Use of advanced Select statements (key points)

1. De duplication query

According to the database tables and data created before, we put forward a demand to query the student numbers of all students who took the exam

select `studentno` from `result`	--Query the student numbers of all students with grades 

According to the results, we can see that there are a lot of duplicates in the data, so we can use distinct to de duplicate the data.

SELECT DISTINCT `studentno` from `result`;

Comparing the two queries, it is obvious that this way of de duplication is more applicable, and only one duplicate data is displayed.

2.where conditional clause

Function: retrieve qualified values in data

Logical operator

and ,&&a and b,a && bLogic and
or ,||a or b,a || bLogical or
not ,!not a,! bLogical non

3. Fuzzy query

is nulla is nullReturns true if a is null
is not nulla is not nullReturns true if a is not null
between...and...a between b and cIf a is between b and c, return true
Likea like bSQL matches. If a matches b, it returns true
ina in (a1,a2,a3,a4...)If a is in one of (a1,a2,a3...), it returns true

Fuzzy query example:

  • like related operations (capable of fuzzy matching)
#The query name starts with Liu (surnamed Liu)
select * from `student` where `studentname` like "Liu%"	--%(Represents 0 to any character)
#Inquire about students surnamed Liu. Their names are only two words
select * from `student` where `studentname` like "Liu_"	--_(Represents a character)
#Inquire about students surnamed Liu whose names are three words
select * from `student` where `studentname` like "Liu__"
#Query the students with the word "home" in their names
select * from `student` where `studentname` like "%home%"
  • In related operations (in can only be matched specifically)
#Query student No. 100110021003
select * from `student` where `studentno` in (1001,1002,1003)
#Query students in Anhui and Beijing
select * from `student` where `address` in ('Anhui','Beijing')
  • Null and not null related operations
#Query the students whose address is empty, which may be "" or null
select * from `student` where `address` = '' or `address` is null
#Query students with birth date, that is, the birth date cannot be blank
select * from `student` where `borndate` is not null

4. Associated table query

When we make a query, we may encounter the situation that one table may not meet our requirements. The data we may require to obtain may come from two, three or even more tables. For this, we should use joint table query.

for instance:
According to the database and table we created before, we put forward a demand to obtain the information of the students who took the exam, including the student's name, student number, subject number and score of the student's exam

select * from `student`
select * from `result`

We also need to compare the student numbers one by one to find the effect of such query. This method is too troublesome. We need to splice these data in a way to facilitate our view.


  • Fields from query analysis table:
  • Connection method: determine which connection method to use for query (determine the intersection, that is, which data in the two tables are the same)

According to the analysis of the structure of the two tables, we can judge that the condition is: studentNo in the student table = studentNo in the grade table

#Use inner join to join table queries
select s.`studentNo`,`studentName`,`subjectNo`,`studentResult`
from `student` as s inner join `result` as r
where s.`studentNo` = r.`studentNo`
#Use right join to join table query
select s.`studentNo`,`studentName`,`subjectNo`,`studentResult`
from `student` as s right join `result` as r
on s.`studentNo` = r.`studentNo`
#Use left join to join table query
select s.`studentNo`,`studentName`,`subjectNo`,`studentResult`
from `student` as s left join `result` as r
where s.`studentNo` = r.`studentNo`
  • join on join query
  • where equivalent query
inner joinIf there is at least one match in the table, it will return. If there are both tables, it is enough to determine which table it is
left joinEven if no value in the right table matches the left table, all values in the left table will be returned
right joinEven if no value in the left table matches the value on the right, all values in the right table will be returned

If we need to check more than two tables, first query the first two tables, and then connect the query results with the third table.

#Query the student's student number, name, subject and grade (from three tables)
SELECT stu.studentno,studentname,sub.subjectname,studentresult 
from student stu INNER join result res 
on stu.studentno = res.studentno
right join subject sub 
on stu.studentno = res.studentno

5. Seven join theories:

6. Self connection query

Self connection: as the name suggests, it is to connect yourself with yourself. The core is to split a table into two identical tables.

