Template syntax
{{ msg }}
VUE comes with 13 kinds of instructions
1. v-html 2. v-text 3. v-bind 4. v-show 5. v-if 6. v-else 7. v-else-if 8. v-model 9. v-for 10. v-on 11. v-pre 12. v-cloak 13. v-once
Custom instruction
Note: this in the user-defined instruction points to window
An instruction definition object can provide the following hook functions (all optional):
- bind: called only once when the instruction is bound to the element for the first time. One time initialization settings can be performed here.
- Inserted: called when the bound element is inserted into the parent node (only the parent node is guaranteed to exist, but it may not have been inserted into the document).
- Update: called when the VNode of the component is updated, but may occur before its child VNode is updated. The value of the instruction may or may not have changed. However, you can ignore unnecessary template updates by comparing the values before and after the update
// Custom get focus command Vue.directive('focus',{ inserted: function(el){ // el represents the bound element el.focus(); } }) // Use custom instructions <input type="text" v-focus> // Custom instruction with parameters Vue.directive('color',{ bind: function(el,bingding){ // Binding represents the value of the binding el.focus(); } }) // Use custom instructions with parameters <input type="text" v-color="{color:yellow}"> // To customize local instructions, you need to add a directives in the VUE instance directives: { focus: { // Definition of instruction inserted: function (el) { el.focus() } }, color: { bind: function(el,bingding){ el.style.backgroundColor = binding.value.color; } } }
1. v-text 2. v-html 3. {{}}
Attribute v-bind
The Works of Liezi: v-bind:class Abbreviation::class
Style binding
Object form settings
<div :class="{bgc: isActive}"></div>
Array form setting
<div :class="[bgcClass,colorClass]"></div> // The values in the array need to define the class style represented in the data
Mixed form
<div :class="[bgcClass,colorClass,{bgc: isActive}]"></div>
v-if and v-show
- Means: v-if controls the explicit and implicit of elements by controlling the existence of DOM nodes; v-show sets the display style of DOM elements. block is displayed and none is hidden;
- Compilation process: v-if switching has a local compilation / unloading process. In the switching process, the internal event listener and sub components are properly destroyed and rebuilt; v-show is just a simple css based switch;
- Compilation condition: v-if is inert. If the initial condition is false, nothing will be done; Local compilation is started only when the condition becomes true for the first time (compilation is cached? Local unloading is performed when the compilation is cached and then switched); v-show is compiled under any condition (whether the first condition is true) and then cached, and DOM elements are retained;
- Performance consumption: v-if has higher switching consumption; v-show has higher initial rendering consumption;
- Based on the above differences, it is better to use v-show if you need to switch very frequently; If the conditions rarely change at run time, it is better to use v-if.
Form modifier
v-model:number // Convert to number v-model:trim // Remove front and back spaces v-model:lazy // Convert input event to change event
Loop v-for
<li v-for="{item in arr}">{{ item }}</li> <li v-for="{(item,index) in arr}">{{ index }} --- {{ item }}</li> <li v-for="{(item,index) in arr}" :key="item.id">{{ index }} --- {{ item }}</li> // key is to help VUE improve performance
Event binding
Writing method
Basic writing: v-on:click
Abbreviation: @ click
Event modifier
Vue.js passes through the point The modifier is called by the instruction suffix represented by. Multiple modifiers can be written in series
Form: event Modifier name
Example: @ click stop
1. stop // Stop bubbling 2. prevent // Block default behavior 3. capture // Block capture 4. self // Listen only for events that trigger this element 5. once // Trigger only once 6. left // Left key trigger 7. right // Right click trigger 8. middle // Intermediate roller trigger
Key modifier
Vue allows you to add key modifiers for v-on when listening for keyboard events
<input v-on:keyup.13="submit"> <input @keyup.enter="submit">
It is difficult to remember all keycodes, so Vue provides aliases for the most commonly used keys:
1. enter 2. tab 3. delete (capture "delete" and "Backspace" key) 4. esc 5. space 6. up 7. down 8. left 9. right 10. ctrl 11. alt 12. shift 13. meta
Custom key modifier:
Vue.config.keyCodes.f1 = 112