Unity Shader - simple water body - shallow to deep water color control

Simple simulation of water effect (3A game effect, please bypass)


Production steps

Prepare water grid

Generated by grid script, refer to: Unity Shader - Noise noise map - simple mountain

Disturbed water grid

Reference resources: Unity Shader - use Noise noise Noise map to generate simple mountains (use tex2Dlod to control vertex height)

I used: the superposition of big waves and small waves

                float centerH = sin(_Time.y * _BigWaveLen + v.uv.x + v.uv.y) * _BigWaveAmplitude;
                centerH += tex2Dlod(_MainTex, float4(v.uv + float2(_Time.x * _SmallWaveSpeedX, _Time.x * _SmallWaveSpeedY), 0, 0)).r * _SmallWaveAmplitude;
                v.vertex.y = centerH;

Add water mesh hue, texture

Got a tone and scrolled through the uv animation

                fixed4 col = tex2D(_MainTex, i.uv + float2(_Time.y * _BigWaveLen * _UVSpeed, 0));
                col.rgb *= _MainColor.rgb;

Place marine outposts (some random cubes)

Add water depth perspective effect

This refers to the idea of handling soft particles in unit's built-in shader:

  • buffViewZ of view space to get depth texture
  • Get fragViewZ of view space of current clip
  • The depth of delta = buffViewZ - fragViewZ is interpolated to control the alpha perspective of the water body
				// vert
                #if DEEP_EFF
                o.projPos = ComputeScreenPos (o.pos);

				// frag
                #if DEEP_EFF    // Depth effect
                // Depth effect
                // Here refer to the built-in shader of unit to realize the soft example: the writing method of Soft particle
                // When the depth is far away from the background, the alpha is higher, while the alpha near the background is lower
                // First, get the z value under the view space of the depth map: buffViewZ
                float buffViewZ = LinearEyeD,epth (SAMPLE_DEPTH_TEXTURE_PROJ(_CameraDepthTexture, UNITY_PROJ_COORD(i.projPos)));
                // Then get the z value of the view space of the fragment: fragViewZ
                float fragViewZ = i.projPos.z;
                // Then go to the distance between them and control the alpha, and change the color lerp
                float fade = saturate ((buffViewZ-fragViewZ) * _DeepFactor);
                combined.rgb = lerp(combined.rgb + _ShallowColor.rgb * (_ShallowColor.a * 2), combined.rgb, fade);
                combined.a *= fade;

Add water light effect

This is the traditional empirical lighting model: ambient + diffuse (half Lambert) + special (Blinn Phong)

				// frag
                #if LIGHTING_ON // Illumination effect
                // ambient
                fixed3 ambient = UNITY_LIGHTMODEL_AMBIENT.rgb;
                // diffuse
                half3 L = normalize(_WorldSpaceLightPos0.xyz);
                half3 N = normalize(i.normal);
                half LdotN = dot(L, N) * 0.5 + 0.5;
                fixed3 diffuse = col.rgb * LdotN;
                // specular
                half3 specular = 0;
                half3 V = normalize(_WorldSpaceCameraPos.xyz - i.wPos);
                half3 H = normalize(L + V);
                half HdotN = max(0, dot(H, N)); // blinn-phone
                specular = _LightColor0.rgb * pow(HdotN, _SpecularGlossy * 100) * _SpecularIntensity;
                // combined color
                fixed4 combined = fixed4(ambient + diffuse + specular, col.a);
                #else // LIGHTING_OFF
                fixed4 combined = col;

Reconstruction of water vertex normal

Reference resources: Unity Shader - simple mountain - vertex shader to reconstruct normal I won't say it here. The reference article is very clear.

                #if REBUILD_NORMAL // Refactoring normal, reference: https://blog.csdn.net/linjf520/article/details/104859710

                // reconstruct normals
                // This 4x4 data can also be passed in externally, which can save the computation of the vertex shader ALU and L1 caches.
                const float4x4 offset_xz = {
                    {+1,+0, /* gap **/ +1,-1},  // lower right
                    {+0,-1, /* gap **/ -1,-1},  // Left lower
                    {-1,+0, /* gap **/ -1,+1},  // Left upper
                    {+0,+1, /* gap **/ +1,+1}   // Right upper
                // The default vector can also be passed in externally, because the default normal above can be adjusted
                // Now I'll say that the default normals are initialized to: up
                float3 sumNormal = float3(0, 1, 0);
                float4 uv4 = 0;
                for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
                    // Get offset data
                    float4 uvs_offset = offset_xz[i];
                    // Get the height of offset data
                    half h1 = 
                    sin(_Time.y * _BigWaveLen + v.uv.x + uvs_offset.x * _MainTex_TexelSize.x + v.uv.y + uvs_offset.y * _MainTex_TexelSize.y) * _BigWaveAmplitude;
                    uv4 = float4(v.uv + uvs_offset.xy * _MainTex_TexelSize.xy + float2(_Time.x * _SmallWaveSpeedX, _Time.x * _SmallWaveSpeedY), 0, 0);
                    h1 += tex2Dlod(_MainTex, uv4).r * _SmallWaveAmplitude;
                    half h2 = sin(_Time.y * _BigWaveLen + v.uv.x + uvs_offset.z * _MainTex_TexelSize.x + v.uv.y + uvs_offset.w * _MainTex_TexelSize.y) * _BigWaveAmplitude;
                    uv4 = float4(v.uv + uvs_offset.zw * _MainTex_TexelSize.xy + float2(_Time.x * _SmallWaveSpeedX, _Time.x * _SmallWaveSpeedY), 0, 0);
                    h2 += tex2Dlod(_MainTex, uv4).r * _SmallWaveAmplitude;
                    // According to the offset direction, the two vectors of height from the current vertex to the nearby offset point are reconstructed
                    float3 dir1 = float3(uvs_offset.x * _GridGap, h1 - centerH, uvs_offset.y * _GridGap);
                    float3 dir2 = float3(uvs_offset.z * _GridGap, h2 - centerH, uvs_offset.w * _GridGap);
                    // According to two vectors of the plane (two vectors can determine a plane, such as two tangent vectors of TB in TBN)
                    // The normal vector of a plane is obtained by cross multiplication
                    float3 newNormal = (cross(dir1, dir2));
                    // Add to blend vector
                    sumNormal += newNormal;
                // Mean mixing
                sumNormal /= 5;
                o.normal = UnityObjectToWorldNormal(sumNormal);

                #else // REBUILD_NORMAL off
                o.normal = UnityObjectToWorldNormal(v.normal);


backup : UnityShader_SimpleWater_ShallowToDeepEffect_2018.3.0f2


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Keywords: Unity Fragment

Added by djrichwz on Sun, 15 Mar 2020 09:42:48 +0200