Basic concepts:
A tree is a finite set of n (n > 0) nodes. When n =O, it is called an empty tree, which is a special case. In any non empty tree, it should meet the following requirements:
1) There is and only one specific node called root.
2) When n > 1, the other nodes can be divided into m (M > 0) disjoint finite sets T1, T2... Tm, in which each set itself is a tree and is called the subtree of the root node.
Node level (depth) - count from top to bottom
Height of node - from bottom to top
Height (depth) of the tree - how many layers in total
Degree of node -- how many children (branches)
Degree of tree -- the maximum degree of each node
forest. Forest is a collection of M (m ≥ 0) disjoint trees
Binary tree
A binary tree is a finite set of n (n ≥ 0) nodes: 1 or an empty binary tree, that is, n = 0.
2 or consists of a root node and two disjoint left and right subtrees called roots. The left subtree and the right subtree are a binary tree respectively.
#ifndef _TREE_H_ #define _TREE_H_ #define Maxszie 100 //Sequential storage template<class T> class STreeNode { public: STreeNode() { isEmpty = 1; } ~STreeNode() { isEmpty = 1; } T value; bool isEmpty; }; template<class T> class STree : public STreeNode<T> { public: void inTree(int n); void PreOrder(const int now); void InOrder(const int now); void PosOrder(const int now); void LevelOrder(const int now); void Print(); private: STreeNode<T> t[Maxszie]; int size; }; // Chain type template<class T> class LTreeNode { public: LTreeNode(const T &x, LTreeNode<T> *l = NULL, LTreeNode<T> *r = NULL) : value(x), lchild(l), rchild(r){}; public: T &getValue() {return this->value}; LTreeNode<T> *getLeft() {return this->lchild}; LTreeNode<T> *getRight() {return this->rchild}; void setLeft(LTreeNode<T> *l) {this->lchild = l}; void setRight(LTreeNode<T> *r) {this->rchild = r}; void setValue(const T &x) {this->value = x}; private: T value; LTreeNode<T> *lchild, *rchild; }; template<class T> class LTree { public: LTree(LTreeNode<T> *t) : root(t){}; ~LTree() { del(root); }; public: //Search the parent node of node p in the subtree with node t as the root node LTreeNode<T> * getFather(LTreeNode<T> *t, LTreeNode<T> *p); //Find the node whose data field is item in the subtree with node t as the root node LTreeNode<T> * find(LTreeNode<T> *t, const T &item); //Delete node t and its left and right subtrees from the tree (including some column update operations after deletion) void delSubTree(LTreeNode<T> *t); //Delete node t and its left and right subtrees void del(LTreeNode<T> *t); //First, traverse the root and output the subtree with node t as the root node void preOrder(LTreeNode<T> *t); //Traverse and output the subtree with node t as the root node void InOrder(LTreeNode<T> *t); //The latter root traverses and outputs the subtree with node t as the root node void PostOrder(LTreeNode<T> *t); //The hierarchy traverses and outputs the subtree with node t as the root node void levelOrder(LTreeNode<T> *t); //Create binary tree void createBinTree(T stop); //Create a binary tree and return the root node of the binary tree LTreeNode<T> * create(); LTreeNode<T> * getRoot() { return root; } void setRoot(LTreeNode<T> * t) { root = t; } T getStop() { return stop; } void setStop(const T& stop) { this->stop = stop; } bool isEmpty() { return root == NULL ? true : false; } private: LTreeNode<T> *root; T stop; // Enter stop to stop }; #endif //_TREE_H_
