[Web Crawler | python] Bilbili Review Information Crawl (Basic)

Foreword: Use requests to crawl the first and second level comments of bilibili comment area and save them in mysql database or csv file

Target data: Name, gender, user rating, user uid, personalized signature, comment time, content, compliment, reply, rpid

Case Video: School started ~I finally received an acceptance letter from Hogwarts _Bell_Bilbilihttps://www.bilibili.com/video/BV14h411n7ok


1. Case Analysis

2. Getting data

1. Data Acquisition #Level 1 Comments.

2. Data cleaning

3. Data Acquisition #Secondary Comments

4. Data Cleaning#Secondary Comments

3. Data Storage



4. Multithreaded

5. Comprehensive.

6. Complete Code

1. Case Analysis

Get the commentary data api first and find that all the data is in a json format file and can be extracted using a dictionary.


We can get the comment api from f12. Delete the first and last parameters to get

Level 1 Comments:https://api.bilibili.com/x/v2/reply/main?jsonp=jsonp&next=0&type=1&oid=208143004&mode=3&plat=1

  • next: page flip
  • oid: video number (aid)
  • mode:1,2 means sorting by heat and time;0, 3 means sort by heat and display comments and user information

Level 2 Comments:https://api.bilibili.com/x/v2/reply/reply?jsonp=jsonp&pn=1&type=1&oid=208143004&ps=10&root=5453611704

  • * pn: Page flip
  • Oid: video oid
  • root: rpid of the owner's reply
  • ps: Number of single page displays (up to 20)

Why delete the first and last parameters? Because we don't need a js request, the last parameter has no effect.

The remaining parameters are fixed and immutable

Video OIDs can be obtained from video BV numbers and rpid s from first-level Reviews

2. Getting data

1. Data Acquisition #Level 1 Comments.

Define the bilibili bili class. First get oid from the video BV number

import requests
import re

class Bilibili:
    def __init__(self, BV):
        self.homeUrl = "https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV14h411n7ok"
    # Get video oid
    def oid_get(self, BV):
        # Request Video Page
        response = requests.get(url=self.homeUrl + BV).text
        # Get oid from video bv number with regular expression
        self.oid = re.findall("\"aid\":([0-9]*),", response)[0]

The url of comment data is constructed using oids. The oid, mode, ps parameters can be preset, but the number of pages for page flips and secondary comments needs to be changed

Request header user-agent and cookie need to be set in order to prevent being recognized as a crawler.

The user-agent can be constructed with the fake_user agent library, but there are many problems with this library.

* I simply copied the browser directly. You can do it if you want


Look here. There are many User-Agents inside which you can make your own user agent pool. You need to go online scientifically to access it. You can also find them here. Copy both ua and cookie s (dictionary format)

What is Internet Science?



import requests
import re
import queue
import time

class Bilibili:
    def __init__(self, BV, mode, cookies, page):
        self.homeUrl = "https://www.bilibili.com/video/"

        self.replyUrl = "https://api.bilibili.com/x/v2/reply/main?jsonp=jsonp&type=1&oid={oid}&mode={mode}&plat=1&next=".format(oid=self.oid, mode=mode)
        self.rreplyUrl = "https://api.bilibili.com/x/v2/reply/reply?jsonp=jsonp&type=1&oid={oid}&ps=20&root={root}&pn=".format(oid=self.oid, root="{root}")

        self.headers = {"user-agent":"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/93.0.4577.82 Safari/537.36"}
        self.cookies = cookies

        self.q = queue.Queue()        # Used to store crawled data, which can be sequentially stored in a database or csv file using multiple threads through a queue
                                      # Here we use queues, the advantage is that they can be crawled and saved with multiple threads, and in order FIFO
        self.count = 1        # The count variable specifies the number of main buildings, differing between comments and comments


    # Get video oid
    def oid_get(self, BV):
        response = requests.get(url=self.homeUrl + BV).text
        # Regular expression gets oid from video bv number
        self.oid = re.findall("\"aid\":([0-9]*),", response)[0]

