vue.config.js configuration

vue.config.js configuration item

After the vue-cli3 scaffold is erected, there is no Vue in the project directory config. JS file, which needs to be created manually

Create Vue config. js

vue. config. JS (equivalent to the previous webpack.config.js) is an optional configuration file. If this file exists in the root directory of the project (at the same level as package.json), it will be automatically loaded by @ Vue / cli service. You can also use package The Vue field in JSON, but note that this writing method requires you to write in strict accordance with the format of JSON.

Create in the root directory config. js

vue.config.js configuration

This file should export an object with options:

configuration option




The basic URL and usage when deploying the application package and the output of the webpack itself Publicpath is consistent.

This value can also be set to an empty string (') or relative path ('. / '), so that all resources will be linked as relative paths, so that the printed packages can be deployed in any path.

// The webpack configuration here will be the same as the public webpack config. JS
module.exports = {
  // Execute npm run build unified configuration file path (local access to dist/index.html requires'. / ')
  publicPath: './',

To set up the development server in the root path, you can use a conditional value:

// The webpack configuration here will be the same as the public webpack config. JS
module.exports = {
  // NODE_ENV: Node.js is exposed to system environment variables that execute scripts. It is usually used to determine whether you are in a development or production environment
  publicPath: process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production' ? '' : '/',




The output file directory is the directory of the production environment build file generated when running Vue cli service build (NPM run build). Note that the target directory will be cleared before construction (pass in – no clean during construction to turn off this behavior).

// The webpack configuration here will be the same as the public webpack config. JS
module.exports = {
  // Execute npm run build unified configuration file path (local access to dist/index.html requires'. / ')
  // NODE_ENV: Node.js is exposed to system environment variables that execute scripts. It is usually used to determine whether you are in a development or production environment
  // publicPath: '/',
  publicPath: process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production' ? '' : '/',
  outputDir: 'dist', // Output file directory




The directory where the generated static resources (js, css, img, fonts) are placed.

// The webpack configuration here will be the same as the public webpack config. JS
module.exports = {
  // Execute npm run build unified configuration file path (local access to dist/index.html requires'. / ')
  // NODE_ENV: Node.js is exposed to system environment variables that execute scripts. It is usually used to determine whether you are in a development or production environment
  // publicPath: '/',
  publicPath: process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production' ? '' : '/',
  outputDir: 'dist', // Output file directory
  assetsDir: 'static', // Place static resources

**Note: * * when overwriting filename or chunkFilename from the generated resource, assetsDir will be ignored.




Specify the generated index The output path of HTML (relative to outputDir). It can also be an absolute path.

// The webpack configuration here will be the same as the public webpack config. JS
module.exports = {
  // Execute npm run build unified configuration file path (local access to dist/index.html requires'. / ')
  // NODE_ENV: Node.js is exposed to system environment variables that execute scripts. It is usually used to determine whether you are in a development or production environment
  // publicPath: '/',
  publicPath: process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production' ? '' : '/',
  outputDir: 'dist', // Output file directory
  // assetsDir: 'static', / / place static resources
  // indexPath: 'index.html ', / / you can leave it unset. Generally, it will default




By default, the generated static resources include a hash in their file names for better cache control. However, this also requires that the HTML of the index is automatically generated by Vue CLI. If you cannot use the index HTML generated by Vue CLI, you can turn off file name hashing by setting this option to false.

// The webpack configuration here will be the same as the public webpack config. JS
module.exports = {
  // Execute npm run build unified configuration file path (local access to dist/index.html requires'. / ')
  // NODE_ENV: Node.js is exposed to system environment variables that execute scripts. It is usually used to determine whether you are in a development or production environment
  // publicPath: '/',
  publicPath: process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production' ? '' : '/',
  outputDir: 'dist', // Output file directory
  // assetsDir: 'static', / / place static resources
  // indexPath: 'index.html ', / / you can leave it unset. Generally, it will default
  // filenameHashing:true, / / file naming




Build applications in multi page mode. Each "page" should have a corresponding JavaScript entry file.

The value should be an object, the key of the object is the name of the entry, and the value is:

An object that specifies entry,template,filename,title and chunks (all optional except entry);

Or a string specifying its entry.

**Note: * * when building in multi page application mode, the webpack configuration will contain different plug-ins (at this time, there will be multiple instances of HTML webpack plugin and preload webpack plugin). If you try to modify the options of these plug-ins, make sure to run vue inspect.




Whether to use 'eslint loader' to check when saving. Valid values: ` ture` | `false ` | ` error '` when set to ` ` error', the detected error will trigger compilation failure.

