Tree and binary tree

1. Pre order printing node

[problem description] the algorithm is designed to print the leaf nodes of the binary tree in the way of preorder traversal.

[input form] a line of string, which is the preorder traversal sequence of the extended binary tree, which is used to construct the binary tree.

[output form] the pre order leaf traversal sequence of binary tree (separated by spaces).

[sample input] AB#D##C##

[sample output]

     D C

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
int main() {
	string str;
	getline(cin, str);
	int i = 0;
	while (str[i] != '\0') {
			if (str[i + 1] == '#' && str[i + 2] == '#') {
				cout << str[i] << " ";

2. Find the number of nodes of the binary tree  

[problem description] design an algorithm to find the number of nodes of the binary tree.

[input form] a line of string, which is the preorder traversal sequence of the extended binary tree, which is used to construct the binary tree.

[output form] number of nodes in binary tree.

[sample input] AB#D##C##

[sample output]


#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
int main() {
	string str;
	getline(cin, str);
	int i = 0;
	int count = 0;
	while (str[i] != '\0') {
		if (str[i] != '#') {
	cout << count;

3. Find the depth of binary tree

[problem description] design algorithm to find the depth of binary tree.

[input form] a line of string, which is the preorder traversal sequence of the extended binary tree, which is used to construct the binary tree.

[output form] depth of binary tree.

[sample input] AB#D##C##

[sample output]


#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
struct BiNode {
	char data;
	BiNode* Lchild;
	BiNode* Rchild;
class BiTree {
	BiTree() {root = Creat();}

	~BiTree() {Release(root);}
	int Depth() {return Depth(root);}

	BiNode* Creat();
	void Release(BiNode* bt);
	int Depth(BiNode* bt);
	BiNode* root;
BiNode* BiTree::Creat() {
	BiNode* bt;
	char ch = getchar();
	if (ch == '#')bt = nullptr;
	else {
		bt = new BiNode;
		bt->data = ch;
		bt->Lchild = Creat();
		bt->Rchild = Creat();
	return bt;
void BiTree::Release(BiNode* bt) {
	if (bt == NULL)return;
	else {
		delete bt;
int BiTree::Depth(BiNode* bt) {
	int i = 0, j = 0;
	if (bt == NULL)return 0;
	else {
		i = Depth(bt->Lchild);
		j = Depth(bt->Rchild);
	if (i >= j) {
		return i + 1;
		return j + 1;
int main() {
	BiTree t;
	cout << t.Depth();
	return 0;

  4. Under the binary linked list storage structure, find the parent node of node x

[problem description] take the binary linked list as the storage structure, write an algorithm to find the parents of node x in the binary tree.

[input form] two lines. The first line is the preorder traversal sequence of the extended binary tree, and the second line is the node x to be queried

[output form] if node x has parents, output the value of their parents; Otherwise, output "NO".

[sample input] AB#D##C##


[sample output]



#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
struct BiNode {
	char data;
	BiNode* Lchild;
	BiNode* Rchild;
class BiTree {
	BiTree() { root = Creat(); }
	~BiTree() { Release(root); }
	void Search(char ch) { Search(root, ch); }
	BiNode* Creat();
	void Release(BiNode* bt);
	void Search(BiNode* bt, char ch);
	BiNode* root;
BiNode* BiTree::Creat() {
	BiNode* bt;
	char ch = getchar();
	if (ch == '#')bt = nullptr;
	else {
		bt = new BiNode;
		bt->data = ch;
		bt->Lchild = Creat();
		bt->Rchild = Creat();
	return bt;
void BiTree::Release(BiNode* bt) {
	if (bt == NULL)return;
	else {
		delete bt;
void BiTree::Search(BiNode* bt,char ch) {	
	if (bt->Lchild == NULL && bt->Rchild == NULL) { return ; }
	if(bt->Lchild!=NULL) {
		if (bt->Lchild->data == ch) { cout << bt->data; }
		else {
			Search(bt->Lchild, ch);
	if (bt->Rchild != NULL) {
		if (bt->Rchild->data == ch) { cout << bt->data; }
		else {
			Search(bt->Rchild, ch);
int main() {
	BiTree t;
	char ch=getchar();
	cin >> ch;

5. Delete the subtree with the value x as the root node

[problem description] with the binary linked list as the storage structure, delete the subtree with the value x as the root node in the binary tree.

[input form] two lines. The first line is the preorder traversal sequence of the extended binary tree, and the second line is the node x to be queried.

[output form] if node x exists, delete the subtree with value x as the root node; Otherwise, there is no operation. Finally, the middle order traversal sequence of the binary tree after the operation is output (separated by spaces). If it is an Empty binary tree, "Empty" is output.

