Use of SpringDataRedis under SSM

1. redis in Linux environment has been built or redis using Windows

2. For convenience here Win version , unzip the compressed package downloaded above and click redis server

3. Start

Note: be sure to start when using!!

4. Introduction to springdataredis

4.1 thoughts on common problems of the project

Our current system has realized advertising background management and advertising front display, but a large number of people visit the home page every day, causing great access pressure on the database, or even paralysis. So how to solve it? We usually do it in two ways: one is data caching and the other is web page static. Let's discuss the first solution today.

4.2 Redis

Redis is an open source key value database, which runs in memory and is written by ANSI C. Redis is usually used for enterprise development to implement caching. Similar products include memcache, memcached, MongoDB, etc.

4.3 Jedis

Jedis is a Java oriented client officially launched by Redis, which provides many interfaces for Java language calls. It can be downloaded from the official website of Redis. Of course, there are some clients provided by open source enthusiasts, such as Jredis, SRP, etc. jedis is recommended.

4.4 Spring Data Redis

Spring data redis is a part of the spring family. It provides access to redis services through simple configuration in srping applications, and highly encapsulates the underlying development packages of reids (Jedis, JRedis, and RJC). RedisTemplate provides various redis operations, exception handling and serialization, supports publishing and subscription, and implements spring 3.1 cache.
Spring data redis provides the following functions for jedis:
1. Automatic connection pool management provides a highly encapsulated "RedisTemplate" class
2. Classify and encapsulate a large number of APIs in jedis client, and encapsulate the same type of operation as operation interface
ValueOperations: simple K-V operation
SetOperations: set type data operations
ZSetOperations: zset type data operation
HashOperations: data operations for map type
ListOperations: data operations for list type

4.5 Spring Data Redis introduction Demo

4.5.1 preparation

(1) Build Maven project SpringDataRedisDemo
(2) Introduce Spring related dependencies and JUnit dependencies
(3) Introduce Jedis and SpringDataRedis dependencies


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns=""


    <!-- Centralized definition dependent version number -->

        <!-- Spring -->
        <!-- cache -->


(4) Create the properties folder under src/main/resources and create redis config properties 

(5) Create the spring folder under src/main/resources and create ApplicationContext redis xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> 
<beans xmlns="" 
xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:p="" 
xsi:schemaLocation="                  ">
 <context:property-placeholder location="classpath*:properties/*.properties" />
 <!-- redis Related configuration -->
 <bean id="poolConfig" class="redis.clients.jedis.JedisPoolConfig">
     <property name="maxIdle" value="${redis.maxIdle}" />
     <property name="maxWaitMillis" value="${redis.maxWait}" />
     <property name="testOnBorrow" value="${redis.testOnBorrow}" />
 <bean id="JedisConnectionFactory" class=""
       p:host-name="${}" p:port="${redis.port}" p:password="${redis.pass}" p:pool-config-ref="poolConfig"/>

 <bean id="redisTemplate" class="">
     <property name="connectionFactory" ref="JedisConnectionFactory" />
maxIdle : Maximum idle
maxWaitMillis:Maximum number of milliseconds to wait while connecting
testOnBorrow: Extracting a jedis Whether to verify the instance in advance; If yes true,Then you get jedis All instances are available;-->
4.5.2 value type operation
public class TestValue {
    private RedisTemplate redisTemplate;
    public void setValue(){
    public void getValue(){
        String str = (String) redisTemplate.boundValueOps("name").get();
    public void deleteValue(){
4.5.3 Set type operation
public class TestSet {

    private RedisTemplate redisTemplate;

     * Stored value
    public void setValue(){
        redisTemplate.boundSetOps("nameset").add("Cao Cao");
        redisTemplate.boundSetOps("nameset").add("Liu Bei");
        redisTemplate.boundSetOps("nameset").add("Sun Quan");

     * Extract value
    public void getValue(){
        Set members = redisTemplate.boundSetOps("nameset").members();

     * Deletes a value from the collection
    public void deleteValue(){
        redisTemplate.boundSetOps("nameset").remove("Sun Quan");

     * Delete entire collection
    public void deleteAllValue(){

4.5.4 List type operation
public class TestList {

    private RedisTemplate redisTemplate;

     * Right stack: objects added after are placed behind
     *range(0, 10); From 0 to the first few, not all methods of query are provided
    public void testSetValue1(){
        redisTemplate.boundListOps("namelist1").rightPush("Liu Bei");
        redisTemplate.boundListOps("namelist1").rightPush("Guan Yu");
        redisTemplate.boundListOps("namelist1").rightPush("Fei Zhang");

     * Display right stack collection
    public void testGetValue1(){
        List list = redisTemplate.boundListOps("namelist1").range(0, 10);
    //[Liu Bei, Guan Yu, Zhang Fei]

     * Left stack: objects added after are arranged in front
    public void testSetValue2(){
        redisTemplate.boundListOps("namelist2").leftPush("Liu Bei");
        redisTemplate.boundListOps("namelist2").leftPush("Guan Yu");
        redisTemplate.boundListOps("namelist2").leftPush("Fei Zhang");

     * Display left stack collection
     *range(0, 10); From 0 to the first few, not all methods of query are provided
    public void testGetValue2(){
        List list = redisTemplate.boundListOps("namelist2").range(0, 10);

    //[Zhang Fei, Guan Yu, Liu Bei]

    public void testSearchByIndex(){
        String s = (String) redisTemplate.boundListOps("namelist2").index(2);

    //Guan Yu

     * Remove an element from the collection
    public void testRemoveByIndex(){
        //The first parameter represents the number of removed
        redisTemplate.boundListOps("namelist2").remove(1, "Guan Yu");
    //[Zhang Fei, Liu Bei]
4.5.5 Hash type operation
public class TestHash {
    private RedisTemplate redisTemplate;
    //(1) Stored value
    public void testSetValue(){
        redisTemplate.boundHashOps("namehash").put("a", "Tang Monk");
        redisTemplate.boundHashOps("namehash").put("b", "name of a fictitious monkey with supernatural powers");
        redisTemplate.boundHashOps("namehash").put("c", "Bajie");
        redisTemplate.boundHashOps("namehash").put("d", "Monk Sha");

    //(2) Extract all keys
    public void testGetKeys(){
        Set s = redisTemplate.boundHashOps("namehash").keys();
    //Operation results:
    //[a, b, c, d]

    //(3) Extract all values
    public void testGetValues(){
        List values = redisTemplate.boundHashOps("namehash").values();
    //Operation results:
    //[Tang monk, Wukong, Bajie, Sha monk]

    //(4) Extract value according to KEY
    public void testGetValueByKey(){
        Object object = redisTemplate.boundHashOps("namehash").get("b");
    //Operation results:
    //name of a fictitious monkey with supernatural powers

    //(5) Remove value according to KEY
    public void testRemoveValueByKey(){
    //View the collection content again after running:
    //[Tang monk, Wukong, Sha monk]

Demo download:

Keywords: Reids

Added by rockyracoon on Tue, 18 Jan 2022 05:39:11 +0200