Use SMTP in System.Net.Mail to send mail (with attachments)


Use Simple Mail Transfer Protocol SMTP to send mail asynchronously

To implement SMTP to send mail, you need to understand these classes

SmtpClient: use the profile settings to initialize a new instance of the SmtpClient class.

It contains the following properties:

Host: set the host name or host IP used for SMTP service;

Port: set the port used for SMTP service (generally set to 25);

Credentials: authentication;

Send: send mail directly;

SendAsync: send messages asynchronously (calling threads are not blocked).


MailMessage: indicates an email.

It contains the following properties:

Attachment: indicates a file attachment;


Subject: subject;

From: from

Priority: priority;

Body: body;



In addition, the SmtpClient class does not have a Finalize method, so the application must call Dispose To explicitly release resources.

 1 static bool mailsend = true;
 2  public async Task Send(object sender, EventArgs e)
 3         {
 5             SmtpClient smtp = new SmtpClient();//item base  SMPTClient object
 6             smtp.EnableSsl = false;//Not enabled SSL encryption
 7             smtp.Host = "";//Server here IP
 8             smtp.Port = 25;//Port fixed to 25
 9             //smtp.Credentials = new NetworkCredential("","password");//Authenticate users  
10             MailMessage msg = new MailMessage();//item base  Message object
11             msg.Priority = MailPriority.High;//Message priority
12             msg.To.Add("");//Addressee
13            // msg.CC.Add("");//CC
14             msg.Bcc.Add("");//bcc
15             string fileName = "";
16             var na = Request.Files.AllKeys;//Front end HTTP Requested documents
17             foreach (var item in na)
18             {
19                 HttpPostedFileBase file = Request.Files[item] as HttpPostedFileBase;
20                 fileName = Path.GetFullPath(file.FileName);
21             }
22             Attachment attach = new Attachment(fileName);//Pay file path to Attachment Instanced objects for
23             ContentDisposition dispo = attach.ContentDisposition;//Get information and read and write attachments
24             dispo.CreationDate = System.IO.File.GetCreationTime(fileName);
25             dispo.ModificationDate = System.IO.File.GetLastWriteTime(fileName);
26             dispo.ReadDate = System.IO.File.GetLastAccessTime(fileName);
27             msg.Attachments.Add(attach);//Add attachment to message
28             msg.From = new MailAddress("", "It's you.");//Sender alias
29             msg.Subject = "I learned. How about you?";
30             msg.SubjectEncoding = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8;
31             msg.Body = "Wait for the next one";
32             msg.BodyEncoding = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8;
33             smtp.SendCompleted += new SendCompletedEventHandler(client_SendCompleted);
34             string userState = "Task one";
35             smtp.SendAsync(msg, userState);//Send asynchronously, otherwise the thread will block
36             if (mailsend==false) //Modifiable on callback mailsend Value to cancel
37             {
38                 smtp.SendAsyncCancel();
39             }
40             Response.Write("Already issued");
41         }
43          void client_SendCompleted(object sender, AsyncCompletedEventArgs e)
44         {
45             string token =(string)e.UserState;
46             if (e.Cancelled)
47             {
48                 Response.Write(string.Format("{0} Send canceled.",token));
49             }
50             if (e.Error !=null)
51             {
52                 Response.Write(string.Format("[{0}] {1}", token, e.Error.ToString()));
53             }
54             else
55             {
56                 Response.Write("Message Send.");
57             }
58             mailsend = true;
59         }




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Keywords: ASP.NET encoding SSL

Added by nesargha on Tue, 03 Dec 2019 22:43:45 +0200