#include "Tree.h" #include <iostream> #include <queue> template<class T> void STree<T>::inTree(int n) { if(n >= Maxszie) { std::cout << "can't in\n"; return ; } for(int i = 1; i <= n; ++ i) { std::cin >> t[i].value; t[i].isEmpty = 0; } size = n; } template<class T> void STree<T>::Print() { for(int i = 1; i <= size; ++ i) { std::cout << t[i].value << " "; } std::cout << std::endl; } template<class T> void STree<T>::PreOrder(const int now) { if(t[now].isEmpty == 0) { std::cout << t[now].value << " "; PreOrder(now*2); PreOrder(now*2+1); } } template<class T> void STree<T>::InOrder(const int now) { if(t[now].isEmpty == 0) { InOrder(now*2); std::cout << t[now].value << " "; InOrder(now*2+1); } } template<class T> void STree<T>::PosOrder(const int now) { if(t[now].isEmpty == 0) { PosOrder(now*2); PosOrder(now*2+1); std::cout << t[now].value << " "; } } template<class T> void STree<T>::LevelOrder(const int now) { std::queue<int> q; q.push(now); while(!q.empty()) { int i = q.front(); q.pop(); int l = i*2; int r = i*2+1; if(t[l].isEmpty == 0) { q.push(l); } if(t[r].isEmpty == 0) { q.push(r); } std::cout << t[i].value << " "; } std::cout << std::endl; } /* .::::. .::::::::. ::::::::::: FUCK YOU ..:::::::::::' '::::::::::::' .:::::::::: '::::::::::::::.. ..::::::::::::. ``:::::::::::::::: ::::``:::::::::' .:::. ::::' ':::::' .::::::::. .::::' :::: .:::::::'::::. .:::' ::::: .:::::::::' ':::::. .::' :::::.:::::::::' ':::::. .::' ::::::::::::::' ``::::. ...::: ::::::::::::' ``::. ````':. ':::::::::' ::::.. '.:::::' ':'````.. */ template<class T> LTreeNode<T> *LTree<T>::getFather(LTreeNode<T> *t, LTreeNode<T> *p) { LTreeNode<T> *father; if(t == NULL || p == NULL) { return NULL; } if(t->getLeft() == p || t->getRight() == p) return t; if((father = getFather(t->getLeft(), p)) != NULL) return father; else return getFather(t->getRight(), p); } template<class T> LTreeNode<T> *LTree<T>::find(LTreeNode<T> *t, const T &item) { LTreeNode<T> *target; if(t == NULL) return NULL; if(t->getValue() == T) return t; if((target = find(t->getLeft(), item)) != NULL) return target; else return find(t->getRight(), item); } template<class T> void LTree<T>::delSubTree(LTreeNode<T> *t) { if(t == NULL) return ; if(t == root) { del(t); root = NULL; return ; } LTreeNode<T> *p = t, *q; q = getFather(root, t); if(q) { if(q->getLeft() == t) q->setLeft(NULL); if(q->getRight() == t) q->setRight(NULL); } del(p); } template<class T> void LTree<T>::del(LTreeNode<T> *t) { if(t != NULL) { del(t->getLeft()); del(t->getRight()); delete t; } } template<class T> void LTree<T>::preOrder(LTreeNode<T> *t) { if(t != NULL) { std::cout << t->getValue() << " "; preOrder(t->getLeft()); preOrder(t->getRight()); } } template<class T> void LTree<T>::InOrder(LTreeNode<T> *t) { if(t != NULL) { InOrder(t->getLeft()); std::cout << t->getValue() << " "; InOrder(t->getRight()); } } template<class T> void LTree<T>::PostOrder(LTreeNode<T> *t) { if(t != NULL) { PostOrder(t->getLeft()); PostOrder(t->getRight()); std::cout << t->getValue() << " "; } } template<class T> void LTree<T>::levelOrder(LTreeNode<T> *t) { if(t == NULL) return ; LTreeNode<T> *cur; std::queue<LTreeNode<T>* > q; q.push(t); while(!q.empty()) { cur = q.front(); q.pop(); std::cout << cur->getValue() << " "; if(cur->getLeft() != NULL) q.push(cur->getLeft()); if(cur->getRight() != NULL) q.push(cur->getRight()); } std::cout << std::endl; } template<class T> void LTree<T>::createBinTree(T stop) { setStop(stop); root = create(); } template<class T> LTreeNode<T> *LTree<T>::create() { LTreeNode<T> *t, *t1, *t2; T item; std::cin >> item; if (item == stop) { t = NULL; return t; } else { if (!(t = new LTreeNode<T>(item, NULL, NULL))) return NULL; t1=create(); t->setLeft(t1); t2 = create(); t->setRight(t2); return t; } }
Binary search tree BST(Binary Search Tree)
- If the left subtree of any node is not empty, the values of all nodes on the left subtree are less than those of its root node;
- If the right subtree of any node is not empty, the values of all nodes on the right subtree are greater than those of its root node;
- The left and right subtrees of any node are also binary search trees.
- There are no nodes with equal key values.