// The webpack configuration here will be the same as the public webpack config. JS
module.exports = {
  // Execute npm run build unified configuration file path (local access to dist/index.html requires'. / ')
  // NODE_ENV: Node. Expose the JS environment variables of the script execution system. It is usually used to determine whether you are in a development or production environment
  // publicPath: '/',
  publicPath: process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production' ? '' : '/',
  outputDir: 'dist', // Output file directory
  // assetsDir: 'static', / / place static resources
  // indexPath: 'index.html ', / / you can leave it unset. Generally, it will default
  // filenameHashing:true, / / file naming
  lintOnSave: false, //Set whether to enable eslint validation every time you save code in the development environment




Whether to use the Vue build that contains the runtime compiler. When set to true, you can use the template option in Vue components, but this will add about 10kb to your application.

// The webpack configuration here will be the same as the public webpack config. JS
module.exports = {
  // Execute npm run build unified configuration file path (local access to dist/index.html requires'. / ')
  // NODE_ENV: Node.js is exposed to system environment variables that execute scripts. It is usually used to determine whether you are in a development or production environment
  // publicPath: '/',
  publicPath: process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production' ? '' : '/',
  outputDir: 'dist', // Output file directory
  // assetsDir: 'static', / / place static resources
  // indexPath: 'index.html ', / / you can leave it unset. Generally, it will default
  // filenameHashing:true, / / file naming
  lintOnSave: false, //Set whether to enable eslint validation every time you save code in the development environment
  // runtimeCompiler: false, / / whether to use the full build version with in browser compiler


Type:Array<string | RegExp>


By default, Babel loader ignores all nodes_ Files in modules. If you want to explicitly translate a dependency through Babel, you can list it in this option.




If you don't need the source map of the production environment, you can set it to false to speed up the construction of the production environment.




Set generated HTML




And in the generated HTML

Webpack related configuration


Type:Object | Function

If this value is an object, it will pass webpack-merge Merge into the final configuration.

If this value is a function, the parsed configuration will be received as a parameter. This function can modify the configuration without returning anything. It can also return a cloned or merged configuration version.



Is a function that receives a webpack-chain The ChainableConfig instance of. Allows finer grained modifications to the internal webpack configuration.

Css related configuration

  css: { // css related configuration
    // Whether to extract the CSS in the component into an independent CSS file. It is true in the production environment and false in the development environment
    extract: process.env.NODE_ENV === "production",
    // Whether to open source map for CSS. Setting to true may affect the performance of the build.
    sourceMap: false,
    // Enable CSS modules for all CSS / pre processor files (preload)
    requireModuleExtension: true,
    loaderOptions: {
      sass: {
        // data: `@import "@/assets/css/variables.scss";`




By default, only * module. The file at the end of [ext] will be regarded as CSS Modules. When set to true, you can remove the in the file name Module and all * (CSS | SCSS | sass | less | style (US)) files are regarded as CSS Modules.

Deprecated from v4, please use [code 010 here] . In v3, this option has the same meaning as CSS Requiremeduleextension


Type:boolean | Object

Default: true in production environment and false in development environment

Whether to extract the CSS in the component into a separate CSS file (rather than the inline code dynamically injected into JavaScript).




Whether to open source map for CSS. Setting to true may affect the performance of the build.




Pass options to CSS related loader s.

Supported loader s are:








All? webpack-dev-server? Options for All support. be careful:

Some values such as host, port, and https may be overridden by command line parameters.

Some values like publicPath and historyApiFallback should not be modified because they need to be compatible with the development server publicPath Synchronize to ensure normal operation.


Type:string | Object

If your front-end application and back-end API server are not running on the same host, you need to proxy API requests to the API server in the development environment. This problem can be solved through Vue config. Devserver.js Proxy option.

  devServer: {
    port: 2021, // Set port number
    host: '', // ip local
    disableHostCheck: true, //Turn off HOST checking for HTTP requests for DNS rebinding
    hotOnly: false, // Hot renewal
    https: false, // https:{type:Boolean} configure prefix
    open: false, //Configure auto launch browser
    proxy: null,  //Set agent
    // proxy: {/ / the purpose is to solve cross domain. If the test environment does not need cross domain, it does not need to be configured
    //   '/ api': {/ / intercept url interface starting with / api
    //     target: ' ', / / target interface domain name
    //     changeOrigin: true, / / cross domain
    //     ws: true, / / configure this parameter if you want to proxy websockets
    //     secure: false, / / this parameter needs to be configured if it is an https interface
    //     //Identification replacement
    //     //When the original request address is / api/getData and '/ api' is replaced by '',
    //     //The request address after proxy is:
    //     //If it is replaced with '/ other', the request address after proxy is 
    //     pathRewrite: {/ / identity replacement
    //       '^ / api': '/' / / rewrite the interface. The background interface points to all interfaces because they are not uniform/
    //       '^/api': '/api/mock'
    //     }
    //   }
    // }

It is understood here as using '/ api' instead of the address in the target. In the later components, when we drop the interface, we directly use api instead. For example, I want to call ' time=2017-07-07 14:57:22 ', write' / api/xxx directly/ proxy time=2017-07-07 14:57:22 '

import axios from 'axios'
export default {
  created() {
    // 1. Agent succeeded
    // Convert to http://localhost:2021/api/users/proxy 
    axios.get('/api/users/proxy').then(res => { // /api cannot be less



Default:require('os').cpus().length > 1

Whether to use thread loader for Babel or TypeScript. This option is automatically enabled when the CPU of the system has more than one kernel and only works on production builds.

pwa study


towards PWA plug-in Transfer options.

