Wechat ordering system 02 - buyer side goods and categories

Wechat ordering system 02 - buyer side goods and categories

1, Buyer category

1. Create entity class

First, create the entity class. Here, first create the entity class of the buyer category table.

public class ProductCategory {
    //Category id
    @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY)
    private Integer categoryId;
    //Category name
    private String categoryName;
    private Integer categoryType;
    //Category creation time
    private Date createTime;
    //Category update time
    private Date updateTime;

    public ProductCategory(Integer categoryId, String categoryName, Integer categoryType) {
        this.categoryId = categoryId;
        this.categoryName = categoryName;
        this.categoryType = categoryType;

    public ProductCategory() {

    public String toString() {
        return "ProductCategory{" +
                "categoryId=" + categoryId +
                ", categoryName='" + categoryName + '\'' +
                ", categoryType=" + categoryType +
                ", createTime=" + createTime +
                ", updateTime=" + updateTime +

Note that the class name and attribute name should correspond to the database table one by one. In order to know the creation and update time, the time parameter is added in this class, but it is not uploaded manually, but updated automatically, so the annotation @ DynamicUpdate should be added.

Therefore, there are only two items that need to be written: a category name and a category type. The primary key increases automatically. Write the construction method of these three parameters, add Getter, Setter and toString methods, set them as Entity classes with @ Entity, add @ Id to the bamboo slips, and set them as self increasing.

2. Create dao and test

Dao writes the interface to inherit the interface of Jpa. In this way, you can directly use the methods in Jpa.

Here we need to pay attention to the real business scenario. Query the category type, and you can query the List collection of the required type. (it's equivalent to checking out all categories, but maybe only a part)

public interface ProductCategoryRepository extends JpaRepository<ProductCategory,Integer> {
    List<ProductCategory> findByCategoryTypeIn(List<Integer> categoryTypeList);

Testing. Right click the category and GO TO TEST to directly generate the test method. If the test is not carried out in time, you don't know which link has the problem.

public class ProductCategoryRepositoryTest {

    private ProductCategoryRepository repository;
	//Test save
    public void testSave(){
        ProductCategory productCategory = new ProductCategory();
        productCategory.setCategoryName("Essential for muscle enhancement");
        ProductCategory pro = repository.save(productCategory);
	//Test find one
    public void testFind(){
        ProductCategory productCategory = repository.findById(1).get();
	//Test update
    public void testUpdate(){
        ProductCategory productCategory = new ProductCategory();
        productCategory.setCategoryName("Essential for breast enhancement");
        ProductCategory pro = repository.save(productCategory);
    //Test find multiple
    public void testFindByCategoryTypeIn(){
        List<Integer> categoryTypeList = new ArrayList<>();
        List<ProductCategory> byCategoryTypeIn = repository.findByCategoryTypeIn(categoryTypeList);
        for (ProductCategory productCategory:byCategoryTypeIn){

3. Buyer side service layer

Here is business-related. Querying all categories is used for the seller's background operation. Similarly, querying one category can be used to display all goods, etc. querying multiple categories can be used to show the current activities to the buyer, such as male favorite, hot list and so on.

Write a service interface first.

 * service layer interface of category table
public interface ProductCategoryService {
    //Query one
    ProductCategory findOne(Integer categoryId);

    //Query all
    List<ProductCategory> findAll();

    //Query multiple items
    List<ProductCategory> findByCategoryTypeIn(List<Integer> categoryTypeList);

    //New and updated
    ProductCategory save(ProductCategory productCategory);

Then write its implementation class.

//Implementation class of service layer of category table
public class ProductCategoryServiceImpl implements ProductCategoryService {
    private ProductCategoryRepository repository;

    public ProductCategory findOne(Integer categoryId) {
        return repository.findById(categoryId).get();

    public List<ProductCategory> findAll() {
        return repository.findAll();

    public List<ProductCategory> findByCategoryTypeIn(List<Integer> categoryTypeList) {
        return repository.findByCategoryTypeIn(categoryTypeList);

    public ProductCategory save(ProductCategory productCategory) {
        return repository.save(productCategory);

Finally, test.

public class ProductCategoryRepositoryTest {

    private ProductCategoryRepository repository;

    public void testSave(){
        ProductCategory productCategory = new ProductCategory();
        productCategory.setCategoryName("Essential for muscle enhancement");
        ProductCategory pro = repository.save(productCategory);

    public void testFind(){
        ProductCategory productCategory = repository.findById(1).get();

    public void testUpdate(){
        ProductCategory productCategory = new ProductCategory();
        productCategory.setCategoryName("Essential for breast enhancement");
        ProductCategory pro = repository.save(productCategory);

    public void testFindByCategoryTypeIn(){
        List<Integer> categoryTypeList = new ArrayList<>();
        List<ProductCategory> byCategoryTypeIn = repository.findByCategoryTypeIn(categoryTypeList);
        for (ProductCategory productCategory:byCategoryTypeIn){

2, Buyer side goods

1. Create entity class

The same is true for the buyer's goods, mainly the addition, deletion, modification and inspection of goods.