//Binary search tree template<class T> class BSTNode { public: BSTNode(const T &x) : data(x), lchild(NULL), rchild(NULL), parent(NULL){}; ~BSTNode(){}; public: void setData(const T &x) { this->data = x; }; void setLchild(BSTNode<T> *l) { this->lchild = l; }; void setRchild(BSTNode<T> *r) { this->rchild = r; }; void setParent(BSTNode<T> *p) { this->parent = p; }; BSTNode<T> *getLchild() { return this->lchild; }; BSTNode<T> *getRchild() { return this->rchild; }; BSTNode<T> *getParent() { return this->parent; }; T getData() { return this->data; }; private: T data; BSTNode<T> *lchild, *rchild, *parent; }; template<class T> class BST { public: BST(const int &s) : root(NULL), size(s){}; ~BST(){ del(root); std::cout << "Deconstruction" << std::endl; }; public: void create_BST(); BSTNode<T> *getroot(); void InOrder(BSTNode<T> *t); void Insert(BSTNode<T> *t); void PreOrder(BSTNode<T> *t); void PosOrder(BSTNode<T> *t); void LevelOrder(BSTNode<T> *t); void del(BSTNode<T> *t); BSTNode<T> *search(const T &x); T max(); T min(); void visit(BSTNode<T> *t); private: BSTNode<T> *root; int size = 0; };
// BST template<class T> BSTNode<T> *BST<T>::getroot() { return this->root; } template<class T> void BST<T>::visit(BSTNode<T> *t) { std::cout << t->getData() << " "; } template<class T> void BST<T>::Insert(BSTNode<T> *t) { BSTNode<T> *q = root, *p = NULL; while(q != NULL) { p = q; if(t->getData() < q->getData()) q = q->getLchild(); else q = q->getRchild(); } t->setParent(p); if(p == NULL) root = t; else if(t->getData() < p->getData()) p->setLchild(t); else p->setRchild(t); } template<class T> void BST<T>::create_BST() { std::cout << "Input your data: "; for(int i = 0; i < size; ++ i) { T d; std::cin >> d; BSTNode<T> *node = new BSTNode<T>(d); Insert(node); } } template<class T> void BST<T>::PreOrder(BSTNode<T> *t) { if(t != NULL) { visit(t); PreOrder(t->getLchild()); PreOrder(t->getRchild()); } } template<class T> void BST<T>::InOrder(BSTNode<T> *t) { if(t != NULL) { InOrder(t->getLchild()); visit(t); InOrder(t->getRchild()); } } template<class T> void BST<T>::PosOrder(BSTNode<T> *t) { if(t != NULL) { PosOrder(t->getLchild()); PosOrder(t->getRchild()); visit(t); } } template<class T> void BST<T>::LevelOrder(BSTNode<T> *t) { std::queue<BSTNode<T> *> q; q.push(t); while(!q.empty()) { BSTNode<T> *p = q.front(); visit(p); if(p->getLchild() != NULL) q.push(p->getLchild()); if(p->getRchild() != NULL) q.push(p->getRchild()); q.pop(); } } template<class T> BSTNode<T> *BST<T>::search(const T &x) { if(root == NULL) return NULL; BSTNode<T> *t = root; while(t != NULL && (t->getData() != x)) { if(x < t->getData()) { t = t->getLchild(); } else t = t->getRchild(); } return t; } template<class T> T BST<T>::max() { BSTNode<T> *t = root; while(t->getRchild() != NULL) { t = t->getRchild(); } return t->getData(); } template<class T> T BST<T>::min() { BSTNode<T> *t = root; while(t->getLchild() != NULL) { t = t->getLchild(); } return t->getData(); } template<class T> void BST<T>::del(BSTNode<T> *t) { if(t != NULL) { del(t->getLchild()); del(t->getRchild()); delete t; } }
Balanced binary tree AVL
Balanced binary tree (AVL tree for short) - the height difference between the left and right subtrees of any node of the tree shall not exceed 1.
Node balance factor = left subtree height - right subtree height.
The absolute value of balance factor of balanced binary tree shall not be greater than 1
Adjust minimum unbalanced subtree
- Insert the left subtree of the left son of a once
- Insert LR into the right subtree of the left son of a once
- Insert the left subtree of the right son of a once
- Insert the right subtree of the right son of a once
1)LL balanced rotation (right single rotation). Because A new node is inserted into the left subtree (L) of the left child (L) of node A, the balance factor of A increases from 1 to 2, resulting in the loss of balance of the subtree with A as the root, requiring A right rotation operation. Rotate the left child B of A to the right to replace A as the root node, rotate node A to the right and down to become the root node of the right subtree of B, and the original right subtree of B is the left subtree of node A.