Request function needs to pass url, page (maximum number of pages)

Requesting data through the requests library requires data in data->replies

    def content_get(self, url, page):
        now = 0    # Current Page
        while now<=page:
            print("page : <{now}>/<{page}>".format(now=now, page=page))
            response = requests.get(url=url+str(now), cookies=self.cookies, headers=self.headers, timeout=10).json()        # Parse response into json format and get it from a dictionary
            replies = response['data']['replies']     # Comments are in data->replies, with 20 entries per page
            now += 1
            for reply in replies:                    # Traverse to get each item and use the reply_clean function to extract the data
                line = self.reply_clean(reply)
                self.count += 1

We predefine a reply_clean function to extract data

2. Data cleaning

There is a lot of data in reply, but most of it is useless to us.

    def reply_clean(self, reply):
        name = reply['member']['uname']     # Name
        sex = reply['member']['sex']        # Gender
        if sex=="secrecy":
            sex = ' '
        mid = reply['member']['mid']        # uid of account number
        sign = reply['member']['sign']      # Label
        rpid = reply['rpid']        # Use for second-level Reviews
        rcount = reply['rcount']    # Number of replies
        level = reply['member']['level_info']['current_level']      # Grade
        like = reply['like']        # Point Ratio
        content = reply['content']['message'].replace("\n","")      # Comments
        t = reply['ctime']
        timeArray = time.localtime(t)
        otherStyleTime = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", timeArray)      # Comment time, timestamp to standard time format
        return [count, name, sex, level, mid, sign, otherStyleTime, content, like, rcount, rpid]

Comments are timestamps, which are converted to a human-looking time format using the time library.

At this point, we've got first-level reviews and returned the data as a list type

3. Data Acquisition #Secondary Comments

To increase code reuse, we can change the two functions above

    # level_1 determines whether a first-level comment is available or not. If a second-level comment is available, the next-level comment is not requested (comment of comment)
    def content_get(self, url, page, level_1=True):
        now = 0
        while now<=page:
            print("page : <{now}>/<{page}>".format(now=now, page=page))
            response = requests.get(url=url+str(now), cookies=self.cookies, headers=self.headers, timeout=10).json()
            replies = response['data']['replies']     # There are 20 reviews in data->replies
            now += 1
            for reply in replies:
                if level_1:
                    line = self.reply_clean(reply, self.count)
                    self.count += 1
                    line = self.reply_clean(reply)
                # Here we can filter that if there is comment on the first level comment, call the function to request the second level comment
                if level_1==True and line[-2] != 0:
                        # Root denotes rpid. It is the root parameter in the secondary comment api. page number, since we set the maximum display to 20, is divided by 20. Round up by 0.5
                        self.content_get(url=self.rreplyUrl.format(root=str(line[-1])), page=int(line[-2]/20+0.5), level_1=False)       # Recursively get secondary comments


By passing the url parameter to content_get, we can request either a first-level or a second-level comment. The json format of the two comments is exactly the same. Both are in data->replies. The self.count parameter indicates the number of main buildings.

4. Data Cleaning#Secondary Comments

    # This function can crawl either a level 1 comment or a level 2 comment
    # count parameter to see if it's a secondary comment.
    def reply_clean(self, reply, count=False):
        name = reply['member']['uname']     # Name
        sex = reply['member']['sex']        # Gender
        if sex=="secrecy":
            sex = ' '
        mid = reply['member']['mid']        # uid of account number
        sign = reply['member']['sign']      # Label
        rpid = reply['rpid']        # Use for second-level Reviews
        rcount = reply['rcount']    # Number of replies
        level = reply['member']['level_info']['current_level']      # Grade
        like = reply['like']        # Point Ratio
        content = reply['content']['message'].replace("\n","")      # Comments
        t = reply['ctime']
        timeArray = time.localtime(t)
        otherStyleTime = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", timeArray)      # Comment time, timestamp to standard time format
        # If it is a secondary comment, the first data returned is "Reply", otherwise it is a building
        # Second-level comments have no number of responses rcount, third-level comments are shown as replies xxx @ Who Who Who Who Who Who Who Who Who Who Who Who Who Who Who Who Who Who
        if count:
            return [count, name, sex, level, mid, sign, otherStyleTime, content, like, rcount, rpid]
            return ["Reply", name, sex, level, mid, sign, otherStyleTime, content, like, ' ', rpid]


