Wechat course schedule applet (0 basic for you, from entry to release)


1. Renderings:

2. Preparation tools:

3. Download code

4. Deployment project

1. Open wechat applet:

2. Viewing method of appid:

3. Take out your small mobile phone, scan the code

 5. Modify course

 6. Project release

1. Renderings:

2. Preparation tools:

Wechat developer tools : wechat applet development website

Download the corresponding version according to your computer system:

3. Download code

Link: https://pan.baidu.com/s/11Dy2_0MUreyynIeIQNOdsg  
Extraction code: ht8u

4. Deployment project

First, unzip the compressed package and remember this path.

1. Open wechat applet:

Click the black box:

Pay attention to the things surrounded by the black box. These are the key points

The directory here: is the path of the file you just unzipped

Choose Tencent cloud development as the back-end service (wx applet will send you the server for free)

2. Viewing method of appid:

1. Baidu search text as shown in the figure:

3. Take out your small mobile phone, scan the code

Register one without an account (remember it's an applet account)


3. After successful login, you can find the ID in the development settings

 5. Modify course

Change the course to belong to your own class:

Find TSJ JS and click open

The black box is the course time, and the corresponding code is:

Change the number to whatever time you have class


Curriculum content modification:

id is responsible for the color of the display. Different IDs have different colors

isToday: it means the day of the week. 1 means Monday and 2 means Tuesday. It's a push.

classNumber: represents the number of class hours. To put it bluntly, it is the height of a rectangle.

Name: name of the course

address: the number of the classroom


  [     //First week 
        { "id":2,"isToday": 1, "jie": 3, "classNumber": 2, "name": "operating system" ,"address":"5409" },
        { "id":3,"isToday": 1, "jie": 5, "classNumber": 2, "name": "Mao gai","address":"6202" },

        { "id":4,"isToday": 2, "jie": 1, "classNumber": 2, "name": "Matlab" ,"address":"2306" },
        { "id":2,"isToday": 2, "jie": 5, "classNumber": 2, "name": "operating system" ,"address":"5409" },
        {"id":7,"isToday": 2, "jie": 3, "classNumber": 2, "name": "mathematical modeling ","address":"1215"},

        { "id":6,"isToday": 3, "jie": 1, "classNumber": 2, "name": "computer network" ,"address":"5102" },
       { "id":3,"isToday": 3, "jie": 5, "classNumber": 2, "name": "Mao gai" ,"address":"6202" },
       { "id":5,"isToday": 4, "jie": 5, "classNumber": 2, "name": "Principle and application of database" ,"address":"2306" },

         { "id":1,"isToday": 5, "jie": 1, "classNumber": 2, "name": "Algorithm design and analysis" ,"address":"5506" },
        { "id":6,"isToday": 5, "jie": 3, "classNumber": 2, "name": "Principle and application of database" ,"address":"5102" },

      [      //second
     { "id":1,"isToday": 1, "jie": 7, "classNumber": 2, "name": "Algorithm design and analysis","address":"2306" },
        { "id":2,"isToday": 1, "jie": 3, "classNumber": 2, "name": "operating system" ,"address":"5409" },
        { "id":3,"isToday": 1, "jie": 5, "classNumber": 2, "name": "Mao gai","address":"6202" },
        {"id":7,"isToday": 2, "jie": 3, "classNumber": 2, "name": "mathematical modeling ","address":"unknown"},
        { "id":4,"isToday": 2, "jie": 1, "classNumber": 2, "name": "Matlab" ,"address":"2306" },
        { "id":2,"isToday": 2, "jie": 5, "classNumber": 2, "name": "operating system" ,"address":"5409" },

        { "id":6,"isToday": 3, "jie": 1, "classNumber": 2, "name": "computer network" ,"address":"5102" },
       { "id":3,"isToday": 3, "jie": 5, "classNumber": 2, "name": "Mao gai" ,"address":"6202" },
       { "id":5,"isToday": 4, "jie": 5, "classNumber": 2, "name": "computer network" ,"address":"2304" },

         { "id":1,"isToday": 5, "jie": 1, "classNumber": 2, "name": "Algorithm design and analysis" ,"address":"5506" },
        { "id":6,"isToday": 5, "jie": 3, "classNumber": 2, "name": "Principle and application of database" ,"address":"5102" },],

Modify title:

As shown in the figure, the black box is the title

Open this file:

Just change what you need:

Modify the name of the following figure:

Just find the content of the black box and change it


 6. Project release

Click the upload button:

Click upload:


Open wechat applet website:

After logging in, open version management

Click submit for review

Click publish after the approval is successful

The finished product is shown in the figure:


If the content is wrong, please point it out. If you have any questions, you can leave a message in the comment area (I will answer it).

I think it's very good. I can praise and pay attention to it. Thank you


Keywords: Mini Program wechat

Added by defeated on Thu, 10 Mar 2022 06:24:54 +0200