2) RR balanced rotation (left single rotation). Due to the right subtree of the right child (R) at node a ® A new node is inserted on the, and the balance factor of a is reduced from - 1 to - 2, resulting in the imbalance of the subtree with a as the root, which requires a left rotation operation. Rotate the right child B of a to the left to replace a as the root node, rotate node a to the left and down to become the root node of the left subtree of B, and the original left subtree of B is the right subtree of node a
3)LR balanced rotation (double rotation from left to right). Since a new node is inserted into the right subtree (R) of a's left child (L), the balance factor of a increases from 1 to 2, resulting in the loss of balance of the subtree with a as the root. Two rotation operations are required, first left rotation and then right rotation. First, rotate the root node c of the left child of node A and the right subtree of node B to the left, and then rotate the c node to the right to the position of node a
4) RL balanced rotation (double rotation from right to left). Since a new node is inserted into the left subtree (L) of the right child (R) of a, the balance factor of a is reduced from - 1 to - 2, resulting in the loss of balance of the subtree with a as the root. Two rotation operations are required, first right rotation and then left rotation. First, rotate the root node c of the right child of node A and the left subtree of node B upward to the right to the position of node B, and then rotate the c node upward to the left to the position of node a
[the external chain picture transfer fails. The source station may have an anti-theft chain mechanism. It is recommended to save the picture and upload it directly (img-dfv0TgfT-1630811348339)(./images/1.jpg)]
[the external chain picture transfer fails. The source station may have an anti-theft chain mechanism. It is recommended to save the picture and upload it directly (img-wdu427xb-1630811341) (. / images / 2. JPG)]
//Binary balanced tree template<class T> class AVLNode { public: AVLNode(const T &x) : data(x), lchild(NULL), rchild(NULL) {}; ~AVLNode(){}; public: void setData(const T &x) { this->data = x; }; void setLchild(AVLNode<T> *l) { this->lchild = l; }; void setRchild(AVLNode<T> *r) { this->rchild = r; }; AVLNode<T> *getLchild() { return this->lchild; }; AVLNode<T> *getRchild() { return this->rchild; }; T getData() { return this->data; }; private: T data; AVLNode<T> *lchild, *rchild; }; template<class T> class AVL { typedef AVLNode<T> AVLnode; public: AVL(){ avlroot = NULL; }; ~AVL() { __deleteTree(avlroot); }; AVL(const T *arr, int len); AVL(const std::vector<T> &); AVLnode *getAvlroot() { return this->avlroot; }; void setAvlroot(AVLnode *avl) { this->avlroot = avl; }; public: void InorderTraversal(); //Traversing external interfaces in middle order void InorderTraversal(std::vector<T> &); //Medium order traversal external interface overload 2 bool Delete(const T &x); //Delete external interface of node bool Insert(const T &x); //Insert the external interface of the node bool IsEmpty(){ return avlroot == NULL; } //Tree empty? bool search(const T &x); //Query external interface private: int __height(AVLnode *root);//Find the height of the tree int __diff(AVLnode *root);//Height difference (balance factor) //Single rotation AVLnode *__ll_Rotation(AVLnode *root);//left-left rotation AVLnode *__rr_Rotation(AVLnode *root);//right-right rotation //Double rotation AVLnode *__lr_Rotation(AVLnode *root);//left-right rotation AVLnode *__rl_Rotation(AVLnode *root);//right-left rotation AVLnode *__Balance(AVLnode *root);//Balance operation AVLnode *__Insert(AVLnode *root);//Internal implementation of insert //Two overloads of middle order traversal void __InorderTraversal(AVLnode *root);//output void __InorderTraversal(AVLnode *root, std::vector<T> &vec);//Result saving bool __isLeaf(AVLnode* const &);//Determine whether it is a leaf node bool __isNodeWithTwoChild(AVLnode * const &);//Determine whether there are two children AVLnode *__search(AVLnode *const root, const T &x);//Internal implementation of lookup void __deleteTree(AVLnode *root);//Delete all nodes of the tree AVLnode *__Delete(AVLnode *root, const T &x);//Delete node AVLnode *__treeMin(AVLnode *root);//Find the minimum of the current root node (all the way to the left) AVLnode *__treeMax(AVLnode *root);//Find the maximum of the current root node (all the way to the right) private: AVLnode *avlroot; };
