vue generates canvas Poster


vue Component - Draw Canvas Diagram with Simple Attributes


A lightweight vue component that draws canvas pictures through css attributes
(A lightweight vue components use canvas draw image by css properties.)

It has the following characteristics:

  • Drawing text (line breaks, out-of-content ellipsis, midline, underscore, text bolding)
  • Draw pictures (rounded corners, rotation)
  • Draw rectangles (rounded corners, rotation)
  • Drawing two-dimensional code

Generating effect


Installation through npm

# npm

npm i vue-canvas-poster --save

Using components


<vue-canvas-poster :painting="painting" @success="success"></vue-canvas-poster>
import vueCanvasPoster from 'vue-canvas-poster'

components: {

// or Global Install
import Vue from 'vue'
import vueCanvasPoster from 'vue-canvas-poster'

        width: 550,
        height: 876,
        views: [
            type: 'rect',
            top: 0,
            left: 0,
            background: '#f4f5f7',
            width: 550,
            height: 876
            type: 'image',
            url: '',
            left: 36,
            top: 20,
            width: 80,
            height: 80,
            radius: 40
            type: 'text',
            content: 'A petty shop',
            fontSize: 26,
            bolder: true,
            top: 48,
            left: 136,
            width: 360,
            breakWord: true,
            MaxLineNumber: 1,
            type: 'rect',
            top: 120,
            left: 12,
            background: '#FFFFFF',
            width: 526,
            height: 540,
            radius: 10
          // Local Pictures
            type: 'image',
            url: require('./assets/1.jpg'),
            left: 25,
            top: 150,
            width: 332,
            height: 332,
          // Network Pictures
            type: 'image',
            url: '',
            left: 364,
            top: 150,
            width: 160,
            height: 160
            type: 'image',
            url: '',
            left: 364,
            top: 320,
            width: 160,
            height: 160
            type: 'text',
            content: `18987,Annai children's jacket striped children's jacket striped children's jacket striped children's jacket striped children's jacket`,
            color: '#666666',
            fontSize: 22,
            top: 507,
            left: 25,
            width: 450,
            lineHeight: 33,
            MaxLineNumber: 2,
            breakWord: true

            type: 'text',
            content: `High price:`,
            fontSize: 24,
            top: 608,
            left: 26,
            type: 'text',
            content: `¥39.00`,
            color: '#E5463E',
            fontSize: 36,
            border: true,
            top: 601,
            left: 116
            type: 'text',
            content: `¥259.00`,
            color: '#999999',
            fontSize: 26,
            border: true,
            top: 609,
            left: 243,
            textDecoration: 'line-through'
            type: 'rect',
            top: 647,
            left: 439,
            background: '#fff',
            width: 28,
            height: 28,
            deg: 45
            type: 'text',
            content: `Long Press or Scan Two-Dimensional Code`,
            fontSize: 18,
            color: '#999999',
            top: 829,
            left: 385
          // Local Pictures
            type: 'image',
            url: require('./assets/slogen.png'),
            left: 26,
            top: 821,
            width: 218,
            height: 24
            type: 'qrcode',
            content: '',
            background: '#fff',
            color: '#000',
            left: 392,
            top: 690,
            width: 130,
            height: 130

Component parameter interpretation

field type Must fill describe
width Number yes Canvas width
height Number yes Canvas Height
views Object Array yes Look at the following

Rect (rectangle, line) field

Field name type Default values describe
top Number 0 Distance from the top
left Number 0 Distance to the left
width Number 0 width
height Number 0 height
background String 'white' background color
radius Number 0 fillet
deg Number 0 Rotation angle (not currently available with radius)

Text (text) field

Field name type Default values describe
top Number 0 Distance from the top
left Number 0 Distance to the left
content String '' Text content
fontSize Number 0 Text size
color String black colour
lineHeight Number 20 Line height, multiple lines play a role
breakWord Boolean false Line feed
MaxLineNumber Int 2 BreaWord: true needs to be set according to the width of the line break. Out of line hiding is shown as...
width Number Text width
bolder String false Thickening
textDecoration String none Underline, line-through

image (picture) field

field type Default values describe
top Number 0 Distance from the top
left Number 0 Distance to the left
url String '' Picture Address, also supports local pictures such as: / images/1.jpeg
width Number 0 width
height Number 0 height
radius Number 0 fillet
deg Number 0 Rotation angle (not currently available with radius)

qrcode field

field type Default values describe
top Number 0 Distance from the top
left Number 0 Distance to the left
content String '' Link Address
width Number 0 width
height Number 0 height
background String '' background color
color String black Two-dimensional code color



Return the local url that generates the base64 image and set src

  methods: {
    success(src) {
      // Setting up src for img
      this.src = src

Question Feedback

If you have any questions, you can contact me by issue or scanning the twodimensional code of Wechat.

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Keywords: Javascript Vue npm QRCode network

Added by creativodev on Mon, 05 Aug 2019 11:05:20 +0300