Generate the entity class of the product

public class ProductInfo {
    //Commodity id
    private String productId;
    //Trade name
    private String productName;
    //commodity price
    private BigDecimal productPrice;
    //Commodity inventory
    private Integer productStock;
    //Product description
    private String productDescription;
    //Commodity thumbnail
    private String productIcon;
    //Commodity type
    private Integer productStatus;
    //Category type
    private Integer categoryType;
    /*//Creation time
    private Date createTime;
    //Update time
    private Date updateTime;*/

The id cannot be self incremented because it is of type String. Do not write the creation time and update time first, and add @ Entity annotation and id.

2. Create dao and test

Then write Dao test.

public interface ProductInfoRepository extends JpaRepository<ProductInfo,String> {
    //Query the goods on the shelves
    List<ProductInfo> findByProductStatus(Integer productStatus);


public class ProductInfoRepositoryTest {

    private ProductInfoRepository repository;

    public void testSave(){
        ProductInfo productInfo = new ProductInfo();
        productInfo.setProductName("Fried rice with shark fin");
        productInfo.setProductPrice(new BigDecimal(100.00));
        productInfo.setProductDescription("Fried rice with shark fin, fried rice with Yuchi");
        ProductInfo prod = repository.save(productInfo);

    public void findByProductStatus() {
        List<ProductInfo> productInfos = repository.findByProductStatus(2);
        productInfos.forEach(productInfo -> System.out.println(productInfo));

3. Buyer side commodity service layer


public interface ProductInfoService {
    //Query one
    ProductInfo findOne(String productId);

    //Query all products
    Page<ProductInfo> findAll(Pageable pageable);

    //Query all goods on the shelf
    List<ProductInfo> findUpAll();

    ProductInfo save(ProductInfo productInfo);

    //Add inventory
    //Inventory reduction

Interface implementation class.

public class ProductInfoServiceImpl implements ProductInfoService {
    private ProductInfoRepository repository;

    public ProductInfo findOne(String productId) {
        return repository.findById(productId).get();

    public Page<ProductInfo> findAll(Pageable pageable) {
        return repository.findAll(pageable);

    public List<ProductInfo> findUpAll() {
        return repository.findByProductStatus(ProductStatusEnum.UP.getCode());

    public ProductInfo save(ProductInfo productInfo) {
        return repository.save(productInfo);

Test method.

public class ProductInfoServiceImplTest {
    private ProductInfoServiceImpl service;

    public void findOne() {
        ProductInfo productInfo = service.findOne("123456");

    public void findAll() {
        PageRequest request = PageRequest.of(0,2);
        Page<ProductInfo> productInfos = service.findAll(request);

    public void findUpAll() {
        List<ProductInfo> pr = service.findUpAll();
        pr.forEach(productInfo -> System.out.println(productInfo));

    public void save() {
        ProductInfo productInfo = new ProductInfo();
        productInfo.setProductName("Diet meal");
        productInfo.setProductPrice(new BigDecimal(20.9));
        productInfo.setProductDescription("Weight loss meal, a meal to lose 10 pounds");
        ProductInfo productInfo1 = service.save(productInfo);

3, api

After writing these two layers, you should write the correspondence of the front and rear interfaces. The front end of this example provides the corresponding api of the goods. If you want to realize the correspondence of the front and rear ends, you should transfer the data in this way.

GET /sell/buyer/product/list
    "code": 0,
    "msg": "success",
    "data": [
            "name": "Hot list",
            "type": 1,
            "foods": [
                    "id": "123456",
                    "name": "Pork and Preserved Egg Congee",
                    "price": 1.2,
                    "description": "Delicious preserved egg porridge",
                    "icon": "http://xxx.com",
            "name": "delicious",
            "type": 2,
            "foods": [
                    "id": "123457",
                    "name": "Mousse Cake",
                    "price": 10.9,
                    "description": "Delicious and refreshing",
                    "icon": "http://xxx.com",

Here's an analysis. There is a code, msg and an array of data in the outer layer. The data contains the category name, category type, and all commodities under the category. The commodities also include id number, name, price, description and picture. So just follow this.

1. Outermost layer

The outermost layer is the data of code, msg and data. To facilitate transmission, create an object that returns to the front end. If you write all at once, it's too troublesome. It's hard to distinguish the logic layer by layer, so first write the outermost ResultVO class (VO is the abbreviation of view object).