// AVL template<class T> AVL<T>::AVL(const T *arr, int len) { avlroot = NULL; for(int i = 0; i < len; ++ i) Insert(*(arr+i)); } template<class T> AVL<T>::AVL(const std::vector<T> &vec) { avlroot = NULL; for(int i = 0; i < (int)vec.size(); ++ i) Insert(vec[i]); } template<class T> void AVL<T>::__deleteTree(AVLnode *root) { if(root == NULL) return ; __deleteTree(root->getLchild()); __deleteTree(root->getRchild()); delete root; root = NULL; return ; } template<class T> AVLNode<T> *AVL<T>::__Insert(AVLnode *root) { // if(root == NULL) // { // if(root == avlroot) // std::cout << "hello\n"; // // if(avlroot == NULL) // // { // // AVLNode<T> *newnode = new AVLNode<T>(x); // // avlroot = newnode; // // return avlroot; // // } // AVLNode<T> *newnode = new AVLNode<T>(x); // root = newnode; // if(root == avlroot) // std::cout << "hello\n"; // return root; // } // else if(x < root->getData()) // { // AVLnode *p = root->getLchild(); // root->setLchild( __Insert(p, x) ); // root = __Balance(root); // } // else if(x > root->getData()) // { // AVLnode *p = root->getRchild(); // root->setRchild( __Insert(p, x) ); // root = __Balance(root); // } // return root; AVLnode *q = avlroot, *p = NULL; while(q != NULL) { p = q; if(root->getData() < q->getData()) q = q->getLchild(); else if(root->getData() > q->getData()) q = q->getRchild(); else return NULL; } if(p == NULL) { avlroot = root; return root; } else if(root->getData() < p->getData()) p->setLchild(root); else if(root->getData() > p->getData()) p->setRchild(root); q = avlroot; AVLnode *t; while(q != NULL) { t = q; if(q == p) { break; } if(root->getData() < q->getData()) { q = q->getLchild(); if(q == p) { break; } } else { q = q->getRchild(); if(q == p) { break; } } } __Balance(t); return root; } template<class T> bool AVL<T>::Insert(const T &x) { AVLnode *t = new AVLNode<T>(x); return __Insert(t) == NULL? false : true; } template<class T> int AVL<T>::__height(AVLnode *root) { if(root == NULL) return 0; return std::max(__height(root->getLchild()), __height(root->getRchild()))+1; } template<class T> int AVL<T>::__diff(AVLnode *root) { int fctor = __height(root->getLchild()) - __height(root->getRchild()); return fctor; } template<class T> AVLNode<T> *AVL<T>::__Balance(AVLnode *root) { int fctor = __diff(root); if(fctor > 1) //left higer than right { if(__diff(root->getLchild()) > 0) root = __ll_Rotation(root); else root = __lr_Rotation(root); } else if(fctor < -1) //right higer than left { if(__diff(root->getRchild()) > 0) root = __rl_Rotation(root); else root = __rr_Rotation(root); } return root; } template<class T> AVLNode<T> *AVL<T>::__ll_Rotation(AVLnode *root) { AVLnode *tmp; tmp = root->getLchild(); root->setLchild(tmp->getRchild()); tmp->setRchild(root); if(root == avlroot) avlroot = tmp; return tmp; } template<class T> AVLNode<T> *AVL<T>::__rr_Rotation(AVLnode *root) { AVLnode *tmp; tmp = root->getRchild(); root->setRchild(tmp->getLchild()); tmp->setLchild(root); if(root == avlroot) avlroot = tmp; return tmp; } template<class T> AVLNode<T> *AVL<T>::__lr_Rotation(AVLnode *root) { AVLnode *tmp; tmp = root->getLchild(); root->setLchild(__rr_Rotation(tmp)); return __ll_Rotation(root); } template<class T> AVLNode<T> *AVL<T>::__rl_Rotation(AVLnode *root) { AVLnode *tmp; tmp = root->getRchild(); root->setRchild(__ll_Rotation(tmp)); return __rr_Rotation(root); } template<class T> AVLNode<T> *AVL<T>::__Delete(AVLnode *root, const T &x) { if(root == NULL) return NULL; if(!search(x)) { std::cerr << "Delete error, key not find" << std::endl; return root; } if(x == root->getData()) { if(__isNodeWithTwoChild(root)) //There are two children { if(__diff(root) > 0) { root->setData(__treeMax(root->getLchild())->getData()); root->setLchild(__Delete(root->getLchild(), root->getData())); } else { root->setData(__treeMin(root->getRchild())->getData()); root->setRchild(__Delete(root->getRchild(), root->getData())); } } else //Have a child, merge with leaves { AVLnode *tmp = root; root = (root->getLchild()) ? (root->getLchild()) : (root->getRchild()); delete tmp; tmp = NULL; } } else if(x < root->getData()) //Delete left { root->setLchild(__Delete(root->getLchild(), x)); if(__diff(root) < -1) { if(__diff(root->getLchild()) > 0) root = __rl_Rotation(root); else root = __rr_Rotation(root); } } else { root->setRchild(__Delete(root->getRchild(), x)); if(__diff(root) > 1) { if(__diff(root->getLchild()) > 0) root = __lr_Rotation(root); else root = __ll_Rotation(root); } } return root; } template<class T> bool AVL<T>::Delete(const T &x) { return __Delete(avlroot, x) == NULL? false : true; } template<class T> AVLNode<T> *AVL<T>::__search(AVLnode *root, const T &x) { if(root == NULL) return NULL; if(x == root->getData()) return root; else if(x < root->getData()) return __search(root->getLchild(), x); else return __search(root->getRchild(), x); } template<class T> bool AVL<T>::search(const T &x) { return __search(avlroot, x) == NULL? false:true; } template<class T> void AVL<T>::__InorderTraversal(AVLnode *root) { if(root == NULL) return ; __InorderTraversal(root->getLchild()); std::cout << root->getData() << " "; __InorderTraversal(root->getRchild()); } template<class T> void AVL<T>::__InorderTraversal(AVLnode *root, std::vector<T> &vec) { if(root == NULL) return ; __InorderTraversal(root->getLchild(), vec); vec.push_back(root->getData()); __InorderTraversal(root->getRchild(), vec); } template<class T> void AVL<T>::InorderTraversal() { __InorderTraversal(avlroot); } template<class T> void AVL<T>::InorderTraversal(std::vector<T> &vec) { __InorderTraversal(avlroot, vec); } template<class T> bool AVL<T>::__isLeaf(AVLnode *const &root) { if(root->getLchild() == NULL && root->getRchild() == NULL) return true; return false; } template<class T> bool AVL<T>::__isNodeWithTwoChild(AVLnode *const &root) { if(root->getLchild() != NULL && root->getRchild() != NULL) return true; return false; } template<class T> AVLNode<T> *AVL<T>::__treeMax(AVLnode *root) { while(root->getRchild() != NULL) root = root->getRchild(); return root; } template<class T> AVLNode<T> *AVL<T>::__treeMin(AVLnode *root) { while(root->getLchild() != NULL) root = root->getLchild(); return root; }
Huffman tree
Node weight: a value with some practical meaning (e.g. indicating the importance of nodes, etc.)
Weighted path length of a node: the product of the path length (number of sides) from the root of the tree to the node and the weight of the node
Weighted path length of tree: the sum of weighted path lengths of all leaf nodes in the tree (WPL, Weighted Path Length)
Among the binary trees with n weighted leaf nodes, the binary tree with the smallest weighted path length (WPL) is called Huffman tree, also known as optimal binary tree
//Huffman tree template<class T> class HfNode { public: HfNode() : lchild(NULL), rchild(NULL){}; HfNode(const int &w) : weight(w), lchild(NULL), rchild(NULL){}; HfNode(const HfNode<T> &h); bool operator<(const HfNode<T> &h) const; public: int weight, idx; HfNode<T> *lchild, *rchild; }; template<class T> class Huffman { public: Huffman(const T &sa); ~Huffman(){ __del(hfroot); } public: bool IsLeaf(HfNode<T>* t); //Judge whether the node is a leaf node void GetFreq(std::vector<int> &des);//Gets the current weight array void BuildTree();//Build a Huffman tree void BuildCode();//The coding table is constructed according to Huffman tree void GetCodeList();//Traverse the code table and the code corresponding to the code table //Preorder traversal and inorder traversal are to determine whether the shape of Huffman tree is correct void PreOrder(); void InOrder(); std::string Expend(const std::string &des);//decompression std::string Compress(const std::string &des);//compress private: void __del(HfNode<T> *t); void __build(HfNode<T> *t, T x); void __PreOrder(HfNode<T> *t); void __InOrder(HfNode<T> *t); private: HfNode<T> *hfroot; std::vector<int> freq; //Weight array std::vector<T> st; //Coding table std::unordered_map<T, std::string> m; //key is the character of the code table };
