Using PlantUML to draw UML class diagram

When writing technical documents, people often need to draw UML diagrams. Many people use PrecessOn or to draw UML, which is barely available but not professional. Here is a tool for drawing UML: PlantUML

1. PlantUML

PlantUML was born in 2009. Many people know it, but few people use it. Because it uses special DSL for drawing, compared with other tools, the diagram of PlantUML is not "drawn" but "written".

Although there is a certain learning cost, it can draw more professional UML diagrams, and the text format is easy to save. This article summarizes the basic usage of PlantUML to help you get started quickly.

Installation environment

PlantUML is a java program, so it can run with JDK. You can download jar files directly from the official website for execution. Of course, it also provides plug-ins for IDEA and VSCode.

It should be noted that the local rendering of PlantUML depends on Graphviz, and the environment variables need to be installed and configured in advance. If you use the VSCode plug-in, you can also use cloud rendering. You only need to make the following configuration:

Then you can "write" UML and preview it in VSCode.

Next, let's learn how to write beautiful UML, starting with Hello World like learning other languages.

2. Hello World

Hello <|-- World

PlantUML files are usually suffixed with. pu,

Specify pu on the command line,

java -jar plantuml.jar hello.pu

In the current directory, png with the same name will be generated for the part between @ startuml and @ enduml

In addition to. pu, @ startuml and @ enduml in various source files can also identify and generate png,
For example,. c,. c + +,. HTM,. Java, etc., so we can write the UML supporting the source code into the comments:

 * @startuml
 * class JavaSource {
 *   - String message
 * }
 * @enduml
public class JavaSource {}

Note that a group of @ startuml/@enduml corresponds to a png. If there are multiple groups in a file, the generated png file name will be added with a self incrementing number suffix. You can also specify a file name immediately after @ startuml

@startuml foo
class Foo

@startuml bar
class Bar

@startuml baz
class Baz

3. Basic grammar


The single quotation mark is followed by a comment

@startuml no-scale
' This is a comment
Hello <|-- World


Title followed by title

title Hello Title
Hello <|-- World

Multiline title

The input between title and end title can wrap

end title
Hello <|-- World

Title Style

Plant UML supports the use of Creole, a markup language, to enrich text styles. The usage of Creole is similar to markdown.

reference resources:

* __Hello__
* **World**
end title
Hello <|-- World

Figure note

The contents following caption are displayed as annotations

caption Figure 1
Hello <|-- World


header Hello
Hello <|-- World
footer World

header footer can append comments at the head and tail. By default, the header is aligned to the right and the footer is aligned to the center.


left header Hello
Hello <|-- World
right footer World

Add left center right before header footer to set the alignment

Multiline header/footer

Like title, header... End header, footer... End footer

end header

Hello <|-- World

end footer


@startuml no-scale
Hello <|-- World

@startuml scale-1.5
scale 1.5
Hello <|-- World

@startuml scale-0.5
scale 0.5
Hello <|-- World

scale can set up a big defense rate for UML

4. Class diagram


class Hello
class World

Class specifies the class


interface Hello
interface World

Interface specifies the interface

abstract class

abstract class Hello

Abstract class specifies the abstract class


enum HelloWorld {

enum specifies enumeration and {...} defines enumeration values

Type relation

There are six relationships between types in UML:

  • Generalization
  • Realization
  • Association
  • Aggregation
  • Composition
  • Dependency

Next, explain one by one:


The generalization relation is the inheritance of a class, which corresponds to the extends keyword in java.

Child --|> Parent
Parent2 <|-- Child2

< | --- | > specify inheritance relationship


Implementation relationship, corresponding to the implements keyword

Plane ..|> Flyable
Flyable <|.. Plane

.. | >, < |.., dots represent dotted lines

rely on

Dependency represents the use relationship. In java, the dependent objects / classes appear in the form of method parameters, local variables and static method calls. For example, when the cook looks at the recipe, the cook "uses" the recipe. After cooking according to it, the use relationship ends (temporary)

Chef ..> Recipe


Association relationship means "ownership". Compared with the temporary and unidirectional nature of dependency relationship, association relationship is long-term and equal (two-way) Therefore, the relationship represented by association is stronger than dependence. For example, the relationship between husband and wife, teachers and students in real life. It exists for a long time and is mutual. In addition, association can represent various relationships such as one-to-one, one to many, many to one, many to many and so on.

Address <-- Husband
Husband <--> Wife
Husband2 -- Wife2

Because it is stronger than dependency, it is solid line + arrow. Bidirectional association can omit arrow.

The latter two relationships, aggregation and combination, belong to association relationships, which are used to represent the relationship between the whole and part in the association relationship. In java, the relationship between a Class and its member variable Class type is the relationship between the whole and part.


