Topological sorting

Topology sorting topoport

Topological sorting of a directed acyclic graph G is to arrange all vertices in G into a linear sequence so that any pair of vertices in the graph u u u and v v v. Ruo Bian < u , v > ∈ E ( G ) <u,v>∈E(G) < u, V > ∈ E(G), then u appears in the linear sequence v v v before. Generally, such a linear sequence is called a sequence satisfying topological order, which is called topological sequence for short. In short, a partial order on a set is used to obtain a total order on the set. This operation is called topological sorting.

Topological sorting and edge deletion steps

  • Count the penetration of all points
  • Delete the edge connected to the point output with a penetration of 0
  • Repeat until all points are deleted

    Output 5

    Output 5 1

    Output 5 1 2

    Output 5 1 2 3

    Output 5 1 2 3 4


P1347 [topological sorting template] Luogu portal

Title Description
An ascending sequence of different values refers to a sequence in which the elements increase from left to right, for example, an ordered sequence A , B , C , D A,B,C,D A. B, C, d represent A < B , B < C , C < D A<B,B<C,C<D A<B,B<C,C<D. In this problem, we will give you a series of forms such as A < B A<B A < B, and ask you to judge whether you can determine the order of this sequence according to these relationships.

Input format
The first line has two positive integers n , m n,m n,m, n n n indicates the number of elements to be sorted, 2 ≤ n ≤ 26 2≤n≤26 2 ≤ n ≤ 26, th 1 1 1 to n n n elements will be capitalized A , B , C , D A,B,C,D A. B, C, D. m m m represents the shape to be given, such as A < B A<B The number of relationships with a < B.

Next there are m m m rows, each row has 3 3 Three characters, one capital letter, one < symbol and one capital letter respectively, represent the relationship between the two elements.

Output format

If according to the previous x x This can be determined by x relationships n n Order of n elements YYY Y (if any) A B C ABC ABC), output

Sorted sequence determined after xxx relations: yyy...y.

If according to the previous x x x relationships are found to be contradictory (e.g A < B , B < C , C < A A<B,B<C,C<A A < B, B < C, C < a), output

Inconsistency found after x relations.

If according to this m m m relationships cannot be determined n n Order of n elements, output

Sorted sequence cannot be determined.

(prompt: OK) n n The program can be ended after the sequence of n elements, without considering the contradiction after determining the sequence)

Input sample 1

4 6

Output sample 1

Sorted sequence determined after 4 relations: ABCD.

Input sample 1

3 2

Output sample 1

Inconsistency found after 2 relations.

Input sample 1

26 1

Output sample 1

Sorted sequence cannot be determined.
//P1347 sorting topology sorting solution 
#define maxn 30
#define maxm 700
using namespace std;
int n,m,len,cnt,c;
int head[maxn],vis[maxn],dis[maxn];
//Chained forward star head[] vis [] marker dis [] topological chain length 
int f[maxn],in[maxn],qq[maxn];
//f in temporary qq record queue 
struct node{
	int to,next;
//Linked list 
void add(int u,int v){
//Topological sorting 
void topo(){
	memset(dis,0,sizeof dis);
	memset(vis,0,sizeof vis);
	memset(qq,0,sizeof qq);
	for(int i=1;i<=n;i++){
		in[i]=f[i]; //Temporary storage initialization 
		if(in[i]==0){ //Initial penetration = = 0 indicates that it is the root node 
			q.push(i); //Join the team 
			vis[i]=1; //Queue mark 
			dis[i]=1; //Length 1 
	while(!q.empty() ){
		int t=q.front() ; q.pop() ; qq[++c]=t; //Take the lead
		//Chained forward star traversal 
		for(int i=head[t];i;i=e[i].next ){
			int v=e[i].to ; //Make a brief note 
			if(vis[v]!=0) continue; //Skip after marking
			//Take the longest chain length 
			if(in[v]==0){ //Join = = 0 join the team 

int main(){
	for(int i=1;i<=m;i++){
		char ch,u,v;
		//Special judgment 1: a < a contradiction 
			printf("Inconsistency found after %d relations.",i);
			return 0;
		add(u-64,v-64); //The edge is added from the small point to the large point to ensure ascending output 
		f[v-64]++; //Penetration++ 
		//Special judgment 2: longest chain length = = n qualified output 
			printf("Sorted sequence determined after %d relations: ",i);
			for(int j=1;j<=n;j++){
			return 0;
		//Special judgment 3: there is a ring contradiction 
		for(int j=1;j<=n;j++){
			if(in[j]){ //Penetration= 0 
				printf("Inconsistency found after %d relations.",i);
				return 0;
	//Special judgment 4: the chain with length n cannot be formed 
	printf("Sorted sequence cannot be determined.");
	return 0;