 * http The outermost object returned by the request
public class ResultVO<T> {
    //Code error code
    private Integer code;

    private String msg;

    private T data;

Then write a controller and access it.

public class BuyerProductController {

    public ResultVO list(){
        ResultVO resultVO = new ResultVO();
        return resultVO;

Because the api says to access the / sell/buyer/product/list address, there is a layer of / sell missing in the controller, so we configure the previous path in yaml.

    driver-class-name: com.mysql.cj.jdbc.Driver
    username: root
    password: 123456
    url: jdbc:mysql://
    show-sql: true
  port: 8081
    context-path: /sell	#This is mainly configured

This starts and tests. In order for the browser to parse the data into json format, you can download relevant plug-ins.

2. Middle layer

In this way, there is the outermost layer. Now it's time to write the middle layer. Take a look at the above Json format. The middle layer is the category layer of the project.

The middle layer is the category layer. Still the old rule, write a ProductVo class.

 * In fact, commodities include category level
public class ProductVO {
    private String categoryName;

    private Integer categoryType;

    private List<ProductInfoVO> productInfoVOList;

3. Innermost layer

 * Product details
public class ProductInfoVO {

    private String productId;

    private String productName;

    private BigDecimal productPrice;

    private String productDescription;

    private String productIcon;

After this is done, correlate them and test them.

The improvement of the original code is as follows: some data are added for testing.

public ResultVO list(){
    ResultVO resultVO = new ResultVO();
    ProductVO productVO = new ProductVO();
    ProductInfoVO productInfoVO = new ProductInfoVO();

    productInfoVO.setProductName("Congee with Minced Pork and Preserved Egg");
    productInfoVO.setProductPrice(new BigDecimal(11.00));
    productInfoVO.setProductDescription("Zhao qiansun Li,No one was killed in battle");


    productVO.setCategoryName("Top selling list");

    return resultVO;

The test results are as follows (forgot the screenshot, which is basically the same):

In this way, after the test is completed, it shows that we can pass json data to the front end through this.

4. Query the database and pass it to the json object

After the road of json is built, it's time to transfer the real data, that is, to transfer the data to the controller.

public class BuyerProductController {
    private ProductInfoService productInfoService;

    private ProductCategoryService productCategoryService;

    public ResultVO list(){
        //1. Query all products on the shelves
        List<ProductInfo> productInfoUpAll = productInfoService.findUpAll();

        //2. Query category (to be queried at one time)
        List<Integer> categoryTypeList = productInfoUpAll.stream().map(e -> e.getCategoryType()).collect(Collectors.toList());
        List<ProductCategory> productCategoryList = productCategoryService.findByCategoryTypeIn(categoryTypeList);

        //3. Data assembly
        List<ProductVO> productVOList = new ArrayList<>();
        for (ProductCategory productCategory:productCategoryList){
            ProductVO productVO = new ProductVO();

            List<ProductInfoVO> productInfoVOList = new ArrayList<>();
            for (ProductInfo productInfo:productInfoUpAll){
                //The following steps should be well understood
                if (productInfo.getCategoryType().equals(productCategory.getCategoryType())) {
                    ProductInfoVO productInfoVO = new ProductInfoVO();

        ResultVO resultVO = ResultVOUtil.success(productVOList);
        return resultVO;

Query the data hierarchically, assemble it and pass it to json. In order to avoid creating ResultVO objects every time (because there is no difference, the steps are the same), the ResultVOUtils tool class is created.

public class ResultVOUtil {

    public static ResultVO success(Object object){
        ResultVO resultVO = new ResultVO();
        return resultVO;

    public static ResultVO success(){
        return success(null);

    public static ResultVO error(Integer code,String msg){
        ResultVO resultVO = new ResultVO();
        return resultVO;

Its delivery success method and delivery failure method are created respectively.

The query was found, as shown in the figure above.

5. And front-end connection display page

Here you need to connect the virtual machine previously. The ip address of the virtual machine is You can connect to this website, but you will immediately jump to the failure page, because it is equivalent to no login at this time.

If you want to log in here, you need to pass the value of openid, so just pass one. First log in to a page that doesn't jump,, and write document in the console Cookie = 'openid=abc123', which passes a value to prove that you have logged in.

At this time, log in to and find that the page is displayed.

At this time, you can't access it because you are accessing the address of the virtual machine. In the virtual machine, modify nginx to the ip address of your local computer.

​ vim /usr/local/nginx/conf/nginx.conf

Modify in the configuration file.

So you can access it.

Added by aromakat on Mon, 07 Mar 2022 23:17:56 +0200