The service worker added in this plug-in is only enabled in the production environment (for example, only when you run npmrunbuild or yarnbuild).

Enabling serviceworker in development mode is not recommended because it will result in the use of previously cached assets without including the latest local changes.

  pwa: {
    // serviceWorker:false,
    // Allows you to start with an existing service worker file, create a copy of the file, and inject the "pre cache list" into it.
    // workboxPluginMode:'InjectManifest',
    // workboxOptions: {
    //   //swSrc: './app/sw.js', /* Empty file. */
    // },
    iconPaths: {
      favicon32: "favicon.ico",
      favicon16: "favicon.ico",
      appleTouchIcon: "favicon.ico",
      maskIcon: "favicon.ico",
      msTileImage: "favicon.ico"



This is an object that does not perform any schema validation, so it can be used to pass any third-party plug-in options.

// The webpack configuration here will be the same as the public webpack config. JS
module.exports = {
  // Execute npm run build unified configuration file path (local access to dist/index.html requires'. / ')
  // NODE_ENV: Node.js is exposed to system environment variables that execute scripts. It is usually used to determine whether you are in a development or production environment
  // publicPath: '/',
  publicPath: process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production' ? '' : '/',
  outputDir: 'dist', // Output file directory
  // assetsDir: 'static', / / place static resources
  // indexPath: 'index.html ', / / you can leave it unset. Generally, it will default
  // filenameHashing:true, / / file naming
  lintOnSave: false, //Set whether to enable eslint validation every time you save code in the development environment
  // runtimeCompiler: false, / / whether to use the full build version with in browser compiler
  configureWebpack: { // Alias configuration
    resolve: {
      alias: {
        //'src ':' @ ', configured by default
        'assets': '@/assets',
        'common': '@/common',
        'components': '@/components',
        'api': '@/api',
        'views': '@/views',
        'plugins': '@/plugins',
        'utils': '@/utils',
    // Can be added before use~
  productionSourceMap: false, //If you don't need the source map of the production environment, you can set it to false to speed up the construction of the production environment
  css: { // css related configuration
    // Whether to extract the CSS in the component into an independent CSS file. It is true in the production environment and false in the development environment
    extract: process.env.NODE_ENV === "production",
    // Whether to open source map for CSS. Setting to true may affect the performance of the build.
    sourceMap: false,
    // Enable CSS modules for all CSS / pre processor files (preload)
    requireModuleExtension: true,
    loaderOptions: {
      sass: {
        // data: `@import "@/assets/css/variables.scss";`
  devServer: {
    port: 2021, // Set port number
    host: '', // ip
    disableHostCheck: true, //Turn off HOST checking for HTTP requests for DNS rebinding
    hotOnly: false, // Hot renewal
    https: false, // https:{type:Boolean} configure prefix
    open: false, //Configure auto launch browser
    proxy: null,  //Set agent
    // proxy: {/ / the purpose is to solve cross domain. If the test environment does not need cross domain, it does not need to be configured
    //   '/ api': {/ / block url interface starting with / api
    //     target: ' ', / / target interface domain name
    //     changeOrigin: true, / / cross domain
    //     ws: true, / / configure this parameter if you want to proxy websockets
    //     secure: false, / / this parameter needs to be configured if it is an https interface
    //     //Identification replacement
    //     //When the original request address is / api/getData and '/ api' is replaced by '',
    //     //The request address after proxy is:
    //     //If it is replaced with '/ other', the request address after proxy is 
    //     pathRewrite: {/ / identity replacement
    //       '^ / api': '/' / / rewrite the interface. The background interface points to all interfaces because they are not uniform/
    //       '^/api': '/api/mock'
    //     }
    //   }
    // }
  // The service worker added in this plug-in is only enabled in the production environment (for example, only when you run npm run build or yarn build).
  // It is not recommended to enable service worker in development mode because it will lead to the use of previously cached assets without including the latest local changes.
  pwa: {
    // serviceWorker:false,
    // Allows you to start with an existing service worker file, create a copy of the file, and inject the "pre cache list" into it.
    // workboxPluginMode:'InjectManifest',
    // workboxOptions: {
    //   //swSrc: './app/sw.js', /* Empty file. */
    // },
    iconPaths: {
      favicon32: "favicon.ico",
      favicon16: "favicon.ico",
      appleTouchIcon: "favicon.ico",
      maskIcon: "favicon.ico",
      msTileImage: "favicon.ico"

Keywords: Javascript Front-end Vue.js html

Added by carsale on Wed, 02 Mar 2022 06:39:58 +0200