Vue Family Barrel VueX


1. Concepts

( A Vue plug-in that implements centralized state (data) management in Vue, centrally manages the shared state (read/write) of multiple components in a Vue application, is also a way of communication between components, and is suitable for communication between any components.

2. When to use it?

( When multiple components need to share data

3. Set up vuex environment

  1. Create file: src/store/index.js

    //Introducing Vue Core Library
    import Vue from 'vue'
    //Introducing Vuex
    import Vuex from 'vuex'
    //Applying Vuex Plugins
    //Preparing actions objects - responding to user actions in components
    const actions = {}
    //Preparing mutations objects -- modifying data in the state
    const mutations = {}
    //Prepare a state object - save specific data
    const state = {}
    //Create and expose store s
    export default new Vuex.Store({
  2. In main. store configuration item passed in when creating vm in JS

    //Introducing store
    import store from './store'
    //Create vm
    new Vue({
    	render: h => h(App),

4. Basic Use

  1. Initialize data, configure actions, configure mutations, and manipulate file store.js

    //Introducing Vue Core Library
    import Vue from 'vue'
    //Introducing Vuex
    import Vuex from 'vuex'
    //Reference Vuex
    const actions = {
        //Actions added in response component
    		// Console. Log ('jia in actions called', miniStore,value)
    const mutations = {
        //Execute Plus
    		// Console. Log ('JIA in mutations called', state,value)
    		state.sum += value
    //Initialize data
    const state = {
    //Create and expose store s
    export default new Vuex.Store({
  2. Component reads data from vuex: $store.state.sum

  3. Component modifies data in vuex: $store. Dispatch ('method name in action', data) or $store. Commit ('method name in mutations', data)

    Note: Without network requests or other business logic, components can also write commit directly without writing dispatch

5. Use of Getters

  1. Concept: getters can be used to process data in a state when it needs to be processed before it can be used.

  2. In store. Append getters configuration to JS

    const getters = {
    		return state.sum * 10
    //Create and expose store s
    export default new Vuex.Store({
  3. Component reads data: $store.getters.bigSum

6.Use of the four map methods

  1. The mapState method: Used to help us map the data in the state to a calculated property

    computed: {
        //Generate calculation attributes with mapState: sum, school, subject (object writing)
        //Generate calculation properties with mapState: sum, school, subject (array writing)
  2. mapGetters method: Used to help us map data in getters as computational attributes

    computed: {
        //Generate calculation properties with mapGetters: bigSum
        //Generate calculation properties with mapGetters: bigSum
  3. mapActions method: The method used to help us generate a conversation with actions, that is, $store. Functions of dispatch (xxx)

        //Generated by mapActions: incrementOdd, incrementWait (object form)
        //Generated by mapActions: incrementOdd, incrementWait (array form)
  4. The mapMutations method: The method used to help us generate a conversation with mutations, that is, $store. Functions of commit (xxx)

        //Generated by mapActions: increment, decrement (object form)
        //Generation by mapMutations: JIA, JIAN (object form)

Note: When using mapActions with mapMutations, if you need to pass parameters, you need to: Pass parameters well when binding events in the template, otherwise the parameters are event objects.

7. Modularization + Namespace

  1. Purpose: To make code better maintained and multiple data classifications clearer.

  2. Modify store.js

    const countAbout = {
      namespaced:true,//Open Namespace
      mutations: { ... },
      actions: { ... },
      getters: {
           return state.sum * 10
    const personAbout = {
      namespaced:true,//Open Namespace
      state:{ ... },
      mutations: { ... },
      actions: { ... }
    const store = new Vuex.Store({
      modules: {
  3. When the namespace is opened, the component reads the state data:

    //Mode 1: Read directly by yourself
    //Mode 2: Reading with mapState:
  4. When the namespace is opened, the component reads the getters data:

    //Mode 1: Read directly by yourself
    //Mode 2: Read with mapGetters:
  5. After opening the namespace, dispatch is called in the component

    //Way one: dispatch directly yourself
    //Mode 2: With mapActions:
  6. When the namespace is opened, commit is called in the component

    //Way one: commit it directly yourself
    //Mode 2: With mapMutations:

Keywords: Vue.js

Added by riex1 on Sat, 05 Feb 2022 19:09:42 +0200