Ubuntu+Nginx+uWSGI+DJango+python3 deployment

Ubuntu+Nginx+uWSGI+DJango+python3 deployment

technological process

  1. Client requests service resources

  2. As a direct external service interface, nginx will unpack and analyze the http request sent by the client,

    • If it is a static file request, return the requested resource according to the static file directory configured by nginx,

    • If it is a dynamic request, nginx will pass the request to uWSGI through the configuration file;

  3. uWSGI processes the received packet and forwards it to wsgi,

  4. wsgi calls a file or function of django project according to the request. After processing, django will give the return value to wsgi,

  5. wsgi packages the returned value and forwards it to uWSGI,

  6. uWSGI will forward it to nginx after receiving it, and nginx will finally return the return value to the client (such as browser).

*Note: the transfer of information between different components involves the conversion of data format and protocol

The first level of nginx is not necessary. uwsgi can complete the whole process of interacting with the browser;

Why use nginx with uwsgi

  • nginx provides more secure service guarantee

  • Provide reverse proxy, load balancing and other functions

    • uWSGI itself is an intranet interface, and it may not be enough to open multiple work and processes. nginx can agent multiple uWSGI to complete uWSGI load balancing;

  • Strong processing ability for static files

    • django's ability to handle static files is not very good when debug=False, but it is more efficient to use nginx.


WSGI protocol: specification of communication between web server and web application

The web server accepts the request from the client and sends it to the web application

uWSGI: a python web server or Server/Gateway

Uwsgi protocol is a protocol owned by uwsgi server. It is used to define the type of transmission information. It is two things compared with WSGI.

  • uWSGI can perform multi-threaded scheduling and process monitoring

  • Provide complete request log processing

  • runserver performance is poor


sudo apt-get install python3-dev    #Install this first to make pip3 install uwsgi success
sudo apt-get install python3-pip
sudo sudo pip3 install uwsgi


Create a new python file: test_for_uwsgi.py

def application(env, start_response):
    start_response('200 OK', [('Content-Type','text/html')])
    return [b"Hello uwsgin xlf----!"]

Execute command

uwsgi --http-socket :8088 --wsgi-file test_for_uwsgi.py

Open the browser and visit: local IP:8088

File configuration

Add uwsgi.com under the project folder of DJango INI file


#use http Access port
http            = :8080
#use nginx Port to communicate with
socket          = :8000
#django catalogue
chdir           = /home/ubuntu/PycharmProjects/DRF/MyDRF/
#Django Under item wsgi.py File path
module          = MyDRF.wsgi    # Locate through module wsgi file
# Specific documents can also be used
#wsgi-file      = /home/ubuntu/PycharmProjects/DRF/MyDRF/MyDRF/wsgi.py
master          = true  # Main process
#Number of processes
processes       = 4
vacuum          = true


uwsgi --ini Project path/uwsgi.ini

Open the browser and access: local IP:8080/Django interface path

As described above, the access was successful

(if the virtual machine acts as a server and uses uwsgi to start execution, you can also open the browser on the local machine to access it.)


  • Reverse proxy, web server, load balancing

  • Basic command

    • sudo nginx startup

    • sudo nginx -s stop (or use kill - 9 nginx)

    • sudo nginx -s quit exit

    • sudo nginx -s reopen reopen

    • sudo nginx -s reload overload

  • Key configuration module

    • events configuration domain: network connection related configuration (I/O module)

    • server configuration domain: configuration of related service nodes

    • location

    • http configuration domain

    • upstream configuration domain: reverse proxy configuration domain

  • Hierarchical relationship

    events {
    http {
        upstream {
        server {
            location {


sudo apt-get install nginx


nginx -v    # see nginx edition
nginx -t    # see nginx Configuration path
# implement
sudo nginx

Open the browser and visit:

As described above, nginx is successfully opened

to configure

Enter / etc / nginx / sites enabled to create * * conf file, such as project name conf, enter the following in the file

server {
    listen 8099;    # Browser access nginx Port of
    server_name localhost;    # Browser access nginx Domain name or IP address

    # Specify project path uwsgi
    location / {
        include uwsgi_params;
        uwsgi_connect_timeout 30;
        uwsgi_pass;    # relation uwsgi Port, to and uwsgi In configuration socket Port consistency

    # Specify static file path
    location /static/ {
        alias /home/ubuntu/PycharmProjects/DRF/MyDRF/static/;    # Static file path of the project


Static file path of the project

In the project directory, click settings Add the following configuration to the PY file

# Static file configuration
STATIC_URL = '/static/'
STATIC_ROOT = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, "static")

# Upload file configuration
MEDIA_URL = '/media/'
MEDIA_ROOT = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'media')

In URLs Add url to py file

from django.contrib import admin
from django.urls import path
from django.conf.urls import re_path, include
from django.views.static import serve

from MyDRF.settings import MEDIA_ROOT,STATIC_ROOT

urlpatterns = [
    re_path(r'^media/(?P<path>.*)', serve, {'document_root': MEDIA_ROOT}),
    re_path(r'^static/(?P<path>.*)$', serve, {'document_root': STATIC_ROOT}),

Execute command

python manage.py collectstatic

Under the project path, a static folder will be generated to store static files


The UWSO application has been started at this time

Execute command

sudo nginx

Open the browser to access the configured address: server IP address: 8099/Django interface path

The above display indicates that the configuration is successful





Keywords: Django

Added by Exoon on Tue, 08 Mar 2022 16:43:02 +0200