Usage of Qt database application 9- data export component

1, Method of use

1.1 step 1: introduce components

  • All code files in the component are a whole, and the splitting of a single code file is not supported, because many common methods are placed in one code file and reuse many codes.
  • datehead is the header file and general data structure used by this component.
  • datahelper is a general check column function and data export printing function.
  • datacreat is used to create data in html format for exporting to pdf and printing data.
  • datacsv is used to import and export file csv format.
  • dataxls is the core of exporting data to xls.
  • dataprint is data export to pdf and print data.
  1. Core_ Copy the entire dataout directory to the same level directory of your project folder.
  2. Open the pro file of your project and import components.
INCLUDEPATH += $$PWD/../core_dataout
include ($$PWD/../core_dataout/core_dataout.pri)
  1. At this point, you can see the core in the project tree view_ Dataout component code.

1.2 step 2: obtain data

  • Whether exporting to xls, pdf or printing, the premise is to get the data set to be processed.
  • There are basically two ways to get data. One is database query, such as QSqlTableModel, and the other is interface control, such as QTableView, QTableWidget and QStandardItemModel.
  • QTableView generally has two data sources: QSqlTableModel and QStandardItemModel.
  • The data set is based on one row of data, with English semicolons in the middle; Separate them, and finally put them into QStringList.

1.2.1 example QSqlTableModel

void frmDataOut2::on_btnLoad_clicked()
    for (int i = 0; i < columnCount; i++) {
        model->setHeaderData(i, Qt::Horizontal,;

QStringList frmDataOut2::getContent()
    QStringList content;
    QString sql = QString("select * from MsgInfo limit %1").arg(100);
    QSqlQuery query;
    if (!query.exec(sql)) {
        return content;

    //Loop through data
    while ( {
        QStringList list;
        for (int i = 0; i < column; i++) {
            list << query.value(i).toString();
        content << list.join(";");
    return content;

1.2.2 example QStandardItemModel

void frmSimple::on_btnLoad_clicked()
    //wipe data 
    //Set the number of columns, column title and column width
    for (int i = 0; i < column; ++i) {
        model->setHeaderData(i, Qt::Horizontal,;

    //Loop add row data
    for (int i = 0; i < row; ++i) {
        //Loop to add a row of columns
        QList<QStandardItem *> items;
        for (int j = 0; j < column; ++j) {
            QStandardItem *item = new QStandardItem;
            item->setText(QString("that 's ok%1_column%2").arg(i + 1).arg(j + 1));
            items << item;

QStringList frmSimple::getContent()
    //Get data from QTableView
    QStringList content;
    for (int i = 0; i < row; ++i) {
        QStringList list;
        for (int j = 0; j < column; ++j) {
            list << model->item(i, j)->text();
        //Each line of data is stored as a whole string
        content << list.join(";");
    return content;

1.2.3 example QTableWidget

void frmDataOut1::on_btnLoad_clicked()
    QStringList list;
    list << "Defense zone Online" << "Zone offline" << "Zone bypass" << "Zone alarm" << "Zone failure";

    for (int i = 0; i < rowCount; i++) {
        //Randomly generated alarm content
        int index = rand() % 4;
        QTableWidgetItem *item1 = new QTableWidgetItem(QString::number(i + 1));
        QTableWidgetItem *item2 = new QTableWidgetItem("a sector" + QString::number(i + 1));
        QTableWidgetItem *item3 = new QTableWidgetItem("Host reporting");
        QTableWidgetItem *item4 = new QTableWidgetItem(;
        QTableWidgetItem *item5 = new QTableWidgetItem(DATETIME);

        ui->tableWidget->setItem(i, 0, item1);
        ui->tableWidget->setItem(i, 1, item2);
        ui->tableWidget->setItem(i, 2, item3);
        ui->tableWidget->setItem(i, 3, item4);
        ui->tableWidget->setItem(i, 4, item5);

QStringList frmDataOut1::getContent()
    QStringList content;
    for (int i = 0; i < row; i++) {
        QStringList list;
        for (int j = 0; j < column; j++) {
            list << ui->tableWidget->item(i, j)->text();
        content << list.join(";");
    return content;

