Speaking of Symbol, let's start with the basic data types string, number, boolean, null, undefined in js. Symbol is the sixth basic data type in js.
To describe Symbol in one sentence is unique!
Use of Symbol
Basic use
const s1 = Symbol('song'); const s2 = Symbol('song'); // Identity in Symbol is typically placed in number s, string s console.log(s1 === s2); // Variables declared by Symbol are not equal
Symbol as key
const s1 = Symbol('song'); let obj = { [s1]:'song', // es6 grammar [] can use the value of symbol s as an attribute age:18 } for(let key in obj){ // The for loop cannot traverse the symbol s property console.log(obj[key]) } // The Reflect.ownKeys method takes all key attributes Reflect.ownKeys(obj).forEach(key=>{ console.log(obj[key]); })
We said above that symbols are unique, but sometimes I want to reuse declared symbols, use for grammar, declare if symbols do not exist, and return the created symbols if they exist!
const s1 = Symbol.for('song'); const s2 = Symbol.for('song'); console.log(s1 === s2); console.log(Symbol.keyFor(s2)); // You can get the key of the symbox through keyFor
Symbol metaprogramming
Metaprogramming: You can modify the operation of native js, in other words, you can change the behavior of native JS
ES6 provides 11 built-in Symbol values
Rewrite instanceof default behavior
const instance = { [Symbol.hasInstance](value){ return 'a' in value } } // When the instance of method is called, the hasInstance method on the instance is called by default. console.log({a:1} instanceof instance)
Expansion behavior of overridden arrays
const arr = [1,2,3]; arr[Symbol.isConcatSpreadable] = false; console.log(arr.concat([1,2,3]));
3.Symbol.match / split / search / replace
Matching, splitting, searching methods for rewritten strings
const obj = { [Symbol.match](value){ return value.length === 3 } } console.log('abc'.match(obj));
When creating a derived object, specify the constructor
class MyArray extends Array{ constructor(...args){ super(...args); } static get [Symbol.species](){ return Array; // Array is used as a constructor to create derived objects } } const arr = new MyArray(1,2,3); const newArr = arr.map(item=>item*2); console.log(newArr instanceof MyArray); // The default derived object is also an example of MyArray
Rewrite Data Type Conversion
const obj = { [Symbol.toPrimitive](type){ // type number string default return 123; } } console.log(obj*123);
Rewriting toString method
const obj = { [Symbol.toStringTag]: "xxx" }; console.log(Object.prototype.toString.call(obj)); // [object xxx]
Which attributes are overridden by with
console.log(Array.prototype[Symbol.unscopables]); // Which methods can't be used with with(Array.prototype){ // Direct calls to methods on array prototypes forEach.call([1,2,3],element => { console.log(element) }); } class MyClass { eat() {} get [Symbol.unscopables]() { return { eat: true }; // Not available under with } } with (MyClass.prototype) { console.log(eat); }
The last Symbol.iterator is still missing. Leave a small tail and step on it to see what it does!! This interview is often asked.~
So far, we've gone through the use of Symbol. Of course, metaprogramming is rarely used in development. But we have the ability to rewrite the js language itself!
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