1. What is webpack?
- Concept: webpack (module bundler) is a module loader and packaging tool. It can use and process various resources, such as JS (including JSX), coffee, style (including less/sass), pictures, etc. as modules. It can have all the basic functions of Grunt or Gulp.
- Purpose: package various dependent files into a series of static resources.
- Front end Modularization:
- Modular specifications: ES6, CommonJS, CMD, AMD
- webpack can handle dependencies between modules.
- pack:
- Package various resources in webpack into one or more bundles.
- For example, in the process of converting esscript into JavaScript, the syntax of type 6 can also be compressed into esscript, and so on.
- Comparison with grunt/gulp
- grunt/gulp is used only when modularization is not used
- grunt/gulp puts more emphasis on the automation of front-end processes
- webpack puts more emphasis on modular development and management, while file compression, merging, preprocessing and other functions are only additional functions.
- In order to run normally, webpack must rely on the node environment. In order to run a lot of code normally, node environment must contain various dependent packages. npm (node package manager) is used to manage various packages on node.
2. webpack installation
Download node. If there is a node, check the node Version (node -v)
Global installation of webpack
//Global installation of webpack npm install webpack@Version number -g //View webpack version webpack -v
Locally installed webpack
– save dev is a dependency during development and does not need to be used after the project is packaged.
cd Corresponding directory npm install webpack@Version number --save-dev
Why do you need local installation after global installation?
- Directly execute the webpack command at the terminal, and use the globally installed webpack
- When in package When scripts are defined in JSON and include the webpack command, the local webpack is used
3. Basic use of webpack
Distribute - > distribution (package file)
Package command:
New version: webpack Packed File -o Packaged file
Automatically generate a main in the packaged file JS file
4,webpack.config.js and package JSON configuration
Create webpack config. JS file
const path=require("path"); module.exports={ entry:"./src/main.js", output:{ path:"./dist", filename:"boudle.js", }, }
npm init //Initialize and generate package json //package.json //start { "name": "meetwebpack", "version": "1.0.0", "description": "", "main": "webpack.config.js", "scripts": { "test": "echo \"Error: no test specified\" && exit 1", "build":"webpack" }, "author": "", "license": "ISC" } //end
npm install//Install dependency and generate node_modules,package-lock.json
//package. Alias scripts in JSON "scripts": { "test": "echo \"Error: no test specified\" && exit 1", "build":"webpack" } //npm run build==webpack
/*Install the local webpack and the result is package JSON adds development time dependency "devDependencies": { "webpack": "^3.6.0" } */ { "name": "meetwebpack", "version": "1.0.0", "description": "", "main": "webpack.config.js", "scripts": { "test": "echo \"Error: no test specified\" && exit 1", "build": "webpack" }, "author": "", "license": "ISC", "devDependencies": { "webpack": "^3.6.0" } }
//In the terminal, the webpack is global noed_modules/.bin/webpack Or npm run build start-up webpack pack
package. When the scripts in JSON are executed, they will find the location of commands in a certain order
- First, we will look for the local node_ modules/. The corresponding command in the bin path.
- If it is not found, it will look in the global environment variable.
5. Configuration of using css file in webpack
Install the required loader through npm
On webpack config. JS under the module keyword
const path=require("path"); module.exports={ entry:"./src/main.js", output:{ path:path.resolve(__dirname,"dist"), filename:"boudle.js", }, module:{ rules:[ { test:/\.css$/, use:['style-loader','css-loader'] } ] } }
The webpack loader reads from right to left, starting with 'CSS loader'. Then 'style loader'
6. Configuration of using lese file in webpack
Download less loader
npm install --save-dev less-loader less
Configuration, in webpack config. rules of module in JS
{ test:/\.less$/, use:[ { loader:"style-loader" }, { loader:"css-loader" }, { loader:"less-loader" }, ] }
7. Processing of picture files
Download URL loader
npm install --save-dev url-loader
Configuration, in webpack config. rules of module in JS
{ test:/\.(png|jpg|gif)$/, use:[ { loader:"url-loader", options:{ //When the loaded image is less than the limit, the image will be compiled into base64 format //When the loaded image is greater than the limit, you need to use the file loader module to load it limit:8192 } } ] }
When the loaded image is greater than the limit, you need to use the file loader module to load it
Download file loader
npm install file-loader --save-dev
One more picture file in dist folder
We can add the following options in options
img: folder to package files into
Name: get the original name of the picture and put it in this position
Hash: in order to prevent image name conflict, hash is still used, but we only keep 8 bits
ext: use the original extension of the picture
If the picture is not displayed, it is because the path used by the picture is incorrect.