[sample input] AB#D##C##


[sample output]

     B A C

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
struct BiNode {
	char data;
	BiNode* Lchild;
	BiNode* Rchild;
class BiTree {
	BiNode* Root() {return root;}//The return value is the root node
	BiTree() {root = Create();}
	~BiTree() {Release(root);}
	void Release(BiNode* bt);
	void Del(char x) {Del(root, x);}
	void InOrder() {InOrder(root);}
	BiNode* root;
	BiNode* Create();
	void Del(BiNode* bt, char x);
	void InOrder(BiNode* bt);

BiNode* BiTree::Create() {
	BiNode* bt;
	char a = getchar();
	if (a == '#')bt = NULL;
	else {
		bt = new BiNode;
		bt->data = a;
		bt->Lchild = Create();
		bt->Rchild = Create();
	return bt;

void BiTree::Release(BiNode* bt) {
	if (bt == NULL)return;
	else {
		delete bt;

void BiTree::Del(BiNode* bt, char ch) {
	if (bt == NULL)return;
	else {
		if (bt->Lchild != NULL && bt->Lchild->data == ch) {
			bt->Lchild = NULL;
		if ( bt->Rchild != NULL && bt->Rchild->data == ch) {
			bt->Rchild = NULL;
		Del(bt->Lchild, ch);
		Del(bt->Rchild, ch);

void BiTree::InOrder(BiNode* bt) {
	if (bt == NULL) {
	else {
		cout << bt->data << " ";

int main() {
	BiTree t;
	char ch ;
	cin >> ch;
	if (t.Root()->data == ch) {//Judge whether the root node is deleted
		cout << "Empty" << endl;
		return 0;
	return 0;

  6. Preorder traversal based on sequential storage structure

[problem description] a binary tree with n nodes adopts sequential storage structure, and an algorithm is written to traverse the binary tree in sequence.

[input form] line, the binary tree traverses the sequence according to the sequence corresponding to the complete binary tree (that is, when a node has no left child or right child, add a special mark #).

[output form] preorder traversal sequence of binary tree; If it is an Empty binary tree, "Empty" is output.

[sample input] ABC#D

[sample output]

     A B D C

using namespace std;
void preorder(int i,char s[]) {
	if (s[i] == '#') return;
	else {
		cout << s[i]<<" ";
		preorder(i * 2, s);//If the root node is 1, the left subtree is 2i and the right subtree is 2i+1
		preorder(i * 2 + 1, s);
int main() {
	string str;
	getline(cin, str);
	char s[100];
	int i = 0;
	for (int j = 0; j < 100; j++) {
		s[j] = '#';
	while (str[i] != '\0') {
		s[i + 1] = str[i];//Rounding off with subscript 0
	preorder(1, s);

  7. Extend sequence to construct binary tree

[problem description]

The preorder traversal sequence of an extended binary tree (the value of the virtual node is represented by "#"), constructs the binary tree, and outputs the inorder traversal sequence of the binary tree.

[input form] preorder traversal sequence of extended binary tree

[output form] middle order traversal sequence of binary tree

[sample input] AB#D##C##

[example output] BDAC

#include  <cstdlib>
using  namespace  std;
template<class  DataType>
struct  BiNode {
    DataType  data;
    BiNode<DataType>* lchild, * rchild;
template<class  DataType>
class  BiTree {
    BiTree() { root = PreCreate(root); };
    ~BiTree() { Release(root); };
    void  InOrder() { InOrder(root); };
    BiNode<DataType>* root;
    BiNode<DataType>* PreCreate(BiNode<DataType>* bt);
    void  Release(BiNode<DataType>* bt);    //Sequential release
    void  InOrder(BiNode<DataType>* bt);

template<class  DataType>
BiNode<DataType>* BiTree<DataType>::PreCreate(BiNode<DataType>* bt) {
    char ch;
    cin >> ch;
    if (ch == '#') bt = nullptr;
    else {
        bt = new BiNode<DataType>;
        bt->data = ch;
    return bt;

template<class  DataType>
void  BiTree<DataType>::Release(BiNode<DataType>* bt) {
    if (bt == NULL)  return;
    else {
        bt = NULL;
        delete  bt;
template<class  DataType>
void  BiTree<DataType>::InOrder(BiNode<DataType>* bt) {
    if (bt == NULL) return ;
    else {
        cout << bt->data;


int  main()
    BiTree<char>  biTree;
    return  0;

8. Binary tree sequence traversal sequence

[problem description] give the preorder traversal sequence of an extended binary tree (the value of the virtual node is represented by "#"), construct the binary tree, and output the sequence traversal sequence of the binary tree.