3. Data Storage

Data storage chooses two ways to be secure: csv and mysql databases


With the csv module, while True reads the queue elements repeatedly. If no data comes in for 10 seconds, the crawl is over, or the program is dead. Whether it crawls back or stumbles, it dies

import csv
    def csv_writeIn(self, BV):
        file = open("bilibili comment_"+BV+".csv", "w", encoding="utf-8", newline="")
        f = csv.writer(file)
        line1 = ['floor', 'Full name', 'Gender', 'Grade', 'uid', 'Personal Signature', 'Comment Time', 'Comments', 'Point Ratio', 'Number of replies', 'rpid']
        while True:
                line = self.q.get(timeout=10)

Execute and open the csv file

We found that CSV is scrambled. This is because csv's default open encoding method is ANSI and we store it in utf-8

At this point we can choose to open it with Notepad, save it as ANSI encoding, and open it with csv



import pymysql as pysql

    def mysql_connect(self, host, user, password, BV):
        # Connect to the database and exit the program if it fails
            self.conn = pysql.connect(host=host, user=user, password=password)
            self.cursor = self.conn.cursor()
            print("mysql connect error ... ")
        # Create libraries, create tables
        self.cursor.execute('create database if not exists bilibili')
        self.cursor.execute('use bilibili')
        sql = '''
                    create table if not exists {BV} (
                    floor char(6),
                    name char(20),
                    sex char(2),
                    level char(1),
                    uid char(10),
                    sign char(100),
                    time char(23),
                    content char(100),
                    star char(6),
                    reply char(6),
                    rpid char(10))
        self.cursor.execute(sql.format(BV=BV))        # Create table with video BV number

    def mysql_writeIn(self, BV):
        sql = '''insert into BV
                (`floor`, `name`, `sex`, `level`, `uid`, `sign`, `time`, `content`, `star`, `reply`, `rpid`) value
                ("{floor}", "{name}", "{sex}", "{level}", "{uid}", "{sign}", "{t}", "{content}", "{star}", "{reply}", "{rpid}")'''
        sql = sql.replace('BV', BV)
        # Writing to the table with another thread failed to set timeout and quit.
        while True:
                line = self.q.get(timeout=10)
            # Since the length of the data is fixed, there may be situations where it is too long to write in. Here, take care of one when creating a table, depending on your actual needs. It's too long to do that.
                self.cursor.execute(sql.format(floor=line[0], name=line[1], sex=line[2], level=line[3], \
                                           uid=line[4], sign=line[5], t=line[6], content=line[7], \
                                           star=line[8], reply=line[9], rpid=line[10]))
            except Exception as e:
            # Remember to submit or leave blank

4. Multithreaded

* We need to call the above sections through functions. Multithreaded Here we use the Thread class of the threading module to construct

Modules are called by the main function.

from threading import Thread

        def main(self, page, BV):
        self.mysql_connect(host='localhost', user='root', password='SpiderXbest', BV=BV)

        T = []
        T.append(Thread(target=self.content_get, args=(self.replyUrl, page)))
        T.append(Thread(target=self.mysql_writeIn, args=(BV, )))
        # T.append(Thread(target=self.csv_writeIn, args=(BV, )))
        # Either csv or mysql
        print("Start crawling...")
        for t in T:
        for t in T:

