Typora common commands

Syntax used by Typora editor -- Markdown

brief introduction

1. This tutorial will use the typora editor to explain the syntax of Markdown. Typora supports MacOS, Windows and Linux platforms and contains a variety of topics. After editing, it will render the effect directly.

2. Support exporting HTML, PDF, Word, pictures and other types of files.

3. The suffix of the file written by the software is. md

1.Markdown -- Title

There are two formats for Markdown titles

Title: there are 1-6 levels of titles

Title: 1 in total-6 Level title
 Method 1:
     Syntax: Ctrl+n  #n is the title of several levels
     eg: Ctrl+1 Is the first level title, and so on
Method 2:
   	 Syntax:# Primary title
          ## Secondary title
          ###### Six level title
      eg: # I'm a first-class title

Examples are as follows: remember # the space after paying attention

2. Markdown -- List (subtitle)

There are two kinds of lists: ordered and unordered

#Markdown supports unordered lists and ordered lists.
·Unordered lists: Using'*','+','-'As a list tag, followed by a space, and then write the content.
		eg: 1. I'm the first subtitle
    		2. I'm the second subtitle
·Ordered list: the ordered list is added with numbers'.'Sign.
		eg: 1. I'm the first subtitle
    		2. I'm the second subtitle

3. Markdown -- List nesting

List nesting can have an unordered list written under a sequence table or an ordered list written under an unordered list. Don't talk more about cases.

#Eg: ordered set disorder
 Syntax: 1. Nested one:
	  * Nested content

Syntax: 2. Nested two:
	  * Nested content

4. Markdown -- paragraph, font, underline, strikeout, separator


There is no special format for the Markdown paragraph. Just Enter directly. If you want to exit the list editing, you can also Enter directly.


Markdown has the following fonts:

*Italic text*
**Bold text**
***Bold italic text***


Underline can be realized through the < U > tag of HTML:

<u> I'm underlined text </u>

Delete line

If the text on the paragraph needs to be deleted, just add two '~ ~' at both ends of the text:
~~I'm a strikethrough~~

5.Markdown -- Code

Code blocks can use three backquotes and specify a language: (python is used here as an example)

6. Markdown -- table

Markdown makes tables and uses' | 'to separate different cells. Shortcut keys are available for left alignment, center alignment and right alignment, which are omitted here.


7. Markdown -- links, footnotes

The link is used as follows:

1.[Link name](Link address) +Enter key
2.<Link address> +Enter key
eg: I'm Baidu link[Baidu](https://www.baidu.com/)
	#The renderings are as follows:

[Baidu link]( https://www.baidu.com/)

8. Footnotes are used as follows:

#Text to be noted [^ I'm a footnote]

9. Markdown -- picture

The syntax format of Markdown picture is as follows:

![text](Picture address/link)
Examples are as follows:
![I'm bald](https://tse1-mm.cn.bing.net/th/id/R-C.ee39e88ad90eea7228341c02d7c6b1f5?rik=SEyUWHEI%2fi6nrg&riu=http%3a%2f%2f5b0988e595225.cdn.sohucs.com%2fimages%2f20180715%2fc1a789402bfb4534a97f6918fcb93fb5.jpeg&ehk=NWIc9tpaAgyXy6TP0QWtp4B6c1sq2OJDlDqVKGImm4M%3d&risl=&pid=ImgRaw&r=0)

The physical drawing is as follows:

10. Markdown -- common flow chart

1. Source code format of horizontal flow chart

graph LR
A[square] -->B(fillet)
    B --> C{condition a}
    C -->|a=1| D[Result 1]
    C -->|a=2| E[Result 2]
    F[Horizontal flow chart]

The physical drawing is as follows:

2. Source code format of vertical flow chart:

graph TD
A[square] --> B(fillet)
    B --> C{condition a}
    C --> |a=1| D[Result 1]
    C --> |a=2| E[Result 2]
    F[Vertical flow chart]

The physical drawing is as follows:

3. Standard flow chart source code format:

st=>start: Start box
op=>operation: Processing box
cond=>condition: Judgment box(Yes or no?)
sub1=>subroutine: Subprocess
io=>inputoutput: Input / output box
e=>end: End box

The physical drawing is as follows:

4. Standard flow chart source code format (horizontal):

st=>start: Start box
op=>operation: Processing box
cond=>condition: Judgment box(Yes or no?)
sub1=>subroutine: Subprocess
io=>inputoutput: Input / output box
e=>end: End box

The physical drawing is as follows:

There are so many commonly used commands listed by little Hammer. There are still many examples that have not been mentioned. You can learn more. Just join the blog and ask for mercy. Of course, Typora has many powerful functions. We'll see you later~

Added by fireant on Fri, 29 Oct 2021 15:51:28 +0300