WebSphere 9 silent installation documentation (easy version)

WebSphere 9 silent installation documentation (easy version)

Note: This version is a simple installation document. It is not convenient to send the full version, but I will update the content in this document later. If necessary, xdm can pay attention to it

Update contentUpdate time
v1 (recommended)2021.01.03

Service Architecture

*Server name**IP**Software and services**Service Cluster*
App1192.168.163.100IBM Installation Managerwebsphere
IBM HttpSrverplugins
IBM HttpServer
App2192.168.163.101IBM Installation ManagerwebsphereDmgr01

System user configuration

1. Create a was group with GID 411
groupadd -g 411 was

Parameter Description:

-GID of group g

2. Create and configure was user

2.1 create was user and specify its UID and home directory

useradd -u 411 -g was -d /was was
3. Configure the mapping relationship in the / etc/hosts file

Fill in the following code at the end App1 App2

Unzip the media software to the specified folder

cd /was/software
unzip agent.installer.lnx.gtk.x86_64_1.8.5.zip -d /was/software/im
unzip WAS_ND_V9.0_MP_ML.zip -d /was/software/WASND90
unzip 9.0.5-WS-WAS-FP004.zip -d /was/software/WASFP005
unzip ibm-java-sdk-8.0-6.10-linux-x64-installmgr.zip -d /was/software/JDK1.8

1. IM installation

-InstallationDirectory /was/IBM/InstallationManager 

2. WebSphere installation

2.1 get the small version number of Websphere Application Server
-repositories /was/software/WASND90/repository.config
Websphere Application Server minor version number

Note: the minor version number is required as the parameter for installing the media software

2.2 get JDK minor version number

Get JDK minor version number

-repositories /was/software/JDK1.8/repository.config

JDK minor version number

2.3 WebSphere installation
-repositories /was/software/WASND90/,/was/software/JDK1.8/ 
-installationDirectory /was/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer 
-sharedResourcesDirectory /was/IBM/IMShared 
-properties cic.selector.nl=zh
2.4 upgrade
-repositories /was/software/WASFP05
-installationDirectory /was/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/ 
2.5 viewing version information



3. Create a profile

3.1 creating dmgr
-profileName Dmgr01 
-profilePath /was/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/profiles/Dmgr01 
-templatePath /was/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/profileTemplates/dmgr/
-hostname App2
-enableAdminSecurity true 
-adminUserName admin
-adminPassword Test@dmin
-personalCertValidityPeriod 15 
-signingCertValidityPeriod 25

Parameter introduction:

-Create create instruction

-profileName specifies the profile name

-profilePath specifies the installation path of the profile. The default installation path is / was/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/profiles/

-templatePath specifies the type of profile template

-hostname the host name to bind (either host name or ip can be used)

-enableAdminSecurity starts the security protocol, that is, the routing protocol is changed from http to https

-adminUserName create console admin user

-adminPassword create console admin password

-The duration of the personalCertValidityPeriod certificate is not set, which may make the profile node unusable

-If the signingCertValidityPeriod certificate period is not set, the profile node may become unusable

3.2 create Custom
-profileName AppSrv01 
-profilePath /was/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/profiles/AppSrv01
-templatePath /was/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/profileTemplates/default
-hostname App2
-enableAdminSecurity true 
-adminUserName admin
-adminPassword Test@dmin
-personalCertValidityPeriod 15 
-signingCertValidityPeriod 25

4. Joint node

4.1 start Dmgr
4.2 joint Custom node to Dmgr

Note: APP2 is the host name

/was/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/profiles/Custom01/bin/addNode.sh  App2 8879

5. Single node service

Note: in addition to clusters, was can also use single node services

5.1 creating a single node service
-templatePath /was/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/profileTemplates/default
-profileName AppSrv01
-enableAdminSecurity true 
-adminUserName admin 
-adminPassword Test@dmin
-personalCertValidityPeriod 15 
-signingCertValidityPeriod 25
5.2 startup
/was/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/profiles/AppSrv01/bin/startServer server1
5.3 stop
/was/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/profiles/AppSrv01/bin/stopServer server1

6.manageprofile command

1. Profile backup - backupProfile

1.1 for example, backup the Dmgr01 profile to the / was directory, and the backup file name is Dmgr01_bak

-profileName Dmgr01 
-backupFile /was/Dmgr01_bak
2. Restore profile backup - restoreProfile

**Official documentation: * * restore profile backup. Must be used with the - backupFile parameter

Note: the manageProfiles -restoreProfile command only supports backups created at the same fix pack level. Restoring a backup requires the profile folder to be empty

2.1 example: restore Dmgr01 summary backup

-backupFile /was/Dmgr01_bak
3. Delete all the profiles - deleteAll

**Note: * * is much simpler and more risky than the command to delete a separate summary, so please use it with caution

/was/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/bin/manageprofiles.sh -deleteAll
4. Get profile system location - getPath

4.1 for example, get Dmgr01 location

-profileName Dmgr01
5. List invalid profiles - validateRegistry

**Official documentation: * * check all profiles listed in the profile registry to see if they exist in the file system. Returns a list of missing profiles

 /was/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/bin/manageprofiles.sh -validateRegistry
6. Get the default profile name - getDefaultName

Note: the default problem will be explained later

/was/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/bin/manageprofiles.sh -getDefaultName
7. Specify the initial port number - startingPort

7.1 create a Custom02 node and set the port number to 8888

Note: not available on managed nodes

-profileName Dmgr02 
-templatePath /was/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/profileTemplates/dmgr/
-enableAdminSecurity true  
-adminUserName admin  
-adminPassword Test@dmin 
-personalCertValidityPeriod 15 
-signingCertValidityPeriod 25 
-startingPort 8888

Keywords: was websphere

Added by dw89 on Thu, 20 Jan 2022 03:24:21 +0200