Why do I use kustomize to manage Kubernetes yaml applications?

Kustomize is a tool to solve the application management problem of k8s yaml. kubectl has integrated kustomize since version 1.14. Before that, we had to install it ourselves.
You can download the package of the corresponding operating system on GitHub for installation (https://github.com/kubernetes-sigs/kustomize/releases).

Under windows, it is an exe file. After we put it in a directory and add environment variables, we can use it on the command line.

$ kustomize version
{Version:kustomize/v3.5.2 GitCommit:79a891f4881cfc780e77789a1d240d8f4bfa2598 BuildDate:2019-12-17T03:48:17Z GoOs:windows GoArch:amd64}

Well, back to k8s, when we deploy, will we use a lot of kubernetes objects to describe our services. For example, deployment,ingress,service,configMap,secret, etc. We use yaml files for configuration. For example, a typical deployment.yaml file looks like this

apiVersion: apps/v1beta2
kind: Deployment
  name: smcp-service
  namespace: smcp-dev
      app: smcp-service
  replicas: 1
        app: smcp-service
        - name: smcp-service
          image: harbor.xxx.com/example/smcp-web:1.0
          imagePullPolicy: Always
              path: /api/anon/health
              port: 9000
            initialDelaySeconds: 80
            periodSeconds: 20
            timeoutSeconds: 2
              path: /api/anon/health
              port: 9000
            initialDelaySeconds: 90
            timeoutSeconds: 2
            - containerPort: 9000
            - configMapRef:
                name: smcp-config
            - secretRef:
                name: smcp-service-secret

For example, when we deploy the spring boot application to the dev environment, we can see that the namespace is SMCP dev, but when we deploy it to other environments, such as beta, staging, and production environments, we need to copy all the files mentioned above, and then modify the small variables (namespace,replica,image, etc.).

Moreover, if the contents of our environment variables are updated, the deployment will not be updated by scrolling, because their name s do not change (SMCP config, SMCP service secret).

We put the content of the application.properties file into the environment variable through configMap.

kustomize came into being, which can solve our problems. It proposes the common part as the base, that is, the base layer, and then overlays the content in the base, which is similar to the concept of docker image layer. Base is insensitive to overlays. The resulting directory structure is like this

$ tree
|-- base
|   |-- deployment.yaml
|   |-- ingress.yaml
|   |-- kustomization.yaml
|   `-- service.yaml
`-- overlays
    |-- devlopment
    |   |-- cert
    |   |   |-- tls.crt
    |   |   `-- tls.key
    |   |-- config.properties
    |   |-- ingress-patch.yaml
    |   |-- kustomization.yaml
    |   `-- secret.properties
    `-- production
        |-- cert
        |   |-- tls.crt
        |   `-- tls.key
        |-- config.properties
        |-- ingress-patch.yaml
        |-- kustomization.yaml
        `-- secret.properties

6 directories, 16 files

However, only a few other files have been introduced into the base/kustomization.yaml file. The contents of its yaml file are as follows

- deployment.yaml
- ingress.yaml
- service.yaml

For example, the file ingress.yaml or service.yaml in the base only defines the deployment object and service object. For some parameters that need to be set according to different environments, such as namespace and replicas, you can set a default value first, and then modify them in overlays.

kustomize create can generate kustomization.yaml file

In overlays, we can see that we have placed the configuration of two environments under the overlays folder, respectively storing the unique configuration (config.properties,secret.properteis) in these two environments, and in the kustomization.yaml file, this is our modification to the content of the template file (base). Let's look at the configuration in the development environment

- ../../base

# Set namespace
namespace: smcp-example-dev

- name: smcp-service
  count: 2

# Set configMap
- name: smcp-config
  - config.properties

# Set secret
- name: smcp-service-secret
  - secret.properties
- name: smcp-service-cert
  - cert/tls.crt
  - cert/tls.key
  type: kubernetes.io/tls

# The value of group/version here is equal to the value of apiVersion in the file ingress.yaml
- target:
    group: extensions
    version: v1beta1
    kind: Ingress
    name: smcp-service-ingress
  path: ingress-patch.yaml

# Set image version
- name: harbor.xxx.com/example/smcp-web
  newTag: 0.10.0-test

The content of the file is as follows. In fact, it is to modify the configuration of the domain name in the file and change the original domain name to be unique to the dev environment. ​

- op: replace
  path: /spec/tls/0/hosts/0
  value: test.example.com

- op: replace
  path: /spec/rules/0/host
  value: test.example.com

Kustmize's document address: https://github.com/kubernetes-sigs/kustmize/tree/master/docs

Finally, when we execute kustomize build overlays/devlopment, the newly generated api objects (deployment,ingress, etc.) will replace the values in the template as we set.

The newly generated Deployment object is as follows

apiVersion: apps/v1beta2
kind: Deployment
  name: smcp-service
  namespace: smcp-example-dev
  replicas: 2
      app: smcp-service
        app: smcp-service
      - envFrom:
        - configMapRef:
            name: smcp-config-f5thmfmkb6
        - secretRef:
            name: smcp-service-secret-66m2658btb
        image: harbor.xxx.com/example/smcp-web:0.10.0-test
        imagePullPolicy: Always
            path: /api/anon/health
            port: 9000
          initialDelaySeconds: 80
          periodSeconds: 20
          timeoutSeconds: 2
        name: smcp-service
        - containerPort: 9000
            path: /api/anon/health
            port: 9000
          initialDelaySeconds: 90
          timeoutSeconds: 2

You can see that compared with deployment.yaml in base,
replicas becomes 2,namespace becomes SMCP example dev, configmap and secret are generated according to ${name}-hash, and everything is modified according to the configuration of kustimization.yaml file.

And now as long as we update configMap and secret, we can trigger the rolling update (only the content in spec.spec in the deployment will trigger the rolling update).

You can use it with the kubectl command: kustomize build overlays/devlopment | kubectl apply -f-

At this point, we have completed the use of kustomization. With it, we can quickly deploy a set of systems to other environments, and modify the basic configuration only once, rather than in different environments.

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Keywords: Kubernetes github Windows Spring

Added by PakiGangsta on Tue, 03 Mar 2020 06:33:49 +0200