Springboot thread pool ThreadPoolTaskExecutor and @ Async

Springboot integrates ThreadPoolTaskExecutor thread pool ThreadPoolExecutor: This is a thread pool execution class implemented by java. Basically, thread pools are created through this classThreadPoolTaskExecutor: This is a thread pool execution class implemented by springboot based on ThreadPoolExecutor In springboot, according to Official d ...

Added by kutte on Fri, 11 Feb 2022 11:34:58 +0200

27 interruption of background tasks

preface In daily development, we may have some time-consuming tasks that are processed asynchronously in the background. After completion, the front end polls or the back end actively pushes notifications to the front end Usually, in such tasks, sometimes we may need to interrupt some time-consuming tasks. For example, if we suddenly don't wa ...

Added by Okami on Sun, 02 Jan 2022 20:14:00 +0200