[input form] preorder traversal sequence of extended binary tree

[output form] sequence traversal sequence of binary tree

[sample input] AB#D##C##

[sample output]

#include  <cstdlib>  
using  namespace  std;
template<class  DataType>
struct  BiNode {
    DataType  data;
    BiNode<DataType>* lchild, * rchild;
template<class  DataType>
class  BiTree {
    BiTree() { root = PreCreate(root); };
    ~BiTree() { Release(root); };
    void  LeverOrder();
    BiNode<DataType>* root;
    BiNode<DataType>* PreCreate(BiNode<DataType>* bt);
    void  Release(BiNode<DataType>* bt);    //Sequential release  

template<class  DataType>
BiNode<DataType>* BiTree<DataType>::PreCreate(BiNode<DataType>* bt) {
    char ch;
    cin >> ch;
    if (ch == '#') bt = nullptr;
    else {
        bt = new BiNode<DataType>;
        bt->data = ch;
        bt->lchild = PreCreate(bt->lchild);
        bt->rchild = PreCreate(bt->rchild);
    return bt;
template<class  DataType>
void  BiTree<DataType>::Release(BiNode<DataType>* bt) {
    if (bt == NULL)  return;
    else {
        bt = NULL;
        delete  bt;
template<class  DataType>
void  BiTree<DataType>::LeverOrder() {
    queue<BiNode<DataType> > Q;
    if (root == NULL)return;
    while (!Q.empty()) {
        BiNode<DataType> q;
        q = Q.front();
        cout <<;
        if (q.lchild!=NULL) {
        if (q.rchild!=NULL) {

int  main()
    BiTree<char>  biTree;
    return  0;

9. Child linked list representation - find children

[problem description] if a tree is stored in this child linked list representation, it is now necessary to query a child of a node. If the child exists, the child information will be output; Otherwise, NO is output. For example, in the following tree, query the third child of node B, which exists and is node F; If the fourth child of node B is queried and the child does not exist, NO is output.

[input form] number of tree species nodes in the first row, n; The second line is the information of each node; The third line is the number of parent-child relationship row; Enter the parent-child relationship in the next row. The first represents the parent node and the second represents the child node; The last line represents the ith child of the node elem to be queried.

[output form] if the ith child of the node elem to be queried exists, the child information is output; Otherwise, NO is output.

[sample input]












B 3

[sample output] F  

using  namespace  std;
struct  CTNode {
    int  child;
    CTNode* next;
template<class  DataType>
struct  CBNode {
    DataType  data;
    CTNode* firstChild;
template<class  DataType>
class  ChildLink {
    ChildLink(int  num);
    bool  findChild(DataType  elem, int  i, DataType& value);
    int  findPos(DataType  elem);
    CBNode<DataType>* arrayPtr;
    int  nodeNUm;

template<class  DataType>
ChildLink<DataType>::ChildLink(int  num) {
    arrayPtr = new  CBNode<DataType>[num + 1];
    CTNode** arrayRear = new  CTNode * [num + 1];//Tail insertion
    nodeNUm = num;
    for (int i = 1; i <= num; i++) {
        DataType  temp;
        cin >> temp;
        arrayPtr[i].data = temp;
        arrayPtr[i].firstChild = NULL;
    int  row;
    cin >> row;
    for (int i = 0; i < row; i++) {
        DataType  parent, child;
        cin >> parent >> child;
        int  parLoc = findPos(parent);
        int  chiLoc = findPos(child);
        if (arrayPtr[parLoc].firstChild == NULL) {//First child
            arrayPtr[parLoc].firstChild = new  CTNode;
            arrayPtr[parLoc].firstChild->child = chiLoc;
            arrayPtr[parLoc].firstChild->next = NULL;
            arrayRear[parLoc] = arrayPtr[parLoc].firstChild;
        else {
            CTNode* s = new  CTNode;//Tail insertion
            s->child = chiLoc;
            s->next = NULL;
            arrayRear[parLoc]->next = s;
            arrayRear[parLoc] = s;

template<class  DataType>
ChildLink<DataType>::~ChildLink() {
    CTNode* first = NULL;
    for (int i = 1; i <= nodeNUm; i++) {
        first = arrayPtr[i].firstChild;
        while (first != NULL) {
            arrayPtr[i].firstChild = first->next;
            delete  first;
            first = arrayPtr[i].firstChild;
//Find the i-th child of element elem
template<class  DataType>
bool  ChildLink<DataType>::findChild(DataType  elem, int  i, DataType& value) {
    int a = findPos(elem); //Find the position of elem in the array
    CTNode* first = arrayPtr[a].firstChild; //Get the first child's address
    int count = 1;
    while (first && count < i) {
        first = first->next;
    if (first) { //Indicates the existence of the ith child
        value = arrayPtr[first->child].data; //Reference variable assignment
        return true;
        return false;
template<class  DataType>
int  ChildLink<DataType>::findPos(DataType  elem) {
    for (int i = 1; i <= nodeNUm; i++)
        if (arrayPtr[i].data == elem)  return  i;
    return  0;//Search failed

int  main()
    int  n;
    cin >> n;
    ChildLink<char>  childLink(n);
    char  value, elem;
    int  i;
    cin >> elem;
    cin >> i;
    if (childLink.findChild(elem, i, value))
        cout << value << endl;
        cout << "NO" << endl;
    return  0;

  10. Huffman tree and Huffman coding

[problem description] give n characters and the frequency of these characters, design the most economical coding scheme, and output the Huffman coding of any character. If the character does not exist, output "NO", otherwise output the corresponding Huffman code

[input form] number of characters in the first line n; Frequency of n characters in the second line (separated by commas); The third line needs to output the character sequence number encoded by Huffman.

