Window function structure:
Analytical function + window clause
Window clause
over(partition by ** order by ** rows between ** and **)
Among them, between ** and ** can be filled in
Start | End | explain |
unbounded preceding | current row | From the first line to the current line, this is the default |
3 preceding | current row | From the front three lines to the current line |
3 preceding | 3 following | Current row, three lines forward and three lines backward |
current row | unbounded following | From the current line to the back |
Analysis functions include
Analytical function | usage |
Sum (column name) | When there is order by, it calculates the superimposed values after the partition sorting, and the synthesis within the partition without order by |
Min (column name), Max (column name), avg (column name) | Related to order by |
count (column name) | Related to order by |
row_number() | Starting from 1, the sequence 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 of the records in the grouping is generated in sequence. |
rank() | Generate the ranking of data items in the group. Equal ranking will leave 1, 2, 3, 3, 5 vacancies in the ranking. |
dense_rank() | Generate the ranking of data items in a group. Equal ranking will not leave a vacancy of 1, 2, 3, 3, 4 in the ranking. First order by |
ntile(n) | Divide the grouped data into n slices in order and return the current slice values 1, 2,... If 7 rows are divided into 3 parts, the returned slices are 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3; rows between is not supported, order by |
cum_dist() | Returns the number of rows less than or equal to the current value/the total number of rows in the group, first order by |
percent_rank() | (rank value of the current row in the group - 1)/(total number of rows in the group - 1), order by |
Lag (column name, up n rows, default value) | Returns the value of line n upward, or the default value or null if not |
Lead (column name, down n rows, default value) | Return to the value in line n below, or to the default value or null if not |
First_value (column name) | After sorting within a group, the first value up to the current row is related to order by and rows between. |
Last_value (column name) | After sorting the groupings, the last value up to the current row is related to order by and rows between. |
Exercise 1
Create tables
-- CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS student_scores( -- id INT, -- studentId INT, -- language INT, -- math INT, -- english INT, -- classId STRING, -- departmentId STRING -- );
insert data
-- insert into table student_scores values -- (1,111,68,69,90,'class1','department1'), -- (2,112,73,80,96,'class1','department1'), -- (3,113,90,74,75,'class1','department1'), -- (4,114,89,94,93,'class1','department1'), -- (5,115,99,93,89,'class1','department1'), -- (6,121,96,74,79,'class2','department1'), -- (7,122,89,86,85,'class2','department1'), -- (8,123,70,78,61,'class2','department1'), -- (9,124,76,70,76,'class2','department1'), -- (10,211,89,93,60,'class1','department2'), -- (11,212,76,83,75,'class1','department2'), -- (12,213,71,94,90,'class1','department2'), -- (13,214,94,94,66,'class1','department2'), -- (14,215,84,82,73,'class1','department2'), -- (15,216,85,74,93,'class1','department2'), -- (16,221,77,99,61,'class2','department2'), -- (17,222,80,78,96,'class2','department2'), -- (18,223,79,74,96,'class2','department2'), -- (19,224,75,80,78,'class2','department2'), -- (20,225,82,85,63,'class2','department2');
SELECT studentid,math,departmentid,classid, count(math) over() as count1, count(math) over(PARTITION BY classid) as count2, count(math) OVER(PARTITION BY classid ORDER BY math ) as count3, count(math) over(PARTITION BY classid ORDER BY math ROWS BETWEEN 1 PRECEDING and 2 FOLLOWING) as count4 FROM student_scores WHERE departmentid='department1'
Interpretation: For a row, count1 counts all rows, count2 counts rows with different classids, count3 counts rows with current classid ranking less than or equal to the current value, count4 counts the total rows of the previous row, the last two rows and the current row (based on the actual number of rows).