We create a new table category in the existing school database

drop table if exists `category`
CREATE TABLE if not exists `category`( 
	`categoryid` INT(3) NOT NULL COMMENT'id', 
	`pid` INT(3) NOT NULL COMMENT'father id 1 if there is no parent', 
	`categoryname` VARCHAR(10) NOT NULL COMMENT'Species name', 
	PRIMARY KEY (`categoryid`) 

INSERT INTO `category` (`categoryid`, `pid`, `categoryname`) VALUES (2, 1, "information technology"), (3, 1, "software development"),(5, 1, "Art design"), (4, 3, "database"),(8, 2, "Office information"), (6, 3, "web development"), (7, 5, "ps technology");

By analyzing this table, we can see that grading is implemented in this table. For example, for web development, its id is 6, but its parent id is 3, and the parent id of software development with id 3 is 1. Let's split the table.

  • Parent table
2information technology1
3software development1
5Art design1
  • Sub table
8Office information2
6web development3
7Art design5

Operation: query the subclass relationship corresponding to the parent class

Parent classSubclass
information technologyOffice information
software developmentdatabase
software developmentweb development
Art designps Technology

We need to query, which should be the query result we want.

For fields that are all in one table, we use self join query.

select a.categoryname Account category,b.categoryname curriculum
from category a inner join category b
on a.categoryid = 

7. Paging and Sorting Query

(1) Sort query

  • Ascending (asc):

The query results are sorted in ascending order according to the scores

select * from `result` ORDER BY `studentresult` asc

  • Descending order (desc):
select * from `result` ORDER BY `studentresult` desc

  • order by: sort by that field
  • DESC, asc: desc in descending order, asc in ascending order

(2) Paging query

Think about it: why use paging queries?
We look for data in a very large database. If we want to display it all, the pressure of the database will be very large, and it is very inconvenient for us to find data. Therefore, we need to use paging.

  • Paging query using limit
SELECT * from subject limit 0,10

  • limit a, b: display b pieces of data from index a


Query all students whose subject score is greater than 60, display the first 10 items and arrange them in descending order. The field only displays student name, subject name and score

SELECT studentname Student name,sub.subjectname Account name,studentresult Student achievement
from student stu inner join  result res
on stu.studentno = res.studentno
inner join subject sub
where res.subjectno = sub.subjectno
and studentresult>60 ORDER BY studentresult desc limit 0,10

8. Sub query and nested query

We were writing sql before. The values in the query conditions are fixed. If the values in the conditions are calculated, it is a sub query.
Essence: nest a query statement under the where condition


#Query all test results of advanced mathematics-1 (including student number, name, subject number and score), and arrange them in descending order

--Use join query
select stu.studentno,studentname,res.subjectno,studentresult
from student stu 
inner join result res
on stu.studentno = res.studentno
inner join subject sub
on res.subjectno = sub.subjectno
where subjectname = 'Advanced mathematics-1'
order by studentresult desc

--Use subquery
select stu.studentno,studentname,res.subjectno,studentresult
from student stu 
inner join result res
on stu.studentno = res.studentno
where res.subjectno = (select subjectno from subject where subjectname = 'Advanced mathematics-1')
order by studentresult desc

One more question

#Query the student number and name of students whose subject is advanced mathematics-2 and the subject score is not less than 80
#Joint table query method
select distinct stu.studentno,studentname
from student stu
inner join result res
on stu.studentno = res.studentno
inner join subject sub
on res.subjectno = sub.subjectno
where subjectname = 'Advanced mathematics-2'
and studentresult >= 80
#Subquery method 1
select stu.studentno,studentname
from student stu
inner join result res
on stu.studentno = res.studentno
where subjectno = (
	select subjectno from subject where subjectname='Advanced mathematics-2'
and studentresult >=80
#Sub query method 2
select studentno,studentname from student where studentno in (
	select studentno from result where subjectno = (
		select subjectno from subject where subjectname = 'Advanced mathematics-2'
	) and studentresult >= 80

#Query the information (student number, name, score) of the top five students whose subjects have the keyword "advanced mathematics"
select stu.studentno,studentname,studentresult
from student stu inner join result res
where subjectno in (
	select subjectno from subject where subjectname like "Advanced mathematics%"
) order by studentresult desc limit 0,5

Keywords: MySQL

Added by bertfour on Thu, 10 Feb 2022 15:58:02 +0200