template<class T> HfNode<T>::HfNode(const HfNode<T> &h) { this->idx = h.idx; this->weight = h.weight; if(h.lchild != NULL) { this->lchild = new HfNode<T>(); *this->lchild = *(h.lchild); } else this->lchild = NULL; if(h.rchild != NULL) { this->rchild = new HfNode<T>(); *this->rchild = *(h.rchild); } else this->rchild = NULL; } template<class T> bool HfNode<T>::operator<(const HfNode<T> &h) const { return this->weight < h.weight; } template<class T> Huffman<T>::Huffman(const T &sa) { int len = sa.size(); if(len == 0) { std::cout << "please input again" << std::endl; exit(-1); } std::unordered_map<T, int> mymap; for(int i = 0; i < len; ++ i) { if(mymap.find(sa[i]) == mymap.end()) mymap[sa[i]] = 1; else mymap[sa[i]] += 1; } for(const auto& t : mymap) { st.push_back(t.first); freq.push_back(t.second); } } template<class T> bool Huffman<T>::IsLeaf(HfNode<T>* t) { if(t == NULL) return false; if(t->lchild == NULL && t->rchild == NULL) return true; else return false; } template<class T> void Huffman<T>::GetFreq(std::vector<int> &des) { for(int i = 0; i < freq.size(); ++ i) des.push_back(freq[i]); } template<class T> void Huffman<T>::BuildTree() { std::priority_queue<HfNode<T> > myqueue; for(int i = 0; i < freq.size(); ++ i) { HfNode<T> *tmp = new HfNode<T>(freq[i]); tmp->idx = i; myqueue.push(*tmp); } while(myqueue.size() > 1) { HfNode<T> left =; myqueue.pop(); HfNode<T> right =; myqueue.pop(); HfNode<T>* parent = new HfNode<T>(left.weight + right.weight); parent->idx = -1; parent->lchild = &left; parent->rchild = &right; myqueue.push(*parent); } hfroot = new HfNode<T>(); *hfroot =; myqueue.pop(); } template<class T> void Huffman<T>::BuildCode() { if(hfroot == NULL) return ; T tmp; tmp.clear(); __build(hfroot, tmp); } template<class T> void Huffman<T>::GetCodeList() { for(const auto& t : m) { std::cout << t.first << " " << t.second << "\n"; } } template<class T> void Huffman<T>::PreOrder() { if(hfroot == NULL) return ; __PreOrder(hfroot); } template<class T> void Huffman<T>::InOrder() { if(hfroot == NULL) return ; __InOrder(hfroot); } template<class T> std::string Huffman<T>::Expend(const std::string &des) { std::string res; int i(0), n(des.size()); HfNode<T>* temp = new HfNode<T>(); temp = hfroot; while (i < n) { if (des[i]=='0') { temp = temp->lchild; i++; if (IsLeaf(temp)) { res += st[temp->idx]; temp = hfroot; continue; } } if (des[i] == '1') { temp = temp->rchild; i++; if (IsLeaf(temp)) { res += st[temp->idx]; temp = hfroot; continue; } } } return res; } template<class T> std::string Huffman<T>::Compress(const std::string& des) { std::string res; for (int i = 0; i < des.length(); ++i) { if (des[i] == '\n' || des[i]==' ') continue; res += m[des[i]]; } return res; } template<class T> void Huffman<T>::__PreOrder(HfNode<T>* t) { if (t == NULL) return; std::cout << t->idx << " : " << t->weight << std::endl; _PreOrder(t->lchild); _PreOrder(t->rchild); } template<class T> void Huffman<T>::__InOrder(HfNode<T>* t) { if (t == NULL) return; _InOrder(t->lchild); std::cout << t->idx << " : " << t->weight << std::endl; _InOrder(t->rchild); } template<class T> void Huffman<T>::__del(HfNode<T>* t) { if (t == nullptr) return; if (t->lchild) __del(t->lchild); if (t->rchild) __del(t->rchild); } template<class T> void Huffman<T>::__build(HfNode<T> *t, T x) { if (IsLeaf(t) && t->idx >= 0) { std::cout << x << " "; m[st[t->idx]] = x; return; } if(t->lchild) __build(t->lchild, x + '0'); if(t->rchild) __build(t->rchild, x + '1'); }