By default, webpack will return the generated path directly to the consumer
But our whole program is packaged in the dist folder, so here we need to add another dist under the path/
On webpack config. JS plus publicPath
Configure the name in options and set the format of the packed name
8. babel from ES6 to ES5
Download the loader corresponding to babel
npm install --save-dev babel-loader babel-core babel-preset-es2015
9. Configuration process using vue
Using Vuejs, install vue first
npm install vue --save
Runtme only - > no template is allowed in the code
Runtime compiler - > there can be a template in the code, because there is a compiler that can be used to compile the template
10. Use of banner plugin
Concept: a plugin is a plug-in used to extend an existing architecture
The difference between loader and plugin
- Loader is used to convert a certain type of module. It is a converter or loader
- plugin is a plug-in. It is an extension of webpack itself and an extender
Use process:
- Install plugins required through npm
- On webpack config. Configure plug-ins in plugins in JS
Add copyright plugin – BannerPlugin
It belongs to the plug-in of webpack
Modify webpack config. JS file
const path=require("path"); const webpack=require("webpack"); module.exports={ entry:"./src/main.js", output:{ path:path.resolve(__dirname,"dist"), filename:"boudle.js", publicPath:'dist/' }, ... plugins:[ new webpack.BannerPlugin("The final copyright belongs to... All") ] }
Use of HtmlWebpackPlugin
HtmlWebpackPlugin can index Package HTML into dist folder
- Automatically generate an index HTML file
- Automatically insert the packaged js file into the body through the script tag
npm install html-webpack-plugin --save-dev
Modify webpack config. Contents of plugins in JS file
const HtmlWebpackPlugin =require("html-webpack-plugin") plugins:[ new webpack.BannerPlugin("The final copyright belongs to... All"), new htmlWebpackPlugin({ template:"index.html" }) ]
Note: you need to delete the publicPath attribute previously added in output, otherwise there may be a problem with the src inserted into the script tag
Use of UglifyjsWebpackPlugin
Function: compress js and other files
npm install uglifyjs-webpack-plugin@Version number --save-dev
Modify webpack config. JS file, using plug-ins
const UglifyWebpackPlugin =require("uglifyjs-webpack-plugin") plugins:[ new webpack.BannerPlugin("The final copyright belongs to... All"), new htmlWebpackPlugin({ template:"index.html" }), new UglifyWebpackPlugin( ) ]
Effect: boudle Compressed JS
Build a local server with webpack dev server
webpack provides an optional local development server based on node JS build, internal use of the express framework, the browser can automatically refresh our modified results
npm install webpack-dev-server@Version number --save-dev
devserver is an option of webpack, and its properties can be set
- contentBase: which file to provide local service for. The default is the root file.
- Port: port number
- inline: real time page refresh
- historyApiFallback: in the SPA page, it depends on the history mode of HTML5
webpack.config.js file
devServer:{ contentBase:'./dist', inline:true }
In package Configure another scripts in JSON: the – open parameter means to open the browser directly
"scripts": { "test": "echo \"Error: no test specified\" && exit 1", "build": "webpack", "dev":"webpack-dev-server --open" },
11. Profile separation
New folder build
– > new file base config. JS (there are some public configurations)
const path=require("path"); const webpack=require("webpack"); const HtmlWebpackPlugin=require("html-webpack-plugin") module.exports={ entry:"./src/main.js", output:{ path:path.resolve(__dirname,"dist"), filename:"boudle.js", // publicPath:'dist/' }, module:{ rules:[ { test:/\.css$/, //After parsing the css file, css loader uses import to load and returns the css code //Style loader adds the export of the module to the DOM as a style use:['style-loader','css-loader'] }, { test:/\.less$/, use:[ { loader:"style-loader" }, { loader:"css-loader" }, { loader:"less-loader" }, ] }, { test:/\.(png|jpg|gif)$/, use:[ { loader:"url-loader", options:{ //When the loaded image is less than the limit, the image will be compiled into base64 format //When the loaded image is greater than the limit, you need to use the file loader module to load it limit:8192, name:"img/[name].[hash:8].[ext]" } } ] }, { test:/\.js$/, exclude:/(node_modules|bower_compoments)/, use:{ loader:'babel-loader', options:{ presets:['es2015'] } } } ] }, // Alias -- alias resolve:{ alias:{ 'vue$':'vue/dist/vue.esm.js' } }, plugins:[ new webpack.BannerPlugin("The final copyright belongs to... All"), new HtmlWebpackPlugin({ template:"index.html" }), ], }
– > create a new file prod.config JS (inside is the production configuration)
const UglifyWebpackPlugin=require("uglifyjs-webpack-plugin") const webpackMerge=require("webpack-merge") const baseConfig = require("./base.config") module.exports=webpackMerge.merge(baseConfig,{ plugins:[ new UglifyWebpackPlugin() ], })
– > create a new file dev.config JS (which is the development configuration)
const webpackMerge=require("webpack-merge") const baseConfig = require("./base.config") module.exports=webpackMerge.merge(baseConfig,{ devServer:{ contentBase:'./dist', inline:true } })
npm install webpack-merge --save-dev
Function: webpack merge combines basic configuration with production configuration or development configuration
Finally: in package scripts configuration in JSON
"scripts": { "build": "webpack --config ./build/prod.config.js", "dev": "webpack-dev-server --open --config ./build/dev.config.js" }