1.3 step 3: set data

  • Whether exporting to xls, pdf or printing, you need to set the data structure and pass in the information such as column name, column width and data set.
  • If you are exporting to xls, you also need to set the file name and table name.
  • If you are exporting to pdf, you need to set the file name.
  • You do not need to set the file name and table name for printing.
void frmSimple::on_btnXls_clicked()
    //Set structure data
    DataContent dataContent;
    //Fill content
    dataContent.content = getContent();
    //Set column name and width
    dataContent.columnNames = columnNames;
    dataContent.columnWidths = columnWidths;
    //Set file name
    dataContent.fileName = "d:/0.xls";
    //set a table name
    dataContent.sheetName = "Test information";

    //Call static function to save
    //Open the file you just exported
    QUIHelper::openFile(dataContent.fileName, "Export test information");

void frmSimple::on_btnPdf_clicked()
    //Set structure data
    DataContent dataContent;
    //Fill content
    dataContent.content = getContent();
    //Set column name and width
    dataContent.columnNames = columnNames;
    dataContent.columnWidths = columnWidths;
    //Set file name
    dataContent.fileName = "d:/0.pdf";

    //Call static function to save
    //Open the file you just exported
    QUIHelper::openFile(dataContent.fileName, "Export test information");

void frmSimple::on_btnPrint_clicked()
    //Set structure data
    DataContent dataContent;
    //Fill content
    dataContent.content = getContent();
    //Set column name and width
    dataContent.columnNames = columnNames;
    dataContent.columnWidths = columnWidths;

    //Call static function to print

1.4 step 4: execute operation

  • The data import and export component dataout provides a unified data structure for setting data and other parameters.
  • It encapsulates the unified static function DataXls::saveXls to export to xls, DataPrint::savePdf to export to pdf and DataPrint::print to print data.
  • It supports various detailed and complex parameter settings and multi-threaded operation of massive data export. For details, see the detailed usage demo.
//Call static function and save to xls
//Call static function and save to pdf
//Call static function to print data

2, Functional features

  1. The component integrates exporting data to csv, xls, pdf and printing data at the same time.
  2. All operations are provided with static methods without new. Structural data is adopted for parameter settings such as data and attributes, which is very convenient.
  3. It also supports QTableView, QTableWidget, QStandardItemModel, QSqlTableModel and other data sources.
  4. Provide static methods to directly pass in QTableView and QTableWidget controls to automatically identify column name, column width and data content.
  5. Each group of functions provides a separate complete example with detailed comments, which is very suitable for Qter programmers at all stages.
  6. The original data export mechanism does not rely on any third-party libraries such as office components or operating systems, and supports embedded linux.
  7. The speed is super fast. It takes only 2 seconds to complete 100000 rows of data in 9 fields.
  8. It only takes four steps to quickly export massive data, such as 100W records to Excel.
  9. At the same time, it provides direct write data interface and multi-threaded write data interface without card main interface.
  10. You can set the title, subtitle and table name.
  11. You can set the field name, column name and column width of the exported data.
  12. You can set the automatic stretching and filling of the end column, and the default stretching is more beautiful.
  13. You can set whether to enable verification filtering data. After enabling, the data that meets the rules will be displayed in special colors.
  14. Check columns, check rules, check values, and check value data types can be specified.
  15. The verification rule supports accurate equal to = =, greater than >, greater than or equal to > =, less than <, less than or equal to < =, not equal to! = contains.
  16. The data type of the check value supports integer int, floating point float and double, and the default text string type.
  17. You can set the random background color and the column set that needs the random background color.
  18. It supports grouping and outputting data, such as grouping and outputting data according to equipment, which is convenient for viewing.
  19. You can set csv separator, line content separator and sub content separator.
  20. You can set the border width and auto fill data type. The auto data type is on by default.
  21. You can set whether to turn on the data cell style. It is not turned on by default, which can save about 30% of the file volume.
  22. You can set horizontal layout, paper margin, etc., such as exporting to pdf and printing data.
  23. Support mixed arrangement of pictures and texts, export data to pdf and print data, and automatic paging.
  24. Super flexible, free to change the source code, set the alignment, text color, background color, etc.
  25. Support any excel form software, including but not limited to excel 2003-2021, wps, openoffice, etc.
  26. Written in pure Qt, it supports any Qt version + any compiler + any system.

3, Experience address

  1. Experience address: Extraction code: o05q file name:
  2. Domestic sites:
  3. International sites:
  4. Personal homepage:
  5. Zhihu homepage:

4, Renderings

Added by Moesian on Fri, 28 Jan 2022 07:10:19 +0200