5. Comprehensive.

if __name__ == '__main__':
    cookie = "fingerprint=cdc14f481fb201fec2035d743ff230b; buvid_fp=DE7C7303-E24E-462C-B112-EE78EB55C45B148824infoc; buvid_fp_plain=1BC352F4-4DB9-D82C-44A2-FB17273D240infoc; b_ut=-1; i-wann-go-back=-1; _uuid=43C8466C-79D5-F07A-032C-F6EF1635706854601infoc; buvid3=DE703-E24E-462C-B112-EE78EB55C45B148824infoc; CURRENT_FNVAL=80; blackside_state=1; sid=7wo01l; rpdid=|(u)mmY|~YJ|0J'uYJklJ~ul|; CURRENT_QUALITY=112; PVID=4; bfe_id=cade759d3229a3973a5d4e9161f3bc; innersign=1"
    cookies = {}
    for c in cookie.split(";"):
        b = c.split("=")
        cookies[b[0]] = b[1]

    BV = 'BV14h411n7ok'

    bilibili = Bilibili(BV, 0, cookies, 1)
    bilibili.main(1, BV)

When passing a cookie, it is best to turn it into a dictionary format.

Run the program, try climbing a page


ok, we just crawled one page and only got a maximum of 20 distracted replies. How many pages does a video have? We request a Level 1 comment url in our browser to see it






This video has over 10,000 comments and will not move until 370 pages, so we can manually dichotomize to see how many pages there are, or write a judgment function that ends when the replies of the request function content_get are null.


6. Complete Code

# -- coding: utf-8 --
# Author: Bamboo one
# Time : 2021/9/25 10:37
# version : 1.0
# Software: PyCharm

import requests
import re
import time
from fake_useragent import UserAgent
import queue
import csv
import pymysql as pysql
from threading import Thread

class Bilibili:
    def __init__(self, BV, mode, cookies, page):
        self.homeUrl = "https://www.bilibili.com/video/"

        self.replyUrl = "https://api.bilibili.com/x/v2/reply/main?jsonp=jsonp&type=1&oid={oid}&mode={mode}&plat=1&next=".format(oid=self.oid, mode=mode)
        self.rreplyUrl = "https://api.bilibili.com/x/v2/reply/reply?jsonp=jsonp&type=1&oid={oid}&ps=20&root={root}&pn=".format(oid=self.oid, root="{root}")

        self.headers = {"user-agent":"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/93.0.4577.82 Safari/537.36"}
        self.cookies = cookies

        self.q = queue.Queue()
        self.count = 1

    # Get video oid
    def oid_get(self, BV):
        response = requests.get(url=self.homeUrl + BV).text
        # Regular expression gets oid from video bv number
        self.oid = re.findall("\"aid\":([0-9]*),", response)[0]

    # Is level_1 a first-level comment
    def content_get(self, url, page, level_1=True):
        now = 0
        while now<=page:
            if level_1:
                print("page : <{now}>/<{page}>".format(now=now, page=page))
            response = requests.get(url=url+str(now), cookies=self.cookies, headers=self.headers).json()
            replies = response['data']['replies']     # There are 20 reviews in data->replies
            now += 1
            for reply in replies:
                if level_1:
                    line = self.reply_clean(reply, self.count)
                    self.count += 1
                    line = self.reply_clean(reply)
                # Here we can filter if there are secondary comments, call functions to request secondary comments
                if level_1==True and line[-2] != 0:
                        self.content_get(url=self.rreplyUrl.format(root=str(line[-1])), page=int(line[-2]/20+0.5), level_1=False)       # Recursively get secondary comments

    # This function can crawl either a level 1 comment or a level 2 comment
    def reply_clean(self, reply, count=False):
        name = reply['member']['uname']     # Name
        sex = reply['member']['sex']        # Gender
        if sex=="secrecy":
            sex = ' '
        mid = reply['member']['mid']        # uid of account number
        sign = reply['member']['sign']      # Label
        rpid = reply['rpid']        # Use for second-level Reviews
        rcount = reply['rcount']    # Number of replies
        level = reply['member']['level_info']['current_level']      # Grade
        like = reply['like']        # Point Ratio
        content = reply['content']['message'].replace("\n","")      # Comments
        t = reply['ctime']
        timeArray = time.localtime(t)
        otherStyleTime = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", timeArray)      # Comment time, timestamp to standard time format
        if count:
            return [count, name, sex, level, mid, sign, otherStyleTime, content, like, rcount, rpid]
            return ["Reply", name, sex, level, mid, sign, otherStyleTime, content, like, ' ', rpid]