The aggregation relationship is weaker than the combination, and the whole and part can be separated. For example, there are many employees in the Department, and the Department still exists after employees leave. On the contrary, if the Department is dissolved, employees can go to other departments (the whole and part can be separated)

Department o-- Employee

o represents a hollow diamond


In the combinatorial relationship, the whole and part are inseparable, the life cycle of the whole and part is consistent, and the existence without each other is meaningless. For example, the human body is composed of limbs, and the limbs cannot exist without the human body, and the human body cannot be complete without limbs

Body "1" *-- "2" Arm
Body "1" *-- "2" Leg

*Represents a solid diamond

At the same time, you can also see the one to many number representation method, which is wrapped in double quotation marks and placed between the line segment and Class. The same is true for many to many.

Finally, summarize the six relationships

inheritrealizationrely onrelationpolymerizationcombination
Relational meaningFunction expansionFunction realizationusehaveWhole part (has-a)Whole part (contains-a)
Relationship characteristics--Temporary, unidirectionalLong term, bidirectional (equality)Integral and partial separabilityThe whole and part cannot be separated, and the life cycle is consistent
java syntaxextendsimplementsMethod parameters, local variables, static method callsMember variableMember variableMember variable
Relationship strengthstrongstrongweakStrongStrongVery strong
Practical examplesfather and sonAircraft / birds can flyCooks use recipesHusband and wife, teachers and studentsDepartment - employeeHuman body - limbs
Graphic pointingThe arrow points to the parent classThe arrow points to the interfaceThe arrow points to the userPoint to the owner, two-wayThe arrow points to the part and the diamond points to the wholeThe arrow points to the part and the diamond points to the whole

Comprehensive application

interface One
interface Two
interface Three extends Two
interface Four
class Five implements One, Three
class Six extends Five implements Four {
    field: String
    method(): void

Member variable, member method

class Hello {
    one: String
    three(param1: String, param2: int): boolean
    String two
    int four(List<String> param)

class definition followed by braces, declare members, and then declare them in the order of variable name: type, followed by type. Methods and members can be mixed together in order. Finally, they will be automatically divided into two groups

Member visibility

UML uses the following symbols for visibility

~package private

However, PlantUML further graphically conforms this text:

class Hello {
    - privateField: int
    # protectedField: int
    ~ packagePrivateField: int
    + publicField: int

    - privateMethod(): void
    # protectedMethod(): void
    ~ packagePrivateMethod(): void
    + publicMethod(): void

Of course, you can also turn off this graphical compliance and continue to use text symbols

skinparam classAttributeIconSize 0
class Hello {
    - privateField: int
    # protectedField: int
    ~ packagePrivateField: int
    + publicField: int

    - privateMethod(): void
    # protectedMethod(): void
    ~ packagePrivateMethod(): void
    + publicMethod(): void

Turn off graphical symbols with skinparam classAttributeIconSize 0

Abstract method

class Hello {
    {abstract} one: int
    {abstract} two(): int

Members are preceded by {Abstract} tag bit abstract members

Static method

class Hello {
    {static} ONE: int
    {static} two(): int

Add {static} to represent a static method

generic paradigm

class Hello<H>
class World<W> 

Class name followed by < generic >

Package diagram

package one.two {
    class Hello

package three.four {
    World -- Hello

Class UML diagrams can be written in package < name > {...}

Declaration order in package diagram

package three.four {
    World -- Hello

package one.two {
    class Hello

The order of the package diagram is very important. As shown in the figure above, the classes in one.two are dependent on three.four, so they should be written to the first side, thinking that Hello will be declared in the first package.


class Fizz
note left: fizz

class Buzz
note right: buzz

class Foo
note top: foo

class Bar
note bottom: bar

Use note < top | bottom | left | right >: < comments > to add comments for UML diagram. The comments can be Creole syntax

Specify target class

Fizz -- Buzz
note left of Fizz: fizz
note right of Buzz: buzz

Note < location > of < target >: < comment > is used to generate comments for the specified target Class

Comment on class relationships

Fizz -- Buzz
note on link: fizz-buzz
note left: buzz

Note on link: < notes > you can add notes to the relationship of the class diagram

Add a name to the note

note "Hello World" as n1
Hello -- n1
World .. n1

note "Fizz Buzz" as n2

Note "< note >" as < name > is used to set a name for a note. After having a name, you can associate a note to multiple classes by name

Multiline remarks

class Hello
note left
end note

Fizz -- Buzz
note on link
end note
note left of Fizz
end note

note as n1
end note

end note is used to end a multi line note

Keywords: Java Visual Studio Code UML

Added by tentaguasu on Mon, 11 Oct 2021 21:22:54 +0300