SELECT studentid,math,departmentid,classid, sum(math) OVER() as sum1, sum(math) over(PARTITION BY classid) as sum2, sum(math) over(PARTITION BY classid order by math) as sum3, sum(math) over(PARTITION BY classid ORDER BY math ROWS BETWEEN 1 PRECEDING AND 2 FOLLOWING) as sum4 FROM student_scores WHERE departmentid='department1'
SELECT studentid,math,departmentid,classid, min(math) over() as min1, min(math) OVER(PARTITION BY classid) as min2, min(math) OVER(PARTITION BY classid order by classid) as min3, min(math) OVER(PARTITION BY classid order by classid ROWS BETWEEN 1 PRECEDING AND 2 FOLLOWING) as min4 FROM student_scores where departmentid='department1'
SELECT studentid,math,departmentid,classid, max(math) over() as max1, max(math) over(PARTITION BY classid) as max2, max(math) over(PARTITION BY classid order by math) as max3, max(math) over(PARTITION BY classid order by math ROWS BETWEEN 1 PRECEDING and 2 FOLLOWING) as max4 FROM student_scores where departmentid='department1'
SELECT studentid,math,departmentid,classid, round(avg(math) over(),2) as max1, round(avg(math) over(PARTITION BY classid) ,2) as max2, round(avg(math) over(PARTITION BY classid order by math) ,2) as max3, round(avg(math) over(PARTITION BY classid order by math ROWS BETWEEN 1 PRECEDING and 2 FOLLOWING) ,2) as max4 FROM student_scores where departmentid='department1'
SELECT studentid,math,departmentid,classid, first_value(math) over() as first_value1, first_value(math) OVER(PARTITION BY classid) as first_value2, first_value(math) OVER(PARTITION BY classid ORDER BY math) as first_value3, first_value(math) OVER(PARTITION BY classid ORDER BY math ROWS BETWEEN 1 PRECEDING and 2 FOLLOWING) as first_value4 FROM student_scores where departmentid='department1'
SELECT studentid,math,departmentid,classid, last_value(math) over() as last_value1, last_value(math) OVER(PARTITION BY classid) as last_value2, last_value(math) OVER(PARTITION BY classid ORDER BY math) as last_value3, last_value(math) OVER(PARTITION BY classid ORDER BY math ROWS BETWEEN 1 PRECEDING and 2 FOLLOWING) as last_value4 FROM student_scores where departmentid='department1'
SELECT studentid,math,departmentid,classid, lag(math,2,60) over(PARTITION BY classid order by math) as lag1, lag(math,2) over(PARTITION BY classid order by math) as lag2 FROM student_scores where departmentid='department1'
SELECT studentid,math,departmentid,classid, lead(math,2,60) over(PARTITION BY classid order by math) as lead1, lead(math,2) over(PARTITION BY classid order by math) as lead2 FROM student_scores where departmentid='department1'
SELECT studentid,math,departmentid,classid, round(cume_dist() over(order by math),2) as cum_dist1, round(cume_dist() OVER(order by math desc) ,2)as cum_dist2, round(cume_dist() OVER(PARTITION BY classid order by math desc),2) as cum_dist3 FROM student_scores where departmentid='department1'
SELECT studentid,math , rank() OVER(ORDER BY math) as rank1, rank() OVER(PARTITION BY departmentid ORDER BY math) as rank2, rank() over(PARTITION BY departmentid,classid ORDER BY math) as rank3 FROM student_scores
SELECT studentid,math , dense_rank() OVER(ORDER BY math) as dense_rank1, dense_rank() OVER(PARTITION BY departmentid ORDER BY math) as dense_rank2, dense_rank() over(PARTITION BY departmentid,classid ORDER BY math) as dense_rank3 FROM student_scores
SELECT studentid,departmentid,classid,math, row_number() over(PARTITION BY departmentid,classid ORDER BY math) as row_number FROM student_scores
SELECT studentid,departmentid,classid,math, row_number() over(PARTITION BY departmentid,classid ORDER BY math) as row_number1, percent_rank() OVER(PARTITION BY departmentid,classid ORDER BY math) as percent_rank1 FROM student_scores
SELECT studentid,math, ntile(2) over(PARTITION BY departmentid order by math) as ntile1, ntile(3) over(PARTITION BY departmentid order by math) as ntile2 FROM student_scores
Exercise 2
Exercise 2
Create and insert data
-- INSERT INTO hivewindowtest1 VALUES -- ('tony','2017-01-02',15), -- ('jack','2017-02-03',23), -- ('tony','2017-01-04',29), -- ('jack','2017-01-05',46), -- ('jack','2017-04-06',42), -- ('tony','2017-01-07',50), -- ('jack','2017-01-08',55), -- ('mart','2017-04-08',62), -- ('mart','2017-04-09',68), -- ('neil','2017-05-10',12), -- ('mart','2017-04-11',75), -- ('neil','2017-06-12',80), -- ('mart','2017-04-13',94);
(1) Query the total number of customers and customers purchased in April 2017
SELECT name,count(*) over() FROM hivewindowtest1 where substring(orderdate,1,7)='2017-04' group by name
(2) Query the customer's purchase details and total monthly purchases
SELECT *, sum(cost) OVER(PARTITION BY name,month(orderdate)) FROM hivewindowtest1
(3) In the above scenario, the cost is accumulated by date.
SELECT *, sum(cost) OVER(PARTITION BY name ORDER BY orderdate) FROM hivewindowtest1
(4) Query the customer's last purchase time
SELECT *, lag(orderdate,1) OVER(PARTITION BY name ORDER BY orderdate) as lastbuytime FROM hivewindowtest1
(5) Query the order information for the first 20% of the time
SELECT name,orderdate,cost from (SELECT name,orderdate,cost, ntile(5) over(ORDER BY orderdate) as hh FROM hivewindowtest1) TT where TT.hh=1