    def csv_writeIn(self, BV):
        print("csv In file data store......")
        file = open("bilibili comment_"+BV+".csv", "w", encoding="utf-8", newline="")
        f = csv.writer(file)
        line1 = ['floor', 'Full name', 'Gender', 'Grade', 'uid', 'Personal Signature', 'Comment Time', 'Comments', 'Point Ratio', 'Number of replies', 'rpid']

        while True:
                line = self.q.get(timeout=10)


    def mysql_connect(self, host, user, password, BV):
            self.conn = pysql.connect(host=host, user=user, password=password)
            self.cursor = self.conn.cursor()
            print("mysql Database connection successful!")
            print("mysql connect error ... ")

        self.cursor.execute('create database if not exists bilibili')
        self.cursor.execute('use bilibili')
        sql = '''
                    create table if not exists {BV} (
                    floor char(5),
                    name char(20),
                    sex char(2),
                    level char(1),
                    uid char(10),
                    sign char(100),
                    time char(23),
                    content char(100),
                    star char(6),
                    reply char(6),
                    rpid char(10))

    def mysql_writeIn(self, BV):
        print("mysql In data store ...")
        sql = '''insert into BV
                (`floor`, `name`, `sex`, `level`, `uid`, `sign`, `time`, `content`, `star`, `reply`, `rpid`) value
                ("{floor}", "{name}", "{sex}", "{level}", "{uid}", "{sign}", "{t}", "{content}", "{star}", "{reply}", "{rpid}")'''
        sql = sql.replace('BV', BV)
        while True:
                line = self.q.get(timeout=10)
                self.cursor.execute(sql.format(floor=line[0], name=line[1], sex=line[2], level=line[3], \
                                           uid=line[4], sign=line[5], t=line[6], content=line[7], \
                                           star=line[8], reply=line[9], rpid=line[10]))
            except Exception as e:

    def main(self, page, BV, host, user, password):
        self.mysql_connect(host=host, user=user, password=password, BV=BV)

        T = []
        T.append(Thread(target=self.content_get, args=(self.replyUrl, page)))
        T.append(Thread(target=self.mysql_writeIn, args=(BV, )))
        # T.append(Thread(target=self.csv_writeIn, args=(BV, )))

        print("Start crawling...")
        for t in T:
        for t in T:

if __name__ == '__main__':
    cookie = "fingerprint=cdc14f4281201fec2035d743ff230b; buvid_fp=DE7C73-E24E-462C-B112-EE78EB55C45B148824infoc; buvid_fp_plain=1BC3F4-4DB9-D82C-44A2-FB17273DB52757240infoc; b_ut=-1; i-wanna-go-back=-1; _uuid=4C8466C-79D5-F07A-032C-F6EF1635706854601infoc; buvid3=DE7C7303-E24E-462C-B112-EE78EB545B148824infoc; CURRENT_FNVAL=80; blackside_state=1; sid=7w6ao01l; rpdid=|(u)mmY|~YJ|0J'uYJklJ~ul|; CURRENT_QUALITY=112; PVID=4; bfe_id=cade757b9d3223973a5d4e9161f3bc; innersign=1"
    cookies = {}
    for c in cookie.split(";"):
        b = c.split("=")
        cookies[b[0]] = b[1]

    BV = 'BV14h411n7ok'

    host = host  # host name
    user = user  # User name
    password = password  # Password

    bilibili = Bilibili(BV, 0, cookies, 369)
    bilibili.main(369, BV)

Keywords: Python crawler

Added by rskandarpa on Sat, 25 Sep 2021 20:05:45 +0300