Using openpyxl to read and write excel files

Article directory

1, configuration

  1. Windows 10 System
  2. python3.6

2. Installation module:

pip install openpyxl

3. Reading and writing:

Note 1:

When writing to a date, you need to convert it to a string to write, otherwise the cell opening the date will be displayed as scrambled code.

Note 2:

If the saved excel form exists and your computer is turned on, an error will be reported:

PermissionError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: 'sample.xlsx'

3. demo code:

Referring to the official amendments:

import datetime
from openpyxl import Workbook

wb = Workbook()

# grab the active worksheet
ws =

# Data can be assigned directly to cells
ws['A1'] = 42

# Rows can also be appended
ws.append([1, 2, 3])

# Python types will automatically be converted
data =
data,time1 = str(data).split(' ')
# Note that I am converting to string writing, if not converting, excel is scrambled, you can try it yourself.
ws['A2'] = data

# Save the file"sample.xlsx")

4. Read all rows under all worksheets of an Excel table

Sensitive Face-Star Face list0709.xlsx File

Specific explanations I put in the code, but here's just a few more explanations.

from openpyxl import load_workbook

wb = load_workbook("Sensitive face-Star face list0709.xlsx")
# Read the names of all worksheets
sheetnames = wb.sheetnames
for name in sheetnames:
    # Getting the worksheet wb.get_sheet_by_name(name) by the name of the worksheet is equivalent to wb[name]
    # sheet = wb.get_sheet_by_name(name)
    sheet = wb[name]
    # Get the maximum number of rows
    # Print all attributes
    # Read all rows of a worksheet
    rows = sheet.iter_rows()
    print(rows, type(rows))
    # Traverse all rows
    for one in rows:
        # Traverse all columns of all rows
        for cell in one:
            # Print the values of all columns under each row

5. Merge all worksheets under an Excel table (or merge multiple Excel tables can also refer to this method)

Hint, I'm just doing a test here. This method can be merged. In fact, it can be modified according to the need. (For example, if you don't need to write the first row of each worksheet, you can judge when you write. If the list is equal to the first row, you don't write it. If you insert a row into the mouth and a whole table, it's ok ay. Others can also refer to this method to get the data dirty merged.)

Bring code directly:

from openpyxl import load_workbook, Workbook

# Instantiate the file to be written
hebing_wb = Workbook()
# Activate worksheet
hebing_ws =

wb = load_workbook("Sensitive face-Star face list0709.xlsx")
# Read the names of all worksheets
sheetnames = wb.sheetnames
for name in sheetnames:
    # Getting the worksheet wb.get_sheet_by_name(name) by the name of the worksheet is equivalent to wb[name]
    # sheet = wb.get_sheet_by_name(name)
    sheet = wb[name]
    # Get the maximum number of rows
    max_row = sheet.max_row
    # Print all attributes
    # Read all rows of a worksheet
    rows = sheet.iter_rows()
    print(rows, type(rows))
    # Traverse all rows
    for one in rows:
        one_row = []
        for cell in one:
# Save the merged table'hebing.xlsx')

After the merger effect display:

6. Read all columns of all worksheets under an Excel table

Go directly to the code, explain and read the code notes.

from openpyxl import load_workbook

wb = load_workbook("Sensitive face-Star face list0709.xlsx")
# Read the names of all worksheets
sheetnames = wb.sheetnames
for name in sheetnames:
    # Getting the worksheet wb.get_sheet_by_name(name) by the name of the worksheet is equivalent to wb[name]
    # sheet = wb.get_sheet_by_name(name)
    sheet = wb[name]
    # Get the maximum number of rows
    # Print all attributes
    # Read all columns of a worksheet
    columns = sheet.iter_cols()
    print(columns, type(columns))
    # Traverse all columns
    for one in columns:
        # print(dir(one))
        # Traversing the cells of all columns
        for cell in one:
            # Print the values of all cells under each column

7. Specify columns to merge all worksheets under Excel tables (or merge multiple Excels)

Direct to my code:

from openpyxl import load_workbook,Workbook

# Instantiate the file to be written
hebing_wb = Workbook()
# Activate worksheet
hebing_ws =

wb = load_workbook("Sensitive face-Star face list0709.xlsx")
# Read the names of all worksheets
sheetnames = wb.sheetnames
for name in sheetnames:
    # Getting the worksheet wb.get_sheet_by_name(name) by the name of the worksheet is equivalent to wb[name]
    # sheet = wb.get_sheet_by_name(name)
    sheet = wb[name]
    # Get the maximum number of rows
    # Print all attributes
    # Read all columns of a worksheet
    columns = sheet.iter_cols()
    print(columns, type(columns))
    # Traverse all columns
    for one in columns:
        # print(dir(one))
        # Traversing the cells of all columns
        if one[0].value == 'Full name':
            # print("is a name column")
            for cell in one:
                # Print the values of all cells under each column
                # print("is the name column cell",cell.value)
                value = cell.value
                if value != 'Full name':
                    # Write the name of each worksheet into the new Excel table
    # break
# Save the merged table'hebing2.xlsx')

Design sketch:

After the merger:

Of course, this effect, if the number is very small and there is no need to merge with code, but if there are many tables that need to be merged and many rows per table, the code operation will be very fast, and the advantage will be reflected.

Reference resources:

Keywords: Excel Windows pip Permission denied

Added by marinedalek on Tue, 17 Sep 2019 07:29:22 +0300