Preparatory work
- Provide interface
- Rewrite route
Provide interface
laravel provides the interface. It's in minutes, isn't it api.php
Route::group(['prefix'=>'admin','middleware'=>'format'], function (){ Route::get('routes','Manager\RouterController@getRouter'); });
Then write a getRouter method like RouterController
public function getRouter() { $router = [ [ 'path'=>'/', 'component'=>'Home', 'name'=>'Taitung gold coin', 'hidden'=>false, 'children'=>[ [ 'path' => '/admin/index', 'component' => 'Admin', 'name' => 'Gold coin account' ], [ 'path' => '/admin/index1', 'component' => 'Admin', 'name' => 'Gold coin issue' ], [ 'path' => '/admin/index2', 'component' => 'Admin', 'name' => 'Commodity exchange' ] ] ] ]; return ['router' => $router]; }
It's very reliable. Now our interface returns a section of json
{ "code": 0, "response": { "router": [ { "path": "/", "component": "Home", "name": "Taitung gold coin", "hidden": false, "children": [ { "path": "/admin/index", "component": "Admin", "name": "Gold coin account" }, { "path": "/admin/index1", "component": "Admin", "name": "Gold coin issue" }, { "path": "/admin/index2", "component": "Admin", "name": "Commodity exchange" } ] } ] } }
As for why my data format automatically becomes this way, please refer to, laravel(5.5) custom middle ware
Baidu unreliable
This is a series of articles from Baidu, but after I applied it, I simply reported an error. so, I had to read the document myself.
route.addRoutes() in case; not available
The year of writing
route push
According to the usual idea, push must be to add a series of routes, but, I'm sorry, it's really not here.
router.push(location, onComplete?, onAbort?) Note: within the Vue instance, you can access the route instance through $router. So you can call this.$router.push.
To navigate to a different URL, use the router.push method. This method adds a new record to the history stack, so when the user clicks the browser Back button, he will return to the previous URL.
After I used it, I repeatedly requested the interface.
Get data before navigation is complete
Eh, isn't that what we want?
beforeRouteUpdate (to, from, next) { = null getPost(, (err, post) => { this.setData(err, post) next() }) },
After reading the document, it is not what you want at all. Here is a temporary state, such as loading.
Finally, the solution was found, officially known as Navigation guard???
const myRouter = new Router({routes}); myRouter.beforeEach((to, from, next) => { if(loading == false) { //Load only once axios.get('/api/admin/routes').then(function (response) { if ( == 0) { let rou =; rou.forEach((item, index) => { console.log(rou); myRouter.options.routes.push(item); }); loading = true; next(); }else{ window.location.href = '/'; } }).catch(function (error) { window.location.href = '/'; }); } });
At last, it solved the problem perfectly. The next step is to solve the problem of dynamic route acquisition failure. See you next time.
- Brother doc, can you make it clear?
- Baidu google can't be trusted. It has to demo first.
- The front-end technology is changing with each passing day. It can't keep up with it (as a large back-end that only occasionally works part-time at the front-end)