path-Relative to Server Root</a>
<a th:href="@{index}">Relative Path-Relative to Current Path</a>
<a th:href="@{/params(id=1, name=Zhang San)}">Parameter Pass</a>
<a th:href="@{/restfulParams/{id} (id=2, name=Li Si)}">Restful parameter</a>

thymeleaf string operation

<!-- Judgement string is not empty -->
<!-- Whether to include substrings -->
${#strings.contains(all, 'str')}
<!-- Do you start with what -->
${#strings.startsWith(attr, 'pre')}
<!-- Whether or not to end with -->
<!-- String Length -->
<!-- Find substring index, no return-1 -->
${#strings.indexOf(attr, 'str')}
<!-- substring -->
<!-- Uppercase -->
<!-- To lower case -->

thymleaf date operation

<!-- Formatting, default Thymeleaf Is the date formatted using the browser's preferred locale -->
${#dates.format(date, 'formatter')}
<!-- Acquire Year -->
<!-- Get Months -->
<!-- get date -->

Keywords: Thymeleaf Java SpringBoot JSP

Added by iShaun on Tue, 27 Aug 2019 04:52:32 +0300