In depth analysis of the source code design of CopyOnWriteArrayList

In depth analysis of the source code design of CopyOnWriteArrayList CopyOnWriteArrayList provides thread safety and scalability Scalability refers to the performance of an application's throughput as its workload and available processing resources increase. A scalable program can handle a larger workload by using more processors, memory, ...

Added by foxden on Fri, 04 Feb 2022 15:02:12 +0200

The difference between arraylist and linkedlist

First, ArrayList and linkedlist are implementation classes of the List interface, and both are thread unsafe ArrayList and linkedlist 1.ArrayList uses dynamic array to store data, and linkedlist uses bidirectional list to store data. 2.ArrayList can be accessed randomly through the address, and linkedlist can only be accessed by moving the p ...

Added by blt2589 on Fri, 04 Feb 2022 09:49:58 +0200

The difference between Set and List in Java

Main differences between Set and List Duplicate elements are allowed to be inserted in the List, while duplicate elements are not allowed in the Set.Related to the storage order of elements, List is an ordered Set, which will retain the order in which elements are inserted, and Set is an unordered Set.List can be accessed by subscript, but Set ...

Added by OMorchoe on Mon, 31 Jan 2022 14:21:17 +0200

Analysis of Java collection List and Map

Collection classes are stored in Java There are three main types of util package: set, list and map Collection: collection is the most basic interface of collection List, Set and QueueMap: is the basic interface of the mapping table 1, Collection List is an ordered Collection. List has three implementation classes: ArrayList, Vecto ...

Added by louisA2A on Sun, 30 Jan 2022 17:59:59 +0200

ArrayList source code analysis of Java Foundation

ArrayList 1 Introduction It inherits from AbstractList and implements the List interface. The bottom layer realizes the dynamic change of capacity based on array. null is not allowed. At the same time, RandomAccess, Cloneable and Serializable interfaces are also implemented, so ArrayList supports fast access, replication and serializ ...

Added by mrjiggyhill on Sat, 22 Jan 2022 01:34:08 +0200

Java foundation -- complete solution of ArrayList method (Dictionary version)

introduction When using the collection ArrayList, you often use add, remove, etc. there are many others you haven't used or even heard of Now in this tutorial, simply understand it. You don't need to write it all down It's equivalent to building an index in your head, that is, when some methods are used, don't build wheels repeatedly The Arr ...

Added by Sooz719 on Tue, 04 Jan 2022 10:18:04 +0200

Collection, generic, List, Collections, Set, Map

Collection, generic, List, Collections, Set, Map 1, Collection collection 1.1 collection overview Collection: a collection is a container provided in java that can be used to store multiple data. Differences between sets and arrays: The length of the array is fixed. The length of the collection is variable.The elements of the same type are ...

Added by sethcox on Mon, 03 Jan 2022 03:51:41 +0200

Handwritten ArrayList using Java

Handwritten ArrayList using Java Almost all languages have arrays, and Java is no exception. The characteristic of array is that the length must be determined during initialization. Even if the capacity reaches, it cannot be automatically expanded to meet the requirements, Therefore, we can use the dynamic array (ArrayList) to realize the arra ...

Added by John Rowe on Sat, 25 Dec 2021 02:18:04 +0200

Collection framework and the use of data structure, collection, Map and ArrayList behind it

1, Overview of classes and interfaces Advantages and functions of Java collection framework Using a mature collection framework helps us write efficient and stable code conveniently and quicklyLearning the data structure knowledge behind it will help us understand the advantages, disadvantages and usage scenarios of each collection ...

Added by DylanBlitz on Wed, 01 Dec 2021 12:14:45 +0200

ArrayList analysis of JDK collection source code (with an example of interview questions)

ArrayList analysis of JDK collection source code (with an example of interview questions) 1. ArrayList inheritance system ArrayList is also called dynamic array. The bottom layer is a List based on array. The difference between ArrayList and array is that it has the ability of dynamic expansion. As can be seen from the inheritance system diag ...

Added by andremta on Tue, 21 Sep 2021 09:08:08 +0300