The first exercise in Chapter 4:
Create a new image with the same height as the original image and 3 times the width of the original video frame. Copy the three images to the new image respectively:
I make a class:
#pragma once #include"cv.h" #include "highgui.hpp" using namespace cv; #include"iostream" using namespace std; class opencv_4_1 { private: CvCapture * capture; IplImage * img; int fps; IplImage *gray; IplImage *canny; IplImage *all; CvFont word; public: opencv_4_1(); ~opencv_4_1(); void initCapture(); void ans_1(); void ans_2(); };
Head file:
void opencv_4_1::ans_2() { cvNamedWindow("all",0); initCapture(); cvInitFont(&word, CV_FONT_HERSHEY_SCRIPT_COMPLEX, 1, 1, 1.0, 1); while (1) { img = cvQueryFrame(capture); if (!img)break; gray = cvCreateImage(CvSize(cvGetSize(img)), img->depth, 1); cvConvertImage(img, gray, CV_BGR2GRAY); canny = cvCloneImage(gray); cvCanny(gray, canny, 10, 30, 3); cvPutText(gray, "gray", CvPoint(250, 250), &word, CvScalar(255)); cvPutText(img, "original", CvPoint(250,250), &word, CvScalar(255)); cvPutText(canny, "canny", CvPoint(250, 250),&word, CvScalar(255)); all = cvCreateImage(CvSize(img->width * 3, img->height), img->depth, img->nChannels); //Pointer method IplImage * part_1 = cvCreateImageHeader(CvSize(cvGetSize(img)), img->depth, img->nChannels); IplImage * part_2 = cvCreateImageHeader(CvSize(cvGetSize(img)), img->depth, img->nChannels); IplImage * part_3 = cvCreateImageHeader(CvSize(cvGetSize(img)), img->depth, img->nChannels); part_1->origin = part_2->origin = part_3->origin = all->origin; part_1->widthStep = part_2->widthStep = part_3->widthStep = all->widthStep; part_1->imageData = (char *)cvPtr2D(all, 0, 0); part_2->imageData = (char *)cvPtr2D(all, 0, img->width); part_3->imageData = (char *)cvPtr2D(all, 0, img->width*2); cvCopy(img, part_1); cvConvertImage(gray, part_2, CV_GRAY2BGR); cvConvertImage(canny, part_3, CV_GRAY2BGR); /* //imageROI cvSetImageROI(all, CvRect(0, 0, img->width, img->height)); all->nChannels = img->nChannels; cvCopy(img, all); cvResetImageROI(all); cvSetImageROI(all, CvRect(img->width, 0, gray->width, gray->height)); all->nChannels = gray->nChannels; cvCopy(gray, all); cvResetImageROI(all); cvSetImageROI(all, CvRect(img->width*2, 0, canny->width, canny->height)); all->nChannels = canny->nChannels; cvCopy(canny, all); cvResetImageROI(all); */ cvShowImage("all",all); if (cvWaitKey(fps) == 27)break; } cvDestroyWindow("all"); }
After fusion, the pointer method is adopted, and all functions are changed into three channel functions. The effect chart is as follows:
Using ROI method:
As a result, it automatically becomes a single channel image, and the first one naturally has no color effect,