The latest authorized login of Wechat applet
The widget can get the user's phone number through getPhoneNumber, but getPhoneNumber must be bound to the button component. Details Official Website: Wechat applet to get mobile phone number
How to realize page entry widget authorization login?
Realization method: Write a page similar to Wechat Authorization Login, let users trigger getUserInfo through buttons, and realize login authorization. When the user enters the applet, add a judgment. If not authorized, jump to the login page, if authorized, jump to the home page.
Implementation steps:
1. login page
- wxml part
<view wx:if="{{canIUse}}" class='login-box'> <view class='login-header'> <image class='login-img' mode="aspectFill" src='/images/login_pic.png'></image> </view> <button class='login-btn' open-type="getPhoneNumber" bindgetphonenumber="getPhoneNumber" > <image src='/images/icon/login_wx.png'></image> //Wechat one-click login </button> </view> <view wx:else>Please upgrade the Wechat version</view>
- wxss section
page{ background: #fff; height: 100%; overflow: hidden; border-top: 1rpx solid #E0E0E0; } .login-box{ display: flex; flex-direction: column; align-items: center; height: 100%; padding: 0 96rpx; } .login-header{ flex: 1; display: flex; align-items: center; margin-bottom: 100rpx; } .login-img{ width: 436rpx; height: 296rpx; } .login-btn{ width: 100%; background: #11BE84; margin-bottom: 300rpx; color: #fff; display: flex; align-items: center; justify-content: center; font-size: 32rpx; } .login-btn >image{ width: 36rpx; height: 36rpx; margin-right: 30rpx; }
- js section
//Land onLogin() { let that = this wx.login({ success(res) { if (res.code) { api.getXcxUserInfo({ code: res.code }).then(res => { that.setData({ sessionKey: }) }).catch(err => { console.log('Obtain sessionKey fail') }) } else { console.log('Logon failed!' + res.errMsg) } } }) }, // Access to Mobile Phone Number Authorization getPhoneNumber(e) { let that = this wx.showLoading({ title: 'Loading', mask: true, }) wx.checkSession({ success: function() { api.phoneAES({ encrypData: e.detail.encryptedData, ivData: e.detail.iv, sessionKey: }).then(res => { console.log(JSON.parse( that.setData({ phone: JSON.parse( }) api.login({ userName: }).then(res => { wx.setStorageSync('token', wx.reLaunch({ url: '../index/index' }) }).catch(err => { console.log("Obtain token fail"); }) }).catch(err => { console.log("Deny logon"); wx.hideLoading() wx.showModal({ title: 'Tips', content: 'BD The assistant needs the authorized login of Wechat to use normally. Please authorize!', showCancel: false }) }) }, fail: function () { console.log("Obtain wx.checkSession Interface failure"); } }) },
2. Determine whether to log in, in app.js
onShow() { this.getToken() }, //Get token getToken(){ let token = wx.getStorageSync('token') if (!token) { wx.reLaunch({ url: 'pages/login/login' //No token jumps to the login page }) } else { wx.reLaunch({ url: "pages/index/index" //Have token jump to home page }) } }