[output form] Huffman code of a character

[sample input]


2 3 4 5


[sample output] 01

using  namespace  std;
struct  HTNode {
    int  weight;
    int  parent, lchild, rchild;
class  HuffmanTree {
    HuffmanTree(int  W[], int  n);
    void  Select(HTNode* HT, int  len, int& i1, int& i2);
    void  CreatHuffmanCode();
    void  showHuffmanCode(int  i);
    int  nodeNum;
    HTNode* HT;//Storage Huffman tree
    char** HTC;//Storage Huffman coding

HuffmanTree::HuffmanTree(int  W[], int  n) {
    nodeNum = n;
    HT = new  HTNode[2 * n - 1];
    for (int i = 0; i < 2 * nodeNum - 1; i++) {
        HT[i].lchild = -1;
        HT[i].rchild = -1;
        HT[i].parent = -1;
    for (int i = 0; i < nodeNum; i++)
        HT[i].weight = W[i];
    //Huffman tree structure
    for (int k = nodeNum; k < 2 * nodeNum - 1; k++) {
        int  i1, i2;
        Select(HT, k, i1, i2);
        HT[k].weight = HT[i1].weight + HT[i2].weight;
        HT[i1].parent = k;
        HT[i2].parent = k;
        HT[k].lchild = i1;
        HT[k].rchild = i2;
HuffmanTree::~HuffmanTree() {
    HT = NULL;
    delete  HT;
    HTC = NULL;
void  HuffmanTree::Select(HTNode* HT, int  len, int& i1, int& i2) {
    int min1, min2;
    min1 = 9999;
    min2 = 9999;
    i1 = -1;//Subscript of minimum weight in node
    i2 = -1;//Subscript with the lowest weight in the node
    for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
        if (HT[i].parent != -1) continue;//This node has been used
        if (HT[i].weight < min1) {
            min1 = HT[i].weight;
            i1 = i;
    for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
        if (HT[i].parent != -1) continue;//This node has been used
        if (HT[i].weight < min2 && HT[i].weight > min1) {//Guaranteed greater than min1
            min2 = HT[i].weight;
            i2 = i;
//Encode Huffman / / creathhuffmantree
void  HuffmanTree::CreatHuffmanCode()
    //The Huffman code of each character is inversely calculated from the leaf to the root and stored in the coding table HC
    int  i, start, c, f;
    HTC = new  char* [nodeNum];                                                                  //Allocates n character encoded header pointer vectors
    char* cd = new  char[nodeNum];                                                        //Allocate dynamic array space for temporarily storing codes
    cd[nodeNum - 1] = '\0';                                                                        //Encoding Terminator
    for (i = 0; i < nodeNum; ++i)
    {                                                                                                    //Huffman coding character by character
        start = nodeNum - 1;                                                                    //start points to the last at the beginning, that is, the position of the encoding terminator
        c = i;
        f = HT[i].parent;                                                          //f points to the parent node of node c
        while (f != -1)
        {                                                                                            //Backtracking from the leaf node up to the root node
            --start;                                                                    //Backtracking once start points forward to a position
            if (HT[f].lchild == c)
                cd[start] = '0';                                                //If node c is the left child of f, code 0 is generated
                cd[start] = '1';                                                  //If node c is the right child of f, code 1 is generated
            c = f;
            f = HT[f].parent;                                                  //Continue to backtrack up
        }                                                                                            //Find the encoding of the ith character
        HTC[i] = new  char[nodeNum - start];                                          //  Allocate space for the ith character encoding
        strcpy(HTC[i], &cd[start]);                                        //Copy the obtained code from the temporary space cd to the current line of HC
    delete  cd;                                                                                //Free up temporary space
void  HuffmanTree::showHuffmanCode(int  i)
    cout << HTC[i - 1] << endl;
int  main()
    int  n;
    cin >> n;
    int  W[n];
    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
        cin >> W[i];
    HuffmanTree  huffmanTree(W, n);
    int  i;
    cin >> i;
    if (i<1 || i>  n)
        cout << "NO" << endl;
    return  0;

Keywords: C++ Algorithm data structure p2p

Added by jaz529 on Sun, 05 Dec 2021 07:52:03 +0200