TypeScript basic data type





Digital type

String type  

undefined and null types

undefined type

null type

void type

any type

unknown type

never type

Array type

Tuple type

object type

Enumeration type

Data type enumeration

Character enumeration

Heterogeneous enumeration

Multiple types



TypeScript is a superset of javaScript. It supports ECMAScript 6 standard. It is a free and open source programming language developed by Microsoft. It extends the syntax of javaScript. Its design goal is to develop large-scale applications, which are compatible with all browsers.

Advantages: it has more rules and type restrictions, the code has higher predictability and controllability, and is easy to maintain and debug; With the support of modules, namespaces and object-oriented, it is easier to organize code and develop large and complex programs.

Tip: the following is the main content of this article. The following cases can be used for reference


let variable name: variable type = variable value (the first letter of all types must be lowercase)


 let bool:boolean = true  //His value is only true/false

Digital type

let num:number = 100

It also supports binary, octal, decimal and hexadecimal formats, such as the following formats:

let binaryLiteral:number = 0b1010;
let octalLiteral:number = 0o744;
let decLiteral:number = 6;
let hexLiteral:number = 0xf00d;

String type  

Also known as text data type, it is declared with double quotation marks (""): let str:string = "string"   Or declare let str:string = "string" with single quotation marks ("")

You can also use template strings and to define multiline text and inline styles:

let name:string = "Tom";
let age:number = 17;
let info:string = `My name is ${name}, I am ${age + 1} years old`   // My name is Tom. I'm 18 years old

undefined and null types

undefined type

let u:undefined = undefined;

null type

let n:null = null;

These two types are similar to void. In TS syntax, these two types are not very powerful. They are subclasses of all types, that is, you can assign them to any type. If the type is not declared, it is undefined by default:

let varriate;
console.log(typeof varriate);  //undefined

If a type is given, it cannot be assigned a value of other types. Otherwise, a syntax error will be prompted:

let u:undefined;
u = undefined;  //ok
u = 100;  //Prompt syntax error. Cannot assign 100 to undefined type

void type

To some extent, void type is the opposite of any type. It means that there is no type. When a function has no return value, its return value type is void:

function fun():void{

Declaring a variable of void type is of no great use, because it can only receive values of undefined and null types

let un:void = undefined;
let nu:void = null;

any type

When the value of a variable comes from user input, dynamic content and third-party plug-ins, when the type is unclear, this variable can be defined as any type; When we only know the type of some values, it can also be defined as any type

let notSure:any = 6;
console.log(typeof notSure);  // number
let arr:any[] = [1,true,"hello"];
console.log(arr);  // [1,true,"hello"]
arr[1] = "world";  // At this time, the second element changes from numeric type to string type

unknown type

It is a type introduced in 3.0. It is similar to any type, but it is safer than any type, so it is more strict than any type. Before performing an operation, some form of check must be performed, which is not available before any type performs an operation.

let value:unknown;
value = true;           //ok
value = 42;             //ok
value = "Hello World";  //ok

If a variable type is changed, use any. If the type is fixed, but you can't or don't want to determine it, use unknown. Generally, you need to assert it before using it to pass the syntax check.

let value:unknown; 
let value1: unknown = value;            //ok
let value2: any = value;                //ok
let value3:boolean = value;             //error
let value4:boolean = value as boolean;  //ok

never type

It is a subtype of other types and represents a value that will never appear. The never variable can only be assigned by the never type. In the function, it usually throws an exception or cannot be executed to the termination point (the never type only needs to be understood)

Array type

The following represents the declaration of an array of type number. All members are of type number

  First, you can add [] after the element type to represent an array of elements of this type

let nums:number[] = [1,2,3];
console.log(nums[0]);  // 1

The second way is to use array generics, array < element type >

let nums:Array<number> = [1,2,3];
console.log(nums[1]);  // 2

Tuple type

This type is the specific type of each value in the specified array. When assigning values, it must follow the defined order and type. It is a strict array, such as the following code:

let arr:[string,Boolean,number] = ["Hello",true,123];

object type

Represents a non primitive type, that is, a type other than number, string, boolean, symbol, null or undefined, as shown in the following code:

function test(obj:object){
test( { name:"Tom" } ); 
test ( () => {} );
test ( [1,2] );
test (null);  // Error

(ordinary objects, functions and arrays are all object types)

Enumeration type

This type is a supplement to the JavaScript standard data type. It can list multiple optional ranges. The syntax is as follows:

Data type enumeration


enum num { one, two, three };
console.log(num);  // { "0" : "one" , "1" : "two" , "2" : "three", one : 0, two : 1, three : 2}

Character enumeration


enum num { one = "one",  two = "two",  three = "three" };
console.log(num);  // {one: "one", two: "two", three: "three"}

Heterogeneous enumeration

Data type enumeration + string enumeration

enum num { one = 1,  two = "two",  three };
console.log(num);  //{"1": "one", "2": "three", one: 1, two: "two", three: 2}

Multiple types

let a: number|string|undefined
console.log(a)   // Undefined if there is no assignment, it is undefined
console.log(a)  //100 


The above is the content of this article. This article only briefly introduces the use of TypeScript basic data types, so that we can quickly and easily master the application of TypeScript basic data types.

Keywords: Front-end TypeScript Data Analysis

Added by marky2coats on Sat, 13 Nov 2021 01:47:09 +0200