Quick start
This document is prepared for the current JS development colleagues to quickly adapt to TS development. Therefore, some commonly used grammar rules are listed to improve the efficiency of development. Learning TS mainly includes the following modules:
directory structure
To generate a directory with [TOC]:
Foundation type
Name | key |
Boolean value | boolean |
Numeric type | number |
Character string | string |
Array type | Array |
enumeration | enum |
Any type | any |
Type Asserts |
- Boolean let baseType: boolean = false;
- let baseType: number = 123456;
- String let baseType:string = 'string';
- Array type let basetype: array < number > = [1,2,3];
enum Color { Red = 1,Green = 2,Blue = 4}; let baseType:Color = Color.Red
Any type
let baseType: any = 1;
baseType = 'a string'; // string
baseType = false // boolean
Type Asserts
let baseType: any = 'a string value';
let str_length: number = (<string>baseType).length; // Assert type checking
Variable declaration
let variable = 'Hello!';
var variable = 'Hello!';
const variable = 'Hello!';
Object deconstruction
let obj = {
a: 'foo',
b: 123,
c: 'b00'
let {a,b} = obj; // That is: ({a,b} = {a:'foo',b:123,c:'b00'});
Function declaration
type C = {a:string,b:number};
function func ({a,b} = {a:'', b: 0}):void {
// ...
func(); // Default value: a = = '', B = = = 0
Class declaration:
class Greeter { greeting: string; // Internal attributes constructor(message: string) { // Constructor this.greeting = message; } greet() { // Internal method return 'Hello, ' + this.greeting; } } let greeter = new Greeter('World');
Class inheritance:
class Animal{
name: string;
constructor(value: string) {
this.name = value;
greet(distance: number = 0) {
return `Hello, ${this.name} move ${distance}`; // es6 syntax
class People extends Animal {
construct(name: string) {
greet(distance: number = 5) {
let greeter = new Greeter('Cat');
greeter.greet() // Hello, Cat move 0
greeter.greet(34) // Hello, Cat move 34
Modifier for class:
static, privite, readonly, (default), protected, public
// Default public ownership
class Greeter {
static origin = {x: 0, y:0}; // Static attribute
private greeting: string; // Private attributes
readonly name: string = 'onlyread'; // Read-only attribute
constructor(message: string) { // Default public ownership
this.greeting = message;
protected greet() { // under protection
return 'Hello, ' + this.greeting;
public speed() { // public Method
let greeter = new Greeter('World');
get and set methods:
// Default public ownership
class Greeter {
name: string = 'read';
constructor(message: string = '') { // Default public ownership
this.name = message;
set greet(value) { // set
this.name = value;
get speed() { // get
return this.name;
let greeter = new Greeter();
greeter.get(); // Cat
es6 Function writing:
function func(x: number, y: number) { return x + y; } // Equivalent to: let func= function(x: number, y: number):number{ return x + y; } //
Export declaration
export const num = 123; // Derived constant export class Animal { // Derived class speed(value: number) { return value; } export * from './baseClass'; // Export the entire module }
Import declaration
import {simpleModule as other} from './baseClass'; // Import new module and rename
let obj = new other();
// Whole introduction
import * from './baseClass';
import and require
export and exports
namespace Validation {
const numberRegexp = /^[0-9]+$/;
export class ZipCodeValidator implements StringValidator {
isAcceptable(s: string) {
return s.length === 5 && numberRegexp.test(s);
To be continued...