It can also be solved by Floyd

//P1347 sorting floyd method 
#define inf 0x3f3f3f3f
#define maxn 30
using namespace std;

int n,m,dis[maxn][maxn],q[maxn];

void stat(){
	for(int i=1;i<=n;i++){
		for(int j=1;j<=n;j++){
			if(i!=j) dis[i][j]=inf;
//Bare floyd shortest 
void floyd(){
	for(int k=1;k<=n;k++)
		for(int i=1;i<=n;i++)
			for(int j=1;j<=n;j++)

int main(){
	for(int k=1;k<=m;k++){
		char ch,u,v;
		//Special judgment 1: a < a contradiction 
		if(u==v) {
			printf("Inconsistency found after %d relations.",k);
			return 0;
		int anscnt=0;
		for(int i=1;i<=n;i++){
			int cnt1=0,cnt2=0;
			for(int j=1;j<=n;j++){
				if(i==j) continue;
				//Special judgment 2: there is a ring contradiction 
				if(dis[i][j]!=inf && dis[j][i]!=inf ){
					printf("Inconsistency found after %d relations.",k);
					return 0;
				if(dis[i][j]!=inf) cnt1++; //Number of points that can be reached 
				if(dis[j][i]!=inf) cnt2++; //Number of points that can be reached 
			if(cnt1+cnt2==n-1) q[cnt2+1]=i, anscnt++; //This point can be determined	
		if(anscnt==n){ //All points can be determined. Special judgment 3: compliance output 
			printf("Sorted sequence determined after %d relations: ",k);
			for(int j=1;j<=n;j++){
			return 0;
	//Special judgment 4: the chain with length n cannot be formed 
	printf("Sorted sequence cannot be determined.");
	return 0;

information transfer

P2661 information transmission Luogu portal

Title Description
have n n n students (No 1 1 1 to n n n) Playing a game of information transmission. In the game, everyone has a fixed information transmission object, in which the number is i i The information transmission object of i's students is No T i T_i Ti's classmate.

At the beginning of the game, everyone only knows his birthday. In each subsequent round, Everyone will tell their current birthday information to their information transmission object at the same time (Note: someone may get information from several people, but each person will only tell the information to one person, that is, their own information transmission object). When someone knows their birthday from others, the game ends. How many rounds of the game can be played?

Input format
2 lines in total.
Line 1 contains 1 1 1 positive integer n n n. Show n n n people.
Line 2 contains n n n positive integers separated by spaces T 1 , T 2 . . . , T n T_1,T_2...,T_n T1​,T2​..., Tn, where No i i i integers T i T_i Ti , indicates No i i The information transmission object of i's students is No T i T_i Ti's classmates, T i ≤ n T_i ≤n Ti ≤ n and T i ≠ i T_i ≠ i Ti​​=i.

Output format
1 1 An integer indicating the total number of rounds of the game.

sample input

2 4 2 3 1

sample output


Data range
about 30 30% 30, n ≤ 200 n ≤ 200 n≤200;
about 60 60% 60 data, n ≤ 2500 n ≤ 2500 n≤2500;
about 100 100% 100 data, n ≤ 200000 n ≤ 200000 n≤200000.

#define maxn 200005
using namespace std;
int n,head[maxn],in[maxn],vis[maxn],cnt;
//Chain head [] penetration in [] mark vis [] 
int ans=1e9,dep;
//ans minimum ring dep is the size of the dfs ring for each pass 
struct node{
	int to,next;
void add(int u,int v){
	e[cnt].to =v;
	e[cnt].next =head[u];
//Search the smallest ring after deleting the edge 
void dfs(int k,int f){ //Current point k end point f 
	dep++; //Ring size++ 
	for(int i=head[k];i;i=e[i].next ){
		int v=e[i].to;
		if(v!=f) dfs(v,f), vis[v]=1;
		//Judge whether the point is the end point, otherwise continue dfs and mark 
//Topological sorting and edge deletion 
void topo(){
	for(int i=1;i<=n;i++){
		if(in[i]==0){ //The initial entry level is 0, and the entry mark is 0 
		int t=q.front() ; q.pop() ;//Take the lead 
		for(int i=head[t];i;i=e[i].next ){ //Chained forward star traversal 
			int v=e[i].to; //Mark points 
			in[v]--; //Penetration of exit point-- 
			if(in[v]==0){ //If the entry degree is 0, the team is marked 
				q.push(v); vis[v]=1; 

int main(){
	for(int i=1;i<=n;i++){
		int x;
		add(i,x); //Edging 
		in[x]++; //Penetration++ 
	//After deleting the edge, the vis of the point on the ring is still 0 
	for(int i=1;i<=n;i++){
		if(!vis[i]){ //The points on the ring are dfs 
			dfs(i,i); //Start i end i 
			ans=min(dep,ans); //Take the smallest ring 

Added by Tanus on Sat, 25 Dec